- |||||||||| Palux (alprostadil) / Taisho
Journal: Variation in Helminth Parasite Component Communities of Gambusia affinis. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 24, 2020 Component community diversity varied among collection sites and collection dates and was positively influenced by river flow. These results indicate that helminth assemblages infecting mosquitofish in the Paluxy River vary through time and space, as well as in response to environmental variation (i.e., changes in water flow).
- |||||||||| Palux (alprostadil) / Taisho
Impact of image resolution on simulated mineral reactions and reaction rates (113A, Pennsylvania Convention Center) - Feb 13, 2020 - Abstract #ACSSp2020ACS_Sp_17958; For short times, variations are greatest for phases with high reaction rates (calcite and siderite) and little variation occurs for phases with lower reaction rates (K-feldspar and muscovite). At long times, there is little variation in the evolution of carbonate phases but large differences in the simulated evolution of phases with lower reaction rates that also result in variations in the evolution of porosity.