MK 8876 / Merck (MSD) 
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 13 Diseases   0 Trials   0 Trials   10 News 
  • ||||||||||  MK 8876 / Merck (MSD), islatravir (MK-8591) / Merck (MSD)
    Journal:  Cocrystal Synthesis through Crystal Structure Prediction. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 6, 2023   
    Computational finite-temperature corrections enabled determination of relative crystallization propensities of the triol-DABCO cocrystals with different stoichiometries and prediction of the triol-l-proline polymorphs in the free-energy landscape. The triol-l-proline cocrystal was obtained during subsequent targeted cocrystallization experiments and was found to exhibit an improved melting point and deliquescence behavior over the triol-free acid, which could be considered as an alternative solid form in the synthesis of islatravir.
  • ||||||||||  MK 8876 / Merck (MSD)
    Journal:  Design and evaluation of novel tetracyclic benzofurans as palm site allosteric inhibitors of HCV NS5B polymerase. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 2, 2020   
    Similar to clinical developmental compound MK-8876, N-linked (compounds 1 and 2) and C-linked (compounds 3 and 4) tetracyclic structures maintained broad spectrum anti-replicon potency profiles and demonstrated moderate to excellent oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetic parameters across the three preclinical animal species. To better understand the importance of tetracyclic structures related to pan genotypic potency profiles especially against clinically relevant GT1a variants, the teracycles with different ring size were prepared and in vitro evaluations suggested compounds with six number ring have better overall potency profiles.
  • ||||||||||  MK 8876 / Merck (MSD)
    Enrollment change:  Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of MK-8876 in Participants With Hepatitis C Infection (MK-8876-003) ( -  May 26, 2014   
    P1,  N=9, Completed, 
    To better understand the importance of tetracyclic structures related to pan genotypic potency profiles especially against clinically relevant GT1a variants, the teracycles with different ring size were prepared and in vitro evaluations suggested compounds with six number ring have better overall potency profiles. N=50 --> 9