fletikumab (NNC109-0012) / Novo Nordisk 
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  • ||||||||||  fletikumab (NNC109-0012) / Novo Nordisk, fezakinumab (ILV-094) / Pfizer
    Review, Journal:  The IL-20 Cytokine Family in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 11, 2019   
    All IL-20 family members utilize the Janus kinase signaling pathway and are therefore potentially inhibited by drugs targeting these enzymes. Effects and adverse effects in ongoing clinical trials with inhibitors of IL-22 and the IL-22RA1 subunit and recombinant IL-22 fusion proteins will possibly provide important information about the IL-20 subfamily of cytokines in the future.