BH3120 / Hanmi 
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  • ||||||||||  BH3120 / Hanmi
    BH3120, PD-L1 X 4-1BB bispecific antibody, plus PD-1 antagonist results in synergistic anti-tumor efficacy with excellent safety profile (Section 3) -  Mar 5, 2024 - Abstract #AACR2024AACR_8274;    
    In the meantime, increased PD-1 induced by BH3120 can be blocked by PD-1 antagonist.This bi-directional mechanism results in rapid eradication of tumor tissues shortening the time to regression, indicating potentially fast control of tumor burden and associated symptoms. With the characteristics decoupling co-stimulatory activity in TME from that in normal tissues, BH3120 either as a monotherapy or in combination with PD-1 antagonist was not associated with liver toxicity and other concerns in relation to excessive modulation of immune cells systemically.Safety profile and clinical signs with BH3120 are being investigated in early-stage clinical trials as a monotherapy and in combination with a PD-1 antagonist.
  • ||||||||||  BH3120 / Hanmi
    BH3120, a bispecific antibody targeting 4-1BB and PD-L1 simultaneously, stimulates T cells in tumor tissue preferred manner (Section 23; Poster Board #3) -  Mar 14, 2023 - Abstract #AACR2023AACR_3948;    
    To verify this hypothesis, BH3120 was compared with reference bispecific antibodies. Combination of BH3120 with a PD-1 antogonist does not result in elevation of transaminase enzymes, while the reference bispecific antibodies, when combined with the same PD-1 antagonist, show significant increase of the enzymes and macrophage in liver.In the toxicology studies conducted so far with cynomolgus monkeys, NOAEL of BH3120 was determined to be 200 mg/kg (QW X 5).