fluoxetine / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Clinical, Journal:  Fluoxetine does not enhance the effect of perceptual learning on visual function in adults with amblyopia. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 31, 2019   
    However, visual acuity had significantly improved from baseline to 10 weeks in both fluoxetine (-0.167 logMAR; 95% CI: -0.226 to -0.108; p < 0.001) and placebo (-0.194 logMAR; 95% CI: -0.254 to -0.133; p < 0.001) groups. While this study failed to provide evidence that fluoxetine enhances neuroplasticity, our data support other recent clinical studies suggesting that improvement of vision can be accomplished in adults with amblyopia.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic Mfg.
    Journal:  Differential effects of psychotropic drugs on microbiome composition and gastrointestinal function. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 29, 2019   
    Interestingly, drugs that significantly altered gut microbial composition did not increase intestinal permeability, suggesting that the two factors are not causally linked. Overall, unravelling the impact of psychotropics on gastrointestinal and microbiota measures offers the potential to provide critical insight into the mechanism of action and side effects of these medications.
  • ||||||||||  citalopram / Generic Mfg.
    Journal:  Fluoxetine and its metabolite norfluoxetine induce microglial apoptosis. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 29, 2019   
    Cultures treated with citalopram, phenelzine, or imipramine showed no evidence of inducing microglial apoptosis. Our results demonstrate that fluoxetine and norfluoxetine induce the apoptotic death of microglia, which may serve as a mechanism to attenuate the release of glutamate and D-serine from activated microglia.
  • ||||||||||  sertraline / Generic Mfg.
    Journal:  Spatio-temporal bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of ionizable pharmaceuticals in a semi-arid urban river influenced by snowmelt. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 29, 2019   
    We further presents the first empirical investigation of normalizing pharmaceutical concentrations to lipid, phospholipid or protein fractions using pair matched fish samples. Empirical results identify that normalization of ionizable pharmaceutical residues in aquatic tissues to neutral lipids, polar lipids, or the total protein fraction is inappropriate, though bioaccumulation studies examining influences of internal partitioning (e.g., plasma proteins) are needed.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Clinical, Journal:  Fluoxetine and Repetitive Behaviors in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 28, 2019   
    Empirical results identify that normalization of ionizable pharmaceutical residues in aquatic tissues to neutral lipids, polar lipids, or the total protein fraction is inappropriate, though bioaccumulation studies examining influences of internal partitioning (e.g., plasma proteins) are needed. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Preclinical, Journal:  Therapeutic potential of silymarin in chronic unpredictable mild stress induced depressive-like behavior in mice. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 27, 2019   
    The mice were subjected to CUMS for 28 days (4 weeks) and administered with silymarin (100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg), or fluoxetine or vehicle from days 8 to 28 (3 weeks simultaneously)...Silymarin significantly reversed the CUMS-induced changes in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex in mice. Thus, the possible mechanism involved in the antidepressant-like activity of silymarin is correlated to the alleviation of monoaminergic, neurogenesis (enhancing 5-HT, NE, and BDNF levels), and attenuation of inflammatory cytokines system and oxidative stress by modulation of corticosterone response, restoration of antioxidant defense system in cerebral cortex and hippocampus.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Biomarker, Journal:  Female psychopharmacology matters! Towards a sex-specific psychopharmacology. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 27, 2019   
    Perceived barriers in research on women have hindered progress. The development of a sex-specific psychopharmacology as a basis for translating this type of research into clinical practice is vital to improve treatment outcomes for women.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  Sensitivities of seven algal species to triclosan, fluoxetine and their mixtures. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 27, 2019   
    The algal species might show some sign of phylogenetic response to triclosan, as evidenced by the wide range of differences in their sensitivity at the genus level. This study provides important data which could be beneficial for biomonitoring programs on the ecological risk (algal species diversity) of these two chemicals.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Biomarker, Journal:  Stress-induced changes in social dominance are scaled by AMPA-type glutamate receptor phosphorylation in the medial prefrontal cortex. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 25, 2019   
    Importantly, this submissive behavior was occluded by the antidepressant, fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor...Moreover, we found a strong correlation between social dominance and AMPA-R phosphorylation that regulates synaptic efficacy by modulating the synaptic targeting of AMPA-R. Our correlational analysis of the behavior and biochemistry of the CRS model suggests that AMPA-R phosphorylation in the mPFC may serve as a biomarker of social dominance related to stress.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  Experimental manipulation of monoamine levels alters personality in crickets. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 25, 2019   
    Our results indicate that the serotonergic system explains more variation in personality than manipulations of the dopaminergic system. Additionally, they suggest that monoamine systems differ across taxa, and confirm the importance of the mode of action of pharmaceuticals in determining their effects on behaviour.
  • ||||||||||  citalopram / Generic Mfg.
    Journal:  Benefit of small dose antidepressants for functional dyspepsia: Experience from a tertiary center in eastern China. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 25, 2019   
    Additionally, they suggest that monoamine systems differ across taxa, and confirm the importance of the mode of action of pharmaceuticals in determining their effects on behaviour. This retrospective cohort study indicated that small dose antidepressant therapy, especially citalopram and fluoxetine, is an effective and well tolerated treatment option for refractory FD.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  Serotonin uptake is required for Rac1 activation in Kras-induced acinar-to-ductal metaplasia in the pancreas. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 24, 2019   
    Consistent with the central role played by Rac1 in ADM formation, inhibition of the 5-HT transporter Sert (Slc6a4) with fluoxetine reduced ADM formation both in vitro and in vivo in a cell-autonomous manner...In addition, fluoxetine treatment profoundly compromised the stromal reaction and affected proliferation and lipid metabolism of malignant PDAC cells. We propose that Sert is a promising therapeutic target to counteract the early event of acinar-to-ductal metaplasia with the potential to stall initiation and progression of pancreatic carcinogenesis.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  Interneuron simplification and loss of structural plasticity as markers of aging-related functional decline. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 24, 2019   
    Chronic treatment with the antidepressant fluoxetine reversed deficits in interneuron structural dynamics and restored SRP in aged animals. Our results support a structural basis for age related impairments in sensory perception, and suggest that declines in inhibitory neuron structural plasticity during aging contribute to reduced functional plasticity.
  • ||||||||||  citalopram / Generic Mfg.
    Journal:  Pattern of Antidepressant Utilization and Cost in Iran from 2006 to 2013 in Comparison with Other Countries. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 24, 2019   
    The type of adverse reactions with new expensive antidepressants may seem convincing for the growing tendency toward using these medicines, but considering their high costs, health policymakers have to be aware of the risk of overprescription of newer antidepressant. Drivers of over-the-counter purchase of antidepressants need to be explored.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  History and progress of hypotheses and clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 23, 2019   
    The combination of hypometabolism and autophagy deficiency is likely to be a causative factor for AD. We further propose that fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, has the potential to treat AD.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  Differential Release of Exocytosis Marker Dyes Indicates Stimulation-Dependent Regulation of Synaptic Activity. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 22, 2019   
    Staurosporine, a drug known to induce "kiss-and-run" exocytosis, increased the proportion of delayed synapses as well as the delay duration, while fluoxetine acted contrarily...Our observations suggest that synapses operate via a sequential "kiss-and-run" and "full-collapse" exocytosis mechanism. The initially narrow vesicular pore allows the equilibration of intravesicular pH which then progresses toward full fusion, causing FM1-43 release.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  Detecting fluoxetine and norfluoxetine in wild bird tissues and feathers. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 18, 2019   
    Fluoxetine residues were detected in wild-grown feathers (grown before the birds were brought into captivity) at concentrations up to 27.0 ng g, providing some evidence of likely exposure in the wild. Our results show liver and kidney can be used for detecting fluoxetine in avian carcasses and provide a first indication that feathers may be useful for assessing exposure to fluoxetine, and possibly other pharmaceuticals.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Acute Flaccid Myelitis: A Clinical Overview for 2019. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 18, 2019   
    Adjunctive therapies such as intravenous immunoglobulin, corticosteroids, plasmapheresis, and fluoxetine have not been found to improve long-term outcomes. Further research is urgently needed to characterize and optimize management of this emerging, yet poorly understood, condition.
  • ||||||||||  sirolimus / generics, fluoxetine / generics
    Preclinical, Journal:  Acupuncture modulates stress response by the mTOR signaling pathway in a rat post-traumatic stress disorder model. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 18, 2019   
    The effects of acupuncture were equivalent to those exerted by fluoxetine...These results suggest that acupuncture exerts antidepressant and anxiolytic effects on PTSD-related symptoms by increasing protein synthesis required for synaptic plasticity via the mTOR pathway in the hippocampus. Acupuncture may be a promising treatment for patients with PTSD and play a role as an alternative PTSD treatment.
  • ||||||||||  mazindol (NLS-0) - NLS / 1 Pharma
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Fluoxetine for adults who are overweight or obese. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 17, 2019   
    Low-certainty evidence suggests that off-label fluoxetine may decrease weight compared with placebo. However, low-certainty evidence suggests an increase in the risk for dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, insomnia and nausea following fluoxetine treatment.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Journal:  CoreNEURON : An Optimized Compute Engine for the NEURON Simulator. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 17, 2019   
    We describe how CoreNEURON can be used as a library with NEURON and then compare performance of different network models on multiple architectures including IBM BlueGene/Q, Intel Skylake, Intel MIC and NVIDIA GPU. We show how CoreNEURON can simulate existing NEURON network models with 4-7x less memory usage and 2-7x less execution time while maintaining binary result compatibility with NEURON.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Neurotrophic and Neurogenic Effects of an Alpha5-GABAA Receptor-Preferring Positive Allosteric Modulator (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1062;    
    Current studies are expending these effects to chronic stress models in male and female mice. These results show that GL-II-73 has potential disease-modifying efficacies in addition to its previously-reported therapeutic efficacies (pro-cognitive efficacy, antidepressant and anxiolytic properties without sedation).
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Harnessing Psilocybin: Synaptic Mechanisms Underlying the Antidepressant Response (Grand Ballroom 2) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_954;    
    Because ketanserin blocks psilocybin-induced hallucinations in humans, our finding that ketanserin does not block SSRI actions, offers hope that psilocybin can be combined with ketanserin to produce a hallucination-free, rapid antidepressant treatment for depression. Unique Data Our preclinical data on psilocybin have and ketanserin not been published.
  • ||||||||||  citalopram / Generic Mfg., sertraline / Generic Mfg., paroxetine / Generic Mfg.
    Fetal Antidepressant Exposure: Estimated Transporter Occupancy Compared to Drug Concentrations (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_724;    
    Paired maternal blood and umbilical cord samples were collected at delivery from women on one of six antidepressants (sertraline, fluoxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, venlafaxine, and paroxetine). Estimates of monoamine transporter occupancy provide a method for grouping medications based on functional exposure and a novel avenue for refining treatment guidelines based on binding affinities across medications.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Increase in Adult Neurogenesis Maintains Dentate Gyrus Volume and Induces Stress Resilience (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_698;    
    Vortioxetine (VORT) treatment, a novel antidepressant which combines serotonin transporter inhibition with actions at serotonin receptors (5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT3, 5-HT7), was approved by the FDA in 2013 for the treatment of adults with MDD...Here, we tested whether chronic VORT could increase stress resilience and prevent depressive-like behavioral relapse when compared with chronic fluoxetine (FLX)... VORT is superior to FLX in prevention of depression relapse by increasing dentate gyrus volume and modulating adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Perinatal Interference With the Serotonergic System Affects VTA Function in the Adult (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_666;    
    Using a combination of optogenetics, behavioral testing and electrophysiology we tested the effects of perinatal exposure to fluoxetine (PN-FLX) on dopaminergic system’s function in the adult... Our data demonstrate that serotonin neurons modulate dopaminergic activity via glutamate cotransmission and that this pathway is developmentally malleable, with high serotonin levels during early life blunting this capacity, resulting in reduced novelty-induced exploration in adulthood.
  • ||||||||||  paroxetine / Generic Mfg.
    Improving Brain Bioenergetics may Improve Altitude-Related Depression: Animal Model Studies (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_316;    
    Our animal studies imply that chronic hypoxia exposure via living at altitude may alter brain physiology to worsen both depression and antidepressant-resistance rates, which could aggravate suicidal ideation and behavior. Mood and vulnerability to suicide may also be affected in people with chronic hypoxic disorders (cardiovascular diseases, COPD, asthma, smoking).
  • ||||||||||  fluoxetine / generics
    Behavioral Response to Fluoxetine is Mediated by Dentate Gyrus Inhibition (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_303;    
    Mood and vulnerability to suicide may also be affected in people with chronic hypoxic disorders (cardiovascular diseases, COPD, asthma, smoking). Taken together, these results illustrate that inhibition of DG GCs is a critical component of the response to antidepressants.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., paroxetine / Generic Mfg.
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Augmentation strategies for clozapine refractory schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 16, 2019   
    On the basis of the limited data available, the best evidence is for the use of aripiprazole, fluoxetine and sodium valproate as augmentation agents for total psychosis symptoms and memantine for negative symptoms. However, these conclusions are tempered by generally short follow-up periods and poor study quality.