- |||||||||| Lu AG09222 / Lundbeck
Clinical, Journal: A Monoclonal Antibody to PACAP for Migraine Prevention. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 4, 2024 P2 In a phase 2 trial, a single intravenous infusion of 750 mg of Lu AG09222 showed superiority over placebo in reducing migraine frequency over the subsequent 4 weeks. (Funded by H. Lundbeck; HOPE ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT05133323.).
- |||||||||| zelminemab (AMG 301) / Amgen, Novartis, Lu AG09222 / Lundbeck
Review, Journal: From CGRP to PACAP, VIP, and Beyond: Unraveling the Next Chapters in Migraine Treatment. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 28, 2023 In light of recent advances in PACAP research, we emphasize the potential of PACAP as a promising target for migraine treatment, highlighting the significance of exploring PACAP as a member of the antimigraine armamentarium, especially for patients who do not respond to or contraindicated to anti-CGRP therapies. By updating our knowledge of PACAP and its unique contribution to migraine pathophysiology, we can pave the way for reinforcing PACAP and other secretin peptides, including VIP, as a novel treatment option for migraines.
- |||||||||| Lu AG09222 / Lundbeck
Trial completion: A Study Investigating the Movement of Lu AG09222 Into, Through, and Out of the Body of Healthy Caucasian, Chinese, and Japanese Participants (clinicaltrials.gov) - Nov 10, 2022 P1, N=52, Completed, Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting Active, not recruiting --> Completed
- |||||||||| Lu AG09222 / Lundbeck
Enrollment closed: A Study Investigating the Movement of Lu AG09222 Into, Through, and Out of the Body of Healthy Caucasian, Chinese, and Japanese Participants (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 10, 2022 P1, N=52, Active, not recruiting, Recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting