risperidone / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Clinical, Journal:  Patients with tic disorders: widely known, yet underserved (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 26, 2019   
    Haloperidol remains the only approved medication for the pharmacotherapy of tics in Germany, but is rarely used due to its side effects. Cannabinoids gain interest as a new pharmacological option, but are mainly offered within the frame of studies.
  • ||||||||||  Vraylar (cariprazine) / Mitsubishi Tanabe, Recordati, Gedeon Richter, Allergan, aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Review, Journal:  Use of cariprazine in psychiatric disorders: A systematic review. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 24, 2019   
    Cannabinoids gain interest as a new pharmacological option, but are mainly offered within the frame of studies. Our review indicates that cariprazine demonstrates superior efficacy and good tolerability, both at low and high doses, in the treatment of individuals with psychosis, mania, and depression.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis, olanzapine / Generic Mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Valproate for acute mania. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 18, 2019   
    Generally, there is uncertain evidence regarding whether valproate causes more or less side effects than the other main antimanic therapies. However, evidence suggests that valproate causes less weight gain and sedation than olanzapine.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis, lumateperone (ITI-007) - Intra / Cellular Therapies
    Efficacy and Safety of Lumateperone 42 Mg in the Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Pooled Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1156;    
    Lumateperone 42 mg showed good tolerability with a favorable safety profile, especially with respect to metabolic, prolactin, and EPS measures. The only TEAE that occurred in >10% of lumateperone patients and twice the rate of placebo was somnolence/sedation, which was impacted by morning administration; in subsequent studies that administered lumateperone in the evening, somnolence/sedation rates were markedly reduced.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis, olanzapine / Generic Mfg.
    Effectiveness of Pharmacological Therapies for Delusional Disorder (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1153;    
    Clozapine treated patients are often seen or screened with blood work more regularly than patients with other per oral medications, due to the possible side-effects of clozapine, which might translate into better adherence or closer follow-up by the physician. Also long-acting injectables were associated with a reduced risk of rehospitalization due to psychosis, which might be again be due to better adherence and more regular follow ups required by the injectables being only administered by healthcare staff.
  • ||||||||||  Polygenic Risk Scores Analyses in Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1151;    
    We found that there was a genetic overlap between the risk of diabetes and risk for developing AIWG. Limitations of this study include a small sample size of the target data and that only patients of European ancestry were analyzed.
  • ||||||||||  Real-World Effectiveness of Antipsychotic Treatments in 37,368 Patients With Schizophrenia in the U.S. VA System (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1135;    
    These results show clearly that clozapine, long-acting injectable second generation antipsychotics and antipsychotic polypharmacy are taken for the longest period by patients and might be considered to be the most effective drugs in this study; oral antipsychotics were less effective then oral olanzapine in terms of time to discontinuation. These results are strikingly similar to those of very similar studies performed in Scandinavia and reflect what happens in clinical practice, but contradict guidelines recommending monotherapy.
  • ||||||||||  Vraylar (cariprazine) / Mitsubishi Tanabe, Recordati, Gedeon Richter, Allergan, aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Cariprazine Alleviates Core Behavioral Deficits in the Prenatal Valproic Acid Exposure Model of Autism Spectrum Disorder (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1098;    
    Risperidone and aripiprazole were inactive in the social play paradigm, though they behaved similarly to cariprazine on other endpoints. This differentiation of cariprazine from the other two compounds is of particular importance, considering that social play is also a principal indicator of healthy development in humans, and social play is the earliest form of social behavior directed towards peers and not the mother.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis, lumateperone (ITI-007) - Intra / Cellular Therapies
    Sodium Nitroprusside Enhances the Antipsychotic-Like Effect of Lumateperone in the Conditioned Avoidance Response Test (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_765;    
    Whereas Hallak and colleagues found that additional SNP treatment significantly improved positive, negative and depressive symptoms of schizophrenia, a more recent clinical study could not replicate these findings, as SNP had no significant effect compared to placebo (Brown et al., 2019). However, significantly older patients were used , and the authors argue that SNP may be more effective in patients with recent-onset psychosis (Brown et al., 2019).
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    High-Throughput Behavior-Based Screens in Zebrafish Models of Autism Risk Genes (Bonnet Creek VIII) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_540;    
    Using pharmaco-behavioral profiling, we found that estrogenic compounds, specifically a plant-derived estrogen, biochanin A, selectively suppressed the mutant behavioral phenotype, with greater specificity than risperidone...Using high-throughput structural and behavioral analyses, we can begin to identify points of convergence across ASD risk genes, which can be used as the basis for pharmacological screens to identify novel drug candidates with relevance to ASD. Unique Data The results of quantitative behavioral profiling across multiple ASD risk genes and characterization of the behavioral phenotype of scn1lab mutants are unpublished.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis, olanzapine / Generic Mfg.
    Circadian Patterns of Hallucinatory Experiences in Patients With Schizophrenia: Potentials for Chrono-Pharmacology (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_354;    
    Since the dopamine D2 receptor blockade by antipsychotics was very stable, the circadian rhythm that we found in this study seemed to be irrelevant to the treatment. These findings will lead to individualized antipsychotic dosing schedule according to the circadian rhythm of the positive symptoms in each individual patient with schizophrenia.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Quantification of Antidepressant and Antipsychotic Exposure Increase Caused by CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 Intermediate and Poor Metabolizer Status (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_294;    
    These findings will lead to individualized antipsychotic dosing schedule according to the circadian rhythm of the positive symptoms in each individual patient with schizophrenia. According to the results, (1) reducing escitalopram dose by 60% in CYP2C19 PM and by 30% in CYP2C19 IM are appropriate dosing decisions, (2) reducing risperidone and aripiprazole dose by 30% in CYP2D6 PM is appropriate dosing decision, and (3) CYP2D6 metabolizer status does not seem to be a clinically relevant feature in venlafaxine dosing.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Functional and Structural Brain Connectivity as Markers of Antipsychotic Treatment Response (Bonnet Creek IX) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_154;    
    Methods Here, we obtained connectivity metrics in two cohorts of unmedicated/ antipsychotic-naïve patients who participated in a six week trial of risperidone treatment and healthy controls matched on key demographic variables (total n= 180)...Unique Data No data form the second cohort scanned on the Siemens Prisma has been published at this time. We previously published a subset of presented data on hippocampus connectivity of the first cohort, but have not published replication attempts.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Impact of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 Genotype on Escitalopram, Risperidone, and Aripiprazole Treatment (Bonnet Creek VIII) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_148;    
    The effect of CYP2D6 metabolizer status on aripiprazole treatment failure rate was not statistically significant. Conclusions CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 metabolizer status is a clinically relevant feature in psychiatry and patients treated with risperidone, aripiprazole, and escitalopram would likely benefit from preemptive CYP2C19/D6 genotyping Unique Data The part of the study used for meta-analysis is unpublished and it defines the aripiprazole, risperidone and escitalopram exposure increases in patients carrying poor and intermediate metabolizer phenotypes with high precision.
  • ||||||||||  aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry: The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth (Bonnet Creek VIII) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_147;    
    The analysis of response to tricyclic antidepressants by functional CYP diplotype, including inhibitory effects of concomitant medications, is unpublished. Additionally, the review of commercially available pharmacogenomics tests will cover more than has been previously published, and the review of clinical guidelines will likewise be more up-to-date and comprehensive than that hitherto conducted.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Benchmarking Behavior Through Neuropharmacology for Neuropharmacology (Bonnet Creek VII) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_143;    
    We also asked how these methods characterized the behavioral phenotype of the CNTNAP2 mouse model of autism, and the ability of Risperdal to revert this phenotype...Unique Data MoSeq was recently described in a cover article in the journal Cell. The reference dataset developed herein is currently unpublished, as is the use of this reference dataset for comparative analysis of behavioral representations relevant to meurpsychopharmacology.
  • ||||||||||  Abilify Maintena (aripiprazole depot formulation) / Otsuka, Lundbeck, aripiprazole / Generic Mfg., risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Changes in White Matter Diffusivity in Early Psychosis: Comparison of Treatment With Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Versus Usual Care (Bonnet Creek IX) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_51;    
    Early work by Bartzokis and colleagues suggested an effect of long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotic medication, specifically biweekly risperidone, on intracortical myelination...The present study aimed to compare the effects of aripiprazole once monthly (AOM) vs. clinician’s choice oral medication (CC) in patients with early psychosis on white matter measures using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)...The early interpretation of these results may be that LAI vs. oral administration of antipsychotic medication may exert effects on white matter brain health in late adolescence or early adulthood while the brain is still highly plastic, and final peaks of myelination are still active. Unique Data This is the first study to report on the differential effects of a once monthly LAI in comparison to oral medications on white matter measures in first episode and early phase schizophrenia patients.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Clinical, Journal:  Overweight and obese status in children with autism spectrum disorder and disruptive behavior. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 16, 2019   
    Within the autism spectrum disorder sample, obesity was associated with minority status and lower daily living skills. These findings suggest that children with autism spectrum disorder and disruptive behavior are at increased risk for obesity and underscore the need for weight management interventions in this population.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Journal:  Conduct Disorder: Recognition and Management. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 16, 2019   
    Treatment with psychostimulants is highly recommended for patients who have both attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct problems. There is some evidence to support the treatment of conduct disorder and aggression with risperidone, but health care professionals should weigh the medication's potential benefits against its adverse metabolic effects.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Journal:  US jury orders Johnson & Johnson to pay $8bn to man with gynaecomastia linked to risperidone. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 14, 2019   
    Therefore, the 3xTg-AD mice and their non-transgenic counterparts can be useful to delimitate critical time windows and for studying the physio-pathogenic factors and underlying causal events involved in this topic of considerable public health significance. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Clozapine as a first- or second-line treatment in schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 13, 2019   
    The few eligible trials on this topic suggest that clozapine may be more effective than other antipsychotics when used as first- or second-line treatment. Only large clinical trials may comprehensively probe disease stage-dependent superiority of clozapine and investigate overall tolerability.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Review, Journal:  Lurasidone in Children and Adolescents: Systematic Review and Case Report. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 9, 2019   
    There is increasing evidence that lurasidone may be moderately effective and well tolerated for the treatment of BD and psychosis in youth and may have procognitive effects. Our case report suggests that future RCTs should assess the efficacy and tolerability of high doses (>80 mg/day) of lurasidone in youth.
  • ||||||||||  risperidone / Generic Mfg., Egis
    Clinical, Journal:  Antipsychotic Medication Prescribing Trends in a Pediatric Population in Northern Poland 2008-2012. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 8, 2019   
    The study revealed that the prescribing patterns of antipsychotics increased in the Polish pediatric population and concerned more patients from the youngest group. The high prevalence of such early exposure to antipsychotics should focus more attention on drug safety in this population.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Journal:  A Focused Review on the Treatment of Pediatric Patients with Atypical Antipsychotics. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 8, 2019   
    Maladaptive aggression in children, often treated with antipsychotics, is one such area in which there is a dearth of actual information available to the clinician. It is to be hoped that additional, longer-term studies of these medications will further inform evidence-based practice in clinical settings.