- |||||||||| Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Journal: Implementation Of New Mexico's 'No Behavioral Health Cost Sharing' Law: A Qualitative Study. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 7, 2024 Engagement strategies were needed to inform eligible members and facilitate enrollment in eligible plans. The law provides a potential model for states to improve access to behavioral health care, but impacts may be limited by factors such as workforce, awareness, and federal ERISA constraints.
- |||||||||| Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Journal: N tracing reveals preference for different nitrogen forms of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4. (Pubmed Central) - Feb 23, 2023 These results indicate that the higher C:N ratio reduced mycelium growth by reducing its biomass and diameter and showed that Foc TR4 preferred to use ammonium nitrogen to promote the growth. These findings suggest that treating banana crops with a combination of organic and inorganic (i.e., nitrate) nitrogen could be a better way to defend against Fusarium wilt of banana.
- |||||||||| Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Journal: Synthesis and Processing of Dynamic Covalently Crosslinked Polydextran/Carbon Dot Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Tailorable Microstructures and Properties. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 12, 2022 The role of PDA with different oxidation degrees (i.e., PDA10, PDA30, and PDA50) in affecting the microstructures and properties of PDA@CD hydrogels was systematically investigated, showing that the PDA50@CD hydrogel presented the densest structure and the highest mechanical strength among the three PDA@CD hydrogels. The pH-responsiveness, 3D printing, electrospinning, and biocompatibility of PDA@CD hydrogels were also demonstrated, showing the great promise of using PDA@CD hydrogels for applications in biomedicine and biofabrication.
- |||||||||| Eprex (epoetin alfa) / J&J, Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Clinical, Journal: A multicentre, multi-national, double-blind, randomised, active-controlled, parallel-group clinical study to assess the safety and efficacy of PDA10 (Epoetin-alpha) vs. Eprex® in patients with anaemia of chronic renal failure. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 11, 2022 The Hybrid FAHP-FTOPSIS technique was significant in ranking analysis of different dental restorative composite materials under conflicting PDAs. This study has confirmed the therapeutic equivalence between PDA10 and Eprex® in terms of efficacy, dosage requirement and safety profile in haemodialysis patients with renal anaemia.
- |||||||||| Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Journal: Quality gaps in public pancreas imaging datasets: Implications & challenges for AI applications. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 6, 2022 We complement these PPIDs through post-hoc labels and segmentations for public release on the TCIA portal. Collaborative efforts leading to large, well-curated PPIDs supported by adequate documentation are critically needed to translate the promise of AI to clinical practice.
- |||||||||| Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Clinical, Journal: ERISA Reform as Health Reform: The Case for an ERISA Preemption Waiver. (Pubmed Central) - May 12, 2021 This article recommends a statutory waiver for ERISA preemption as a feasible way to adapt to these circumstances. It offers proposed statutory text for reformers inclined to pursue ERISA reform as health reform.
- |||||||||| Erysaa (epoetin alfa biosimilar) / PanGen Biotech, CCM Pharma
Journal: Unclaimed Defined Benefit Pensions Can Help COVID-19 Economic Recovery. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 11, 2020 Broader use of electronic disclosures for pensions also threatens to make the situation worse. In the wake of COVID-19, policy makers should take steps to ensure that pension benefits are part of the economic recovery.