GCC-4401C / GC Biopharma 
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  • ||||||||||  GCC-4401C / Green Cross
    Journal:  Oxidative stress and impaired insulin secretion in cystic fibrosis pig pancreas. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 30, 2022   
    CF pig pancreas demonstrated increased DHE oxidation (as a surrogate marker of superoxide) in situ compared to non-CF and this was inhibited by a SOD-mimetic (GC4401)...These results are consistent with the hypothesis that CF pig pancreas is under significant oxidative stress as a result of increased O and peroxides combined with reduced antioxidant defenses against reactive oxygen species (ROS). We speculate that insulin secretory defects in CF may be due to oxidative stress.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Current and Emerging Direct Oral Anticoagulants: State-of-the-Art. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 20, 2019   
    This narrative article provides a state-of-the-art for these and for several other DOACs at different stages of clinical evaluation (betrixaban, darexaban, eribaxaban, letaxaban, nokxaban), and certain others whose development has been discontinued (AZD-0837, fidexaban, LY517717, odiparcil, otamixaban, TTP889, and ximelagatran)...These factors contribute to challenging the minds of physicians, who may find difficulty navigating their way through multiple indications, different pharmacological profiles, various side effects, and specific drug-to-drug interactions. Such considerations also burden laboratory professionals, who may face organizational and economic challenges in developing and/or implementing multiple assays to assess the pharmacodynamics (effect on coagulation) or pharmacokinetics (drug levels) of DOACs.