memantine / Generic mfg. 
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 111 Diseases   73 Trials   73 Trials   1509 News 

  • ||||||||||  galantamine hydrobromide / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg., rivastigmine / Generic mfg.
    FDA event, Review, Journal:  Drug Delivery Systems as a Strategy to Improve the Efficacy of FDA-Approved Alzheimer's Drugs. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 15, 2022   
    As a result, the pharmacological therapeutic effectiveness is raised, while the unwanted side effects induced by the unspecific distribution decrease. This article reviews the recently developed DDSs to increase the efficacy of Food and Drug Administration-approved AD drugs.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Does memantine show chemopreventive effect against mice 4T1 breast tumor model? (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 10, 2022   
    To the best of our knowledge, it is the first study that highlights a potential chemopreventive effect of memantine in vivo in the mouse 4T1 breast tumor model. But further investigations should be carried out to explore the chemopreventive mechanism of action for memantine in cancer.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Memantine in Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors ( -  Nov 9, 2022   
    P2,  N=100, Completed, 
    But further investigations should be carried out to explore the chemopreventive mechanism of action for memantine in cancer. Recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Jun 2023 --> Jul 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2023 --> Jul 2022
  • ||||||||||  amiloride hydrochloride / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Development of ASIC1a ligand-gated ion channel drug screening assays across multiple automated patch clamp platforms. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 8, 2022   
    By optimizing single and stacked pipette tip applications available on each APC platform, stable pH-evoked currents during multiple ligand applications enabled cumulative EC and IC determinations with minimized receptor desensitization. Finally, we successfully demonstrated for the first time on an APC platform the ability to use current clamp to implement the historical technique of input resistance tracking to measure ligand-gated changes in membrane conductance on the Patchliner platform.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    A Reliable Measure of Excitatory / Inhibitory (E/I) Balance in Alzheimer’s Disease (Grand Saguaro) -  Oct 31, 2022 - Abstract #ACNP2022ACNP_330;    
    In this modest sample, E/I balance is not associated with baseline neurocognitive deficits, is not sensitive to acute challenge with MEM (20 mg) and appears to index processes that are distinct from other evoked EEG measures (MMN, ASSR and P3a). Ongoing studies will address whether baseline E/I values, or their sensitivity to acute MEM challenge, predict therapeutic response to a 24-week trial of MEM.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Antagonists Prevent Meningitic Escherichia coli-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Disruptions by Targeting the CISH/JAK2/STAT5b Axis. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 29, 2022   
    In addition, we determined the protective effects of MLA (methyllycaconitine citrate) and MEM (memantine hydrochloride) (functioning as α7nAChR antagonists) on infected HBMECs and suggested that the α7nAChR-CISH axis could explain the protective effects of the two small-molecule compounds on E. coli-induced HBMECs injuries and BBB disruptions. In conclusion, we dissected the α7nAChR/CISH/JAK2/STAT5 axis as critical for the pathogenesis of E. coli-induced brain microvascular leakage and BBB disruptions and provided novel evidence for the development of α7nAChR antagonists in the prevention of pediatric E. coli BSM.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  APOE ε4 Carrier Status as Mediator of Effects of Psychotropic Drugs on Clinical Changes in Patients With Alzheimer's Disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 19, 2022   
    APOE ε4 carriers (N=103) did not experience any effects of isolated psychotropic drugs on clinical changes, including antidepressants. Results support the harmful prospective effects of second-generation antipsychotics and antiepileptic drugs on cognitive and functional changes in Alzheimer's disease, particularly for APOE ε4 noncarriers, whereas antidepressants may be safer options for behavioral enhancement.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Advances in Treatment of Frontotemporal Dementia. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 19, 2022   
    Most compounds that have been used to treat dementia of the Alzheimer's disease type are not effective in FTD, and cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine should be avoided. Although the data are scant, there is some evidence that antidepressants and second-generation antipsychotics may help individual patients.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial of memantine in children with epileptic encephalopathy. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 19, 2022   
    Statistical analysis of neuropsychological evaluation suggested improvements in symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism. Memantine is a safe and effective treatment for children with developmental and epileptic encephalopathy, having the potential to improve both seizure control and cognitive function.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Retrospective data, Journal:  ¿Tratamos la demencia tipo Alzheimer o la enfermedad de Alzheimer?Fármacos antidemenciales en la era de los biomarcadores. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 18, 2022   
    Sería útil implementar ensayos clínicos que evalúen la eficacia de los fármacos aprobados para la enfermedad de Alzheimer, en su momento con criterios de  demencia tipo Alzheimer en función de los criterios diagnósticos actuales (perfil clínico y biomarcadores). Además, la actualización de la indicación de prescripción de IACE y memantina por parte de las autoridades regulatorias especificando con más detalle la población objetivo ayudaría a prescribir el mejor tratamiento posible a los pacientes sin aumentar los riesgos.
  • ||||||||||  Journal, Adverse events:  Association between NMDAR antagonists, drug abuse and dependence: a disproportionality analysis from the WHO pharmacovigilance database. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 14, 2022   
    This disproportionality analysis identified a significant association for all investigated drugs: dextromethorphan (IC = 3.03 [2.97-3.09]), ketamine (IC = 1.70 [1.57-1.83]), amantadine (IC = 0.21 [0.06-0.35]) and memantine (IC = 0.27 [0.13-0.40]), suggesting a class-effect for drug abuse and dependence. This first signal requires further investigations, but health professionals need to be alert to the potential of abuse of NMDAR antagonists, especially in the current "opioid epidemic" context, due to their growing interest as non-opioid antinociceptive drugs.
  • ||||||||||  Systematic review treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder. (Poster area [ONLINE]) -  Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_1357;    
    There is evidence that demonstrates the effects of Memantine on behavioral symptoms and attention problems in children with ASD (Aguirre, C.G.; Ruelas, J.M. and Samuano, M., 2016).In addition to pharmacological treatment, there are support resources in educational planning, based on the dimensions of the I.D.E.A. and elaborated based on the dimensions established in the Autistic Spectrum Inventory (Rivière, 1997, 2002), defining the following elements for each of the dimensions and levels:· Priority intervention objectives.· Basic Methodological strategies, with their bibliographic reference.· Resources for the intervention: Downloadables of own elaboration, commercial materials that contribute to the development of capacities, related bibliographic resources.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    The possible course alteration of Alzheimer's dementia by early use of memantine decades earlier : a proposal for a trail (Poster area [ONLINE]) -  Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_1251;    
    For faster and still accurate Result s, the above could be done in cases with Mild Cognitive Impairment MCI as the annual conversion rate to Alzheimer's dementia is 15% or more and any delay in the conversion rate or reduction in the percentage of conversion to Alzheimer's dementia will appear much quicker in MCI group compared to the trial in the non symptomatic relatives who will start the trail a decade or two earlier. By calculating the trajectory based on time lapse information about progression of the degenerative process of Alzheimer's dementia we can calculate what would the outcome be if we start the memantine a decade or more earlier in the genetically loaded high risk individuals.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic mfg., memantine / Generic mfg., fluoxetine / Generic mfg.
    Treating obsessive-compulsive symptoms in autism spectrum disorder: new perspectives (Poster area [IN-PERSON]) -  Oct 13, 2022 - Abstract #ECNP2022ECNP_1207;    
    Adapted-CBT and function-based CBT show promising Result s, with the use of medication functioning as a potential mediator. Novel therapeutic strategies, namely the potential role of glutamatergic medication, need further studies.
  • ||||||||||  Journal, Adverse events:  Reconsideration of the Benefits of Pharmacological Interventions for the Attenuation of the Cognitive Adverse Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 12, 2022   
    Important findings were that acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, ketamine, memantine, and liothyronine were associated with improved global cognitive functioning at 1-14 days post-ECT...Meta-analysis was not possible for the remaining interventions, including piracetam, melatonin, pemoline, nortriptyline, herbal agents, drugs acting on the cortisol pathway, opioid receptor antagonists, l-tryptophan, vasopressin analogs, calcium channel blockers, and others; in individual RCTs, some of these interventions attenuated some cognitive measures as some time points after ECT...Future research should study such clinically meaningful outcomes (rather than laboratory tests), using pharmacologic interventions, perhaps in combination, for ECT procedures that are associated with higher cognitive AE burden. A risk is that whatever attenuates ECT-induced cognitive AEs may also attenuate ECT-related therapeutic benefits.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    A D-Amino Acid Oxidase Inhibitor Reverses Age-Associated Memory Loss (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_12370;    
    At present, NAMENDA, an NMDAR channel blocker is prescribed for the treatment of moderate AD symptoms, where it is thought that extra-synaptic NMDAR activity contributes to excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration...Forthcoming studies will use brain tissue from drug-treated rats to determine how memory-enhancing doses interact with hippocampal NMDAR signaling and normalize neuronal activity that are dysregulated in aging. These findings will lead to new, more targeted NMDAR therapeutics to prevent age-related memory loss and AD.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Di- and Tri-Heteromeric NMDA Receptors in Age-Related Memory Loss (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_12369;    
    NAMENDA, a non-selective NMDAR channel blocker, has FDA approval to treat symptoms of moderate-to-severe AD...Ongoing work will repeat these analytical and quantitative biochemical procedures in a larger cohort of behaviorally characterized aging rats with a wider range of memory performance. These forthcoming data will provide a clear picture for the naturally occurring configurations of NMDARs in the aging hippocampus that predict cognitive status and will be useful to tailor the design of new, more targeted approaches to rescue memory and prevent AD.
  • ||||||||||  dizocilpine (MK801) / Merck (MSD)
    Characterization of NMDAR membrane to channel inhibition by (+)-MK-801 (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_9341;    
    Thus, MK-801 entry into the membrane is not voltage dependent. We expect that continued characterization of MK-801 MCI will help deepen understanding of NMDAR channel block.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Suppressed prefrontal neuronal firing variability and impaired social representation in IRSp53-mutant mice (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_9118;    
    Memantine treatment, which rescues the social deficits in IRSp53-mutant mice, ameliorated the decreased burst firing of mPFC excitatory neurons in vitro, suggesting an association between reduced burst and social deficit. Overall, these results suggest that insufficient neuronal activity dynamics and burst may underlie impaired cortical encoding of social information and social behaviors in IRSp53-mutant mice.
  • ||||||||||  methamphetamine / Generic mfg.
    Involvement of GluN2B signaling in methamphetamine potentiation of HIV-1 gp120-associated neurotoxicity (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_8936;    
    The synergic effects of Meth and gp120 were blocked or attenuated by ifenprodil (3μM) or memantine (5μM), indicating an involvement of the glutamate receptor subtype GluN2B in Meth- and gp120-associated neurotoxicity. These results demonstrated that Meth potentiation of gp120-mediated neurotoxicity via GluN2B signaling.
  • ||||||||||  dizocilpine (MK801) / Merck (MSD)
    Opposing effects of NMDA receptor antagonists on early life stress-induced aggression in mice (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_5976;    
    We hypothesize this is due to opposite effects on synaptic plasticity, consistent with our previous studies. This study highlights memantine as a promising treatment for aggression brought on by early life stress, while demonstrating the need for greater care when using NMDARs to treat aggression.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Preventive memantine treatment for the comorbidity of ischemic stroke and Alzheimer’s disease (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_3706;    
    This investigation demonstrates the dual benefits of the clinical drug MEM in AD mouse models before and after ischemic stroke. Further studies will provide more inside information on the mechanism of MEM induced preconditioning effects and justify a clinical trial of the early MEM preventive therapy for people susceptible to AD/related dementia and stroke.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg.
    Proactive interference between non-overlapping content memories (SDCC Halls B-H) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #Neuroscience2022NEUROSCIENCE_3673;    
    As an attempt to increase adult neurogenesis, animals received memantine (25 mg/kg i.p.) (MEM) 7 days prior the behavioral tasks or were housed in enriched environment (EE) during the week before the tasks...Our findings show that subsequent learning of different hippocampus-dependent memories caused proactive interference, suggesting an interaction between both memory traces. However, adult neurogenesis seems not to be a mechanism mediating such interaction.
  • ||||||||||  atorvastatin / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Atorvastatin's Reduction of Alzheimer's Disease and Possible Alteration of Cognitive Function in Midlife as well as its Treatment. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 7, 2022   
    In the present review, we elaborated upon the modification of risk factors and amyloid metabolism in the development and progression of AD and their modulation through atorvastatin. Future directions in the research and treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients include the use of antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) to change target expression, and researchers discovered decreased markers of oxidative stress in tissues affected by tau pathology in response to RNA interference treatment.