escitalopram / Generic mfg. 
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 0 Diseases   144 Trials   144 Trials   2302 News 

  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Journal:  Utilizing Pharmacogenomics Results to Guide Antidepressant Selection: A Case Report. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 30, 2024   
    A 79-year-old female who had been experiencing a suboptimal response to escitalopram following dose escalation over a period of three years was referred for a PGx consultation. A clinical pharmacist assessed significant drug-gene, drug-drug, and drug-drug-gene interactions, and relevant clinical information to recommend alternative antidepressant therapy, which resulted in mood improvement.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Effect of lipid emulsion on neuropsychiatric drug-induced toxicity: A narrative review. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 19, 2024   
    The following keywords were used to retrieve relevant case reports from PubMed: "antidepressant or antipsychotic drug or amitriptyline or bupropion or citalopram or desipramine or dosulepin or dothiepin or doxepin or escitalopram or fluoxetine or haloperidol or olanzapine or phenothiazine or quetiapine or risperidone or trazodone" and "lipid emulsion or Intralipid." Lipid emulsion treatment reversed the corrected QT interval prolongation and decreases in Glasgow Coma Scale scores caused by toxic doses of neuropsychiatric drugs, especially lipid-soluble drugs such as amitriptyline, trazodone, quetiapine, lamotrigine, and citalopram...Adjuvant lipid emulsion treatment contributed to the recovery of 98.30% of patients with neuropsychiatric drug-induced toxicity. However, further analyses using many case reports are needed to clarify the effects of lipid emulsion resuscitation.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    PK/PD data, Journal, Adverse drug reaction:  Assessing Pharmacokinetic Correlates of Escitalopram-Related Adverse Drug Reactions. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 18, 2024   
    No distinct pharmacokinetic patterns underlying ESC-associated ADRs were observed. Further studies with more specific assessments of ADRs in larger cohorts are required to better identify potential underlying patterns.
  • ||||||||||  olanzapine / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Rapid and meticulous management was initiated, involving the cessation of the escitalopram and olanzapine, intravenous fluid replacement with isotonic saline, with a target correction of serum sodium no more than 10meq/day and frequent neurological monitoring. There was close monitoring of serum electrolytes, every 6 hours.
  • ||||||||||  A Novel Study Assessing Pharmacogenetic Testing in Pediatric Patients with Chronic Pain (Convention Center Exhibit Hall) -  Mar 16, 2024 - Abstract #PAS2024PAS_2584;    
    Of those, 12 (57%) were taking pain medications (e.g., ibuprofen, celecoxib) and 8 (38%) were taking medications used in treating commonly co-occurring psychiatric conditions in youth with chronic pain (e.g., sertraline, escitalopram). With respect to feasibility, 36 (84%) patients received testing results prior to their point of care visit for prescription of an analgesic.
  • ||||||||||  FROM MIND TO GUT: DECODING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PSYCHOTROPICS AND COLITIS (Hall A, Poster Hall - Walter E. Washington Convention Center) -  Mar 14, 2024 - Abstract #DDW2024DDW_1140;    
    Management included discontinuing the culprit drug and substituting it with mirtazapine or bupropion, treating colitis, and using nonpharmacologic modalities...By damaging nerves in the myenteric plexus, chlorpromazine caused necrotizing colitis requiring hemicolectomy...Stool impaction triggers cytokine, which activates CMV replication, inhibits cytochrome (CYT) 1A2, and causes clozapine toxicity...Olanzapine induces metabolic syndrome and thrombosis...Gastroenterology should be involved sooner, and the causative agent should be discontinued if all other causes have been ruled out. More research is needed to clarify the time of onset, severity of symptoms, predisposing factors, and medication rechallenge effects.
  • ||||||||||  pantoprazole / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    FDA event, Journal:  Repurposing of US-FDA-approved drugs as negative modulators of ubiquitin specific protease-7 (USP7). (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 12, 2024   
    Among the identified 11 hits, compound 6 (oxybutynin), 7 (ketotifen), 10 (pantoprazole sodium), and 11 (escitalopram) also showed anti-cancer activity with an effect on the expression of proto-oncogenes and tumor-suppressor gene at mRNA level in HCT116 cells. The compounds identified in this study can serve as potential leads for further studies.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    PK/PD data, Journal:  Assessment of Pharmacokinetic Effects of Herbal Medicines on Escitalopram. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 4, 2024   
    The co-administration of escitalopram with Gami-soyosan, Banhasasim-tang, Ojeok-san, or Bojungikgi-tang did not exert significant PK effects on escitalopram. These findings provide valuable insights into the safe use of herbal medicines along with escitalopram.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Drugs for menopausal symptoms. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 2, 2024   
    These findings provide valuable insights into the safe use of herbal medicines along with escitalopram. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Biomarker, Journal:  A New Intervention for Implementation of Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry: A Description of the PSY-PGx Clinical Study. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 24, 2024   
    The primary outcome is personal recovery using the Recovery Assessment Scale as assessed by the patient (RAS-DS), with secondary outcomes including clinical effects (response or symptomatic remission), side effects, general well-being, digital phenotyping, and psychosocial functioning. (3) Conclusions This is, to our knowledge, the first international, multi-center, non-industry-sponsored randomized controlled trial (RCT) that may provide insights into the effectiveness and utility of implementing pharmacogenetic-guided treatment of psychiatric disorders, and as such, results will be incorporated in already available dosing guidelines.
  • ||||||||||  Trintellix (vortioxetine) / Lundbeck, Takeda
    Review, Journal:  Post-Stroke Depression in Older Adults: An Overview. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 24, 2024   
    High-quality RCTs recruiting large samples of older adults are needed in order to better manage PSD in this population. In addition, adequate screening and diagnosis instruments, with reliable timing of evaluation, should be applied.
  • ||||||||||  imipramine / Generic mfg., venlafaxine extended release / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Evaluating the influence of nonproblematic alcohol intake on the outcome of major depression. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 21, 2024   
    Notably, no significant differences in efficacy or tolerability (including all subscores assessed) were found between the abstainer and nonproblematic drinker subgroups. Without ever forgetting the serious implicit risks associated with the inappropriate use of alcohol, in conclusion, our results suggest that nonproblematic alcohol consumption does not influence the outcome of patients diagnosed with an acute severe major depressive episode.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    From Painkiller to Brain Thriller: The Curious Case of Fentanyl-induced Serotonin Syndrome (San Diego Convention Center, Room 1A-B (Upper Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_7703;    
    This is an off-label use for dexmedetomidine, which works by stimulating the alpha-2 receptors and may also inhibit serotonin release (Rushton, 2014). In this case, the insidious onset of serotonin syndrome symptoms after the fentanyl patch dose increase underscores the need for heightened awareness of this uncommon yet plausible association.
  • ||||||||||  trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    A Rare Cause of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Young Patients (San Diego Convention Center, Room 5A-B (Upper Level)) -  Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_755;    
    Prior studies have shown the presence of HLA-B0702 and HLA-C0702 in 100% of subjects with respiratory failure due to TMP-SMX, suggesting that the presence of these genes are necessary to develop this condition. Future studies should explore this relationship and comment on whether clinicians should test for the presence of HLA genes prior to starting young patients on TMP-SMX to prevent this complication.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Trial termination, HEOR:  Longitudinal Comparative Effectiveness of Bipolar Disorder Therapies ( -  Feb 15, 2024   
    P=N/A,  N=1037352, Terminated, 
    Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (ChiCTR2300072576). Completed --> Terminated; Per PI, this study is not a clinical trial and was inadvertently entered in the system
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Pharmacological management of gambling disorder: an update of the literature. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 15, 2024   
    The review highlights current gaps/limitations, including small sample sizes, limited diversity in participant demographics, the need for exploring different gambling subtypes and treatment responses, high placebo response rates, lack of longer-term longitudinal information, limited investigation of neurobiological correlates and co-occurring disorders, and the importance of implementation research. Further research is needed to address these gaps and explore additional medications, as well as interventions like neuromodulation.
  • ||||||||||  vildagliptin / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment closed, Trial primary completion date:  The DPP-4 Inhibitor Vildagliptin as Adjunct in Major Depressive Disorder Patients ( -  Feb 1, 2024   
    P1/2,  N=100, Active, not recruiting, 
    With further validation, application of this model to predict side effects may enhance SSRI precision dosing strategies in youth. Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2024
  • ||||||||||  ibuprofen / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Interaction between escitalopram and ibuprofen or paracetamol: DFT and molecular docking on the drug-drug interactions. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 30, 2024   
    Moreover, in order to gain additional insights into the mentioned drugs' interactions, the drugs were docked separately and jointly against the potential targets for antidepressants and NSAIDs, namely 6HIS and 2PXX. The molecular docking results showed a potential improvement of the effectiveness of the drugs after combining by forming hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic contacts and ?
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Escitalopram-induced sinus bradycardia in coronary heart disease combined with depression: a case report and review of literature. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 26, 2024   
    She began to take escitalopram and lorazepam due to depression, but sinus bradycardia (93.7% heart rate was <60?beats/min) and sinus arrest were first detected after 3 months...After 2 months, escitalopram was prescribed again in combination with quetiapine; then, 17.1% heart rate was <60 beats/min...Empirically, escitalopram should be discontinued immediately if iatrogenic causes cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, ECG monitoring in escitalopram-related cardiovascular adverse events is highlighted, especially in patients receiving certain drug classes simultaneously (i.e., sinoatrial node inhibitors, antipsychotics).