sembragiline (RO4602522) / Roche, Evotec 
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  • ||||||||||  sembragiline (RO4602522) / Roche, Evotec
    Review, Journal:  Development and Clinical Application of Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Agents for Monoamine Oxidase B. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 15, 2022   
    Important applications of [C]L-deprenyl-D2 PET are detecting a 40% loss in radiotracer accumulation in cigarette smokers, and substantial occupancy of novel therapeutics like EVT301 and sembragiline. Given the number of diseases with elevations of MAO-B density and astrogliosis, and the advance of [C]SL25.1188, clinical applications of MAO-B imaging are still at an early stage.