Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma 
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 10 Diseases   0 Trials   0 Trials   39 News 
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    Review, Journal:  Current and emerging pharmacotherapy for the treatment of gastroparesis. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 17, 2024   
    The expansion of the research involving dopamine receptor antagonists and delving into alternative mechanisms of alleviating gastroparesis symptoms have been crucial in the landscape of gastroparesis. This is especially true as our knowledge of gastroparesis has proved that simply improving gastric emptying does not necessarily translate to clinical improvement.
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    TRANSFORMING DIABETIC GASTROPARESIS CARE IN WOMEN: INSIGHTS FROM NASAL METOCLOPRAMIDE USAGE (Hall A, Poster Hall - Walter E. Washington Convention Center) -  Mar 14, 2024 - Abstract #DDW2024DDW_5201;    
    The likelihood of a female DGP patient treated with NMCP being admitted to the hospital was less than a third of women treated with OMCP during the same period, and that of a visit to the ED or outpatient was less than half. The efficacy of NMCP in reducing hospital admissions and outpatient visits in women highlights its potential as a preferential treatment option in this demographic.
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    Real-world healthcare resource utilization of patients treated with metoclopramide nasalspray for diabetic gastroparesis () -  Mar 26, 2023 - Abstract #AMCP2023AMCP_51;    
    Patients using nasal mcp demonstrated a decline in all-cause and DGP HRU pre- versus post-treatment for office, ED, inpatient and outpatient visits across all settings for the 6-month intervals following initiation of treatment with significant reductions in DGP-related PO, and HO and a numerical improvement for ED. Similar results are observed in all-cause HRU.
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    Use of Real-World Data for Hard-to-Identify Patient Population: Methodology and a Case Study () -  Mar 9, 2023 - Abstract #ISPOR2023ISPOR_652;    
    Identif ication of patients outside the routine healthcare sources is important to understand patient journeys , HCRU and experiences with healthcare settings , and decisions concerning new treatment s; this particularly becomes more imperative for hard-to-find patients such as DGP treated with nasal MCP . The c omprehensive , population-level information on health, medical, and HCRU derived from RWD can help inform healthcare decision - making .
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    20236 - Emerging Strategies in Diabetic Gastroparesis Care: Rethinking the Status Quo (Harbor GH - Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel) -  May 16, 2022 - Abstract #DDW2022DDW_6942;    
    Explore the burden of DGP, unmet treatment need and the role of GIMOTI nasal spray in the treatment paradigm. Discuss potential benefits of the nasal route of administration and the challenge of treating DGP patients with oral meds. Supported by Evoke Pharma
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    Clinical, Journal:  Metoclopramide nasal spray for management of symptoms of acute and recurrent diabetic gastroparesis in adults. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 29, 2022   
    Now, more than 40 years later, a nasal preparation of metoclopramide (Gimoti) was approved in June 2020 for the same indication.Areas covered: PubMed search using the keywords 'nasal metoclopramide' and 'diabetic gastroparesis.' This article aims to provide a concise review of the pharmacology, clinical efficacy, and tolerability of nasal metoclopramide.Expert opinion: The nasal formulation can be systemically absorbed without relying on the passage through a poorly emptying stomach, thus assuring the delivery of a therapeutic dose of metoclopramide, even during episodes of vomiting. Hence, metoclopramide nasal spray has the potential to be used during an acute flare, potentially avoiding hospitalizations.
  • ||||||||||  Gimoti (metoclopramide intranasal) / Evoke Pharma
    Journal:  Metoclopramide Nasal Spray (Gimoti) for Diabetic Gastroparesis. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 21, 2021   
    Hence, metoclopramide nasal spray has the potential to be used during an acute flare, potentially avoiding hospitalizations. No abstract available