- |||||||||| JYNNEOS (live modified vaccinia virus ankara) / Bavarian Nordic
New P3 trial, Head-to-Head: A Non-inferiority Trial to Compare MVA-BN (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jul 30, 2013 P3, N=0, Not yet recruiting,
- |||||||||| ACAM2000 (smallpox (vaccinia) live vaccine) / Emergent Biosolutions, CNJ-016 (vaccinia immune globulin intravenous (human)) / Emergent Biosolutions
Trial completion: VA-006 Vaccinia Vaccine (ACAM2000) for the Production of VIGIV (clinicaltrials.gov) - Feb 27, 2012 P4, N=25, Completed, N=100 --> 25 Active, not recruiting --> Completed