- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Gaussian process regression coupled with mRMR to predict adulterant concentration in cocaine. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 18, 2024 The proposed framework was validated using a dataset consisting of 345 samples of cocaine with different amounts of levamisole, caffeine, phenacetin, and lidocaine. Averaged over the four adulterants, the GP regression coupled with the mRMR retained 1.07?% of the 662 original wavelengths, outperforming PLS and SVR regarding prediction performance.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Potent Anthelmintic Activity of Chalcones Synthesized by an Effective Green Approach. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 2, 2024 The chalcone scaffold, along with two derivatives incorporating a methoxy substituent in either ring, caused a concentration-dependent decrease of worm motility, revealing potent anthelmintic activity and spastic paralysis not mediated by the nematode levamisole-sensitive nicotinic receptor. The chalcone scaffold, along with two derivatives incorporating a methoxy substituent in either ring, caused a concentration-dependent decrease of worm motility, revealing potent anthelmintic activity and spastic paralysis not mediated by the nematode levamisole-sensitive nicotinic receptor.
- |||||||||| ivermectin oral / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
Preclinical, Journal: Genome-wide RNA interference of the nhr gene family in barber's pole worm identified members crucial for larval viability in vitro. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 16, 2024 Using an in vitro biosystem, we demonstrated that 40 nhr genes in a blood-feeding nematode Haemonchus contortus (clade V; barber's pole worm) were responsive to host serum and one nhr gene (i.e., nhr-64) was consistently stimulated by anthelmintics (i.e., ivermectin, thiabendazole and levamisole); Using a high-throughput RNA interference platform, we knocked down 43 nhr genes of H. contortus and identified at least two genes that are required for the viability (i.e., nhr-105) and development (i.e., nhr-17) of the infective larvae of this parasitic nematode in vitro. Harnessing this preliminary functional atlas of nhr genes for H. contortus will prime the biological studies of this gene family in nematode genetics, infection, and anthelmintic metabolism within host animals, as well as the promising discovery of novel intervention targets.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Levamisole based Co(II) Single-Ion Magnet. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 13, 2024 Prominent field-induced single-ion magnet (SIM) behavior was observed for 1 from dynamic magnetization measurements. Slow magnetic relaxation follows an Orbach mechanism with the effective energy barrier Ueff = 29.6 (7) K and relaxation time to = 1.4 (4)
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: The nematode (Ascaris suum) intestine is a location of synergistic anthelmintic effects of Cry5B and levamisole. (Pubmed Central) - May 30, 2024 It is proposed that the synergism is due to the cytoplasmic Ca2+ overload that is induced by the combination of levamisole opening Ca2+ permeable L-subtype nAChRs and the Ca2+ permeable Cry5B toxin pores produced in the enterocyte plasma membranes. The effect of levamisole potentiates and speeds the actions of Cry5B that gives rise to bigger Ca2+ overloads that accelerates cell-death of the enterocytes.
- |||||||||| trimebutine maleate / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
FDA event, Preclinical, Journal: In vitro and in silico investigation of FDA-approved drugs to be repurposed against Alzheimer's disease. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 22, 2024 The study of synthetic dataset allows evaluating the quality of the article studied, amplifying or reducing the sample, mapping interrelationships between explicative and dependent variables, and analyzing the synthetic dataset according to artificial intelligence, demonstrating that artificial intelligence laboratories are essential for analyzing the health data. The results showed that trimebutine, theophylline, and levamisole had the highest acetylcholinesterase inhibitory actions among the tested drugs, and these drugs inhibited by 68.70?
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis or its mimic? A case report. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 16, 2024 Urine toxicology for cocaine and HNE ELISA are indicated in young patients with GPA who develop limited airway disease to check for the presence of CIMDL and cocaine-/levamisole-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis. Continued abstinence from cocaine is the first-choice therapy for both CIMDL and cocaine-induced GPA mimic.
- |||||||||| monepantel (PAA1) / Pharmaust
Journal: Revisiting anthelmintic resistance in sheep flocks from S (Pubmed Central) - Apr 8, 2024 In addition, the matrix brought stability to the product, encouraging its improvement to obtain higher efficacy. In each one of the 15 flocks evaluated, animals (n
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Functional validation of novel levamisole resistance marker S168T in Haemonchus contortus. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 8, 2024 Expression of the ACR-8 S168T variant significantly reduced the current amplitude elicited by levamisole compared to acetylcholine, with levamisole changing from a full to partial agonist on the recombinant L-AChR. Functional validation of the S168T mutation on modulating levamisole activity at the receptor level highlights its critical importance as both a mechanism and a marker of levamisole resistance.
- |||||||||| Rituxan (rituximab) / Roche
USE OF RITUXIMAB IN STEROID SENSITIVE NEPHROTIC SYNDROME PATIENTS (SAT-261; Exhibition Hall and Main Foyer) - Mar 8, 2024 - Abstract #ISNWCN2024ISN_WCN_1650; Patients with primary SDNS or FRNS in relapse after 12 months of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) or 3 months of Cyclophosphamide (CFM) or 12 months of Levamisole. In patients with SDNS and FRNS, Rituximab showed effectiveness in reducing the number of relapses and the total cumulative dose of steroids.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Delayed Progressive Leukoencephalopathy and Rash in a Patient with Cocaine Use (Colorado Convention Center | Exhibit Hall B-E) - Mar 8, 2024 - Abstract #AAN2024AAN_3472; This case not only elucidates the diagnostic difficulty, but also the devastating course of this entity. Despite limited data, timely initiation of aggressive immunomodulatory therapy is reasonable as full recovery has previously been reported in few cases.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Crimson Clouds of Cocaine: Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage Related to Cocaine Intoxication (San Diego Convention Center, Area A (Hall A-B2, Ground Level)) - Feb 20, 2024 - Abstract #ATS2024ATS_1569; Corticosteroids are beneficial in levamisole-induced DAH but not cocaine-induced vasoconstriction. Our case shows that supportive care alone can lead to rapid improvement without corticosteroids in non-vasculitis cases, emphasizing tailored treatments in mitigating this life-threatening condition.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Review, Journal, Immunomodulating: The potential immunomodulatory effect of levamisole in humans and farm animals. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 19, 2024 The current review enlightens the extensive potential of levamisole as an adjuvant immunotherapeutic agent and explains its divergent applications beyond its antiparasitic use as an adjuvant, dietary supplement, immunostimulant, antiviral, and anti-cancer drug in humans and farm animals. In the articles examined, various mechanisms have been proposed for levamisole immunoprotective effects, but hormonal alteration and stress hormone reduction are indicated as the main mechanisms in various animal species.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Impairment of adenosine signaling disrupts early embryo development: unveiling the underlying mechanisms. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 5, 2024 Tracing ESC proliferation by BrdU labeling revealed that the inhibition of ALPL by levamisole resulted in a decrease in proliferation due to less eADO accumulation...In line with the in vitro data, mouse embryos at the morula stage were sensitive to treatments with A1 and A3 receptor antagonists, leading to the conclusion that A1 receptor and A3 receptor inhibition impairs proliferation and self-renewal and triggers inappropriate differentiation, respectively. The findings herein define the functions of eADO signaling in early development with implications for developmental disorders, in which adenosine receptors or ectonucleotidase dysfunctions are involved, and which could lead to malformations and miscarriages, due to exposure to caffeine.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Effect of a Dietary Essential Oil Blend in Dairy Cows during the Dry and Transition Period on Blood and Metabolic Parameters of Dams and Their Calves. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 11, 2024 The control group was without any supplementation; the positive control group was only injected with 0.2 mg/kg levamisole (intramuscular) at 2 months before parturition and 1 month before parturition; and the treatment group was supplemented with 3 g/day for each cow essential oil blend mixed in total mixed ration (TMR)...In calves, no difference was found between the groups in any of the parameters examined (p > 0.05). It is concluded that the dietary addition of an essential oil blend during the transition period enhanced the immune status and energy metabolism of cows without any effect on the health status of newborn calves.
- |||||||||| Preclinical, Journal: Ascaridia galli, a common nematode in semiscavenging indigenous chickens in Bangladesh: epidemiology, genetic diversity, pathobiology, ex vivo culture, and anthelmintic efficacy. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 7, 2024
However, albendazole (ABZ), mebendazole (MBZ), and piperazine (PPZ) did not kill the worms even at 120 ?g/mL and 1mg/mL concentrations, respectively...Ascaridia galli can be easily maintained ex vivo in egg white supplemented M199 medium. LEV and IVM, but not ABZ, MBZ and PPZ, can be used for treating and controlling A. galli infections in chickens.
- |||||||||| albendazole / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Multidrug resistance in Haemonchus contortus in sheep - can it be overcome? (Pubmed Central) - Dec 22, 2023 Group 1 received the recommended dose of albendazole (ALB), group 2 received the same after fasting for 24 h, group 3 received the dose divided into two halves at 6 h intervals, group 4 received a double dose of ALB, and group 5 received the recommended dose of ivermectin (IVM)...The second phase of the experiment had two groups: one treated with levamisole (LEV) and a control group...Resistance to ALB and IVM in Haemonchus contortus was confirmed. Alternative approaches to improve the efficacies of benzimidazole did not sufficiently increase the efficacy, but LEV was an efficient anthelmintic treatment.
- |||||||||| moxidectin / Generic mfg., ivermectin oral / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Efficacy of levamisole, ivermectin and moxidectin against Capillaria spp. in European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus). (Pubmed Central) - Dec 18, 2023 striatum often appeared refractory to treatment, and managing these infections requires additional anthelmintic therapy. Based on the formulations and dosages trialled, moxidectin is not recommended for treating capillariosis in European hedgehogs, whereas levamisole given orally for two consecutive days at 25-35 mg/kg is suggested as the treatment of choice.
- |||||||||| ivermectin oral / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Comparative growth performance of backgrounded beef heifers treated with an injectable fixed-dose combination (0.2 (Pubmed Central) - Dec 17, 2023 Based on the formulations and dosages trialled, moxidectin is not recommended for treating capillariosis in European hedgehogs, whereas levamisole given orally for two consecutive days at 25-35 mg/kg is suggested as the treatment of choice. Compared to ivermectin-treated heifers, overall average daily gain from all evaluation periods (Day 0-14, Day 14-56, and Day 0-56) was greater (p
- |||||||||| ivermectin oral / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Efficacy of a fixed-dose combination injectable (0.2 (Pubmed Central) - Dec 17, 2023 In the egg residue study, dose-dependent area under concentration and maximum concentration were observed after single oral administration of 30 and 60 mg/kg egg residue, and the calculated withdrawal period for both 30 and 60 mg/kg groups based on the positive list system standard (0.01 mg/kg) was 7 d after the treatment. The post-treatment FEC and genus-specific efficacy estimations indicate the doramectin +
- |||||||||| ivermectin oral / Generic mfg., levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Efficacy of a new fixed-dose combination injectable (0.2 (Pubmed Central) - Dec 17, 2023 The post-treatment FEC and genus-specific efficacy estimations indicate the doramectin + In contrast, the novel FDCI was 100% effective in treating adult and immature life stages of all cattle GINs included in the artificial infections, with no worms recovered at necropsy from doramectin +
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Effectiveness of a fixed-dose combination injectable (0.2 (Pubmed Central) - Dec 17, 2023 No treatment-related adverse events were reported for cattle in either study. Using R. microplus and sucking lice as representative ectoparasites, these studies demonstrate the ectoparasite activity of doramectin is retained in the new FDCI.
- |||||||||| levamisole / Generic mfg.
Journal: Levamisole Modulation of Podocytes' Actin Cytoskeleton in Nephrotic Syndrome. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 25, 2023 Mechanistic studies revealed that levamisole exerts its beneficial effects on podocytes by signaling through the glucocorticoid receptor and by regulating the activity of Rho GTPases. In summary, our data show that levamisole exerts beneficial effects on podocytes by stabilizing the actin cytoskeleton in a glucocorticoid receptor-dependent manner.