fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg. 
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 39 Diseases   6 Trials   6 Trials   15774 News 

  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Drug Decriminalization, Fentanyl, and Fatal Overdoses in Oregon. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 5, 2024   
    In this cohort study of fatal drug overdose and the spread of fentanyl through Oregon's unregulated drug market, no association between M110 and fatal overdose rates was observed. Future evaluations of the health effects of drug policies should account for changes in the composition of unregulated drug markets.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Assessment of postmortem urine fentanyl detection by autopsy dipstick testing in accidental overdose deaths. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    Furthermore, a comparison of commercially available urine dipstick test cut-offs and authentic casework with estimated urine concentrations revealed that at a fentanyl/norfentanyl cut-off level of 5?ng/mL, 19% of these fentanyl-related accidental overdoses would result in a false negative, 24% at 10?ng/mL, 25% at 20?ng/mL, 51% at 50?ng/mL, and 61% at 100?ng/mL. The study found that the use of urine dipstick tests, as a decision-maker for the initiation of further comprehensive routine toxicology laboratory testing, or to support cause and manner of death determination, leads to both false-positive and false-negative predictions in fentanyl accidental overdoses.
  • ||||||||||  Prialt (ziconotide) / Jazz
    Retrospective data, Journal, Real-world evidence, Real-world:  Real-World Prescription Data for Intrathecal Drug Delivery: A Retrospective Analysis in 32,784 Patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    Despite the prevalence of IDDS for managing chronic, intractable pain, minimal data exist on real-world prescription practices. Our study found that FDA-approved IT formulations accounted for the minority of prescriptions, indicating significant practice variation, with off-label prescriptions being common.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Xylazine Exacerbates Fentanyl-Induced Respiratory Depression and Bradycardia. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    Finally, loss in blood oxygen saturation correlated with the frequency of fentanyl-induced apneas, but not breathing rate. Together, these findings provide insight into how the addition of xylazine to illicit fentanyl may increase the risk of overdose.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Anxiety and risk-taking behavior maps onto opioid and alcohol polysubstance consumption patterns in male and female mice. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    Here we assessed baseline anxiety-like and locomotive behavior and then measured voluntary consumption of multiple doses of alcohol and fentanyl in group housed male and female mice using our novel Socially Integrated Polysubstance (SIP) system...We then used machine-learning techniques to reveal underlying relationships between baseline behavioral phenotypes and subsequent polysubstance consumption patterns, where anxiety- and risk-taking-like behavioral phenotypes mapped onto discrete patterns of polysubstance use, preference, and escalation. By simulating more translationally relevant substance use and improving our understanding of the motivations for different patterns of consumption, this study contributes to the developing preclinical literature on polysubstance use with the goal of facilitating better treatment outcomes and novel therapeutic strategies.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methamphetamine / Generic mfg., tramadol hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The Detection of Xylazine in Tijuana, Mexico: Triangulating Drug Checking and Clinical Urine Testing Data. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 4, 2024   
    Of the participants studied, 100 %, 91.3 %, and 69.6 % reported using China White/fentanyl, methamphetamine, and tar heroin, respectively...This testing also revealed positivity rates for fentanyl (73.9 %), fluorofentanyl (30.4 %), tramadol (30.4 %), and lidocaine (30.4 %)...Xylazine was found to be more prevalent in urine than in paraphernalia samples. Confirmatory urine studies are needed to better understand possible complications of using test strips for toxicological testing.
  • ||||||||||  Instanyl (fentanyl) / Takeda
    Journal:  Intranasal Fentanyl Versus Morphine in Fracture Reduction in a Pediatric Trauma Center. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 3, 2024   
    INF reduces the time to obtain sufficient analgesia and time of care, with good effectiveness maintained during the procedure in fracture reduction, allowing the extension to lower limb fractures. Thus, this rapid and efficient analgesia facilitates orthopaedic care in the pediatric ED that would otherwise require to be reduced in the operating room under general anesthesia.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methamphetamine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Trends in toxicological findings in unintentional opioid or stimulant toxicity deaths in Qu (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 2, 2024   
    Thus, this rapid and efficient analgesia facilitates orthopaedic care in the pediatric ED that would otherwise require to be reduced in the operating room under general anesthesia. Despite availability of a multitude of overdose prevention interventions, mortality rates due to drug toxicity have increased in Qu
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., midazolam hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Live birth after transmyometrial embryo transfer in a patient with radical trachelectomy. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 2, 2024   
    It also highlights potential disparities related to ED-based opioid misuse patient management. TMET is a useful clinical technique for transferring embryos in patients with acquired or congenital cervical issues in whom trans-cervical embryo transfer is either very difficult or impossible.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., midazolam hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Foreign Language Syndrome Following Extraction of Wisdom Teeth Under General Anesthesia: A Case Report. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 2, 2024   
    While volatile anesthetics were administered during at least 2 cases, at minimum 5 cases occurred without volatile anesthetics - instead manifesting with IV sedation medications commonly used with OMS outpatient procedures (ie, midazolam, fentanyl, and propofol). FLS may be difficult to diagnose but appears to be self-limiting and typically resolves within approximately 24
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Reported Non-Substance-Related Mental Health Disorders Among Persons Who Died of Drug Overdose - United States, 2022. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 1, 2024   
    Overall, approximately 80% of overdose deaths involved opioids, primarily illegally manufactured fentanyls...Nearly one quarter of decedents with an MHD had at least one recent potential opportunity for intervention (e.g., approximately one in 10 decedents were undergoing substance use disorder treatment, and one in 10 visited an emergency department or urgent care facility within 1 month of death). Expanding efforts to identify and address co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (e.g., integrated screening and treatment) and strengthen treatment retention and harm reduction services could save lives.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  L (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 1, 2024   
    Expanding efforts to identify and address co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (e.g., integrated screening and treatment) and strengthen treatment retention and harm reduction services could save lives. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methadone / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Ketamine-assisted buprenorphine initiation: a pilot case series. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 1, 2024   
    Ketamine at a sub-dissociative dose allowed completion of buprenorphine initiation in the outpatient setting in the majority of patients who reported trying it. Further research is warranted to confirm these results and develop reliable protocols for a range of treatment settings.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A qualitative exploration of harm reduction in practice by street-based peer outreach workers. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 1, 2024   
    Harm reduction strategies have expanded from syringe and needle exchange programs that emerged in the mid-1980s primarily in response to the HIV epidemic, to include medication for opioid use disorder, supervised consumption rooms, naloxone distribution, and drug checking technologies such as fentanyl test strips...They also framed harm reduction as part of a "path toward recovery." This path was complicated and nonlinear but pursued a common goal of life without drug use and its residual effects. These findings suggest the need to develop harm reduction programs that incorporate both harm reduction and recovery to best meet the needs of people who use drugs and align with the value systems of implementers.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., morphine sulphate / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Changes in Urine Drug Screen Sensitivity in Adolescent Opioid Presentations to the Emergency Department. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 31, 2024   
    CBD increased preoperative sedation and decreased intraoperative analgesic requirements, with minimal evidence of postoperative analgesic benefits over the placebo. Opiate screen positivity decreased the last 9 years and may reflect wider use of fentanyl among this population starting in 2020.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  A Review of the Literature on Episodes of Acute Fentanyl Intoxication in Pediatric Age and Toxicological Applications. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 28, 2024   
    In cases of intoxication in a family context of drug addiction, it is necessary to investigate the chronicity of the intake through hair analysis and evaluate the possible co-administration of other drugs. In conclusion, we suggest a protocol, applicable both on patients or cadavers, which can be useful for physicians and forensic pathologists in order to promptly identify these cases and allow for the reporting of them to the judicial authorities with the adoption of strict prevention and control measures.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Bromazolam in Impaired Driving Investigations. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 27, 2024   
    Driving behaviors reported in these cases included erratic driving, errors in Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs), and symptoms consistent with Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants, including slurred speech, incoordination, and lethargic behavior. Based on its prevalence and demonstrated impairing effects, bromazolam should be included in the scope of impaired driving testing as long as it continues to be prevalent in the drug supply.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  The challenges for psychiatric care posed by synthetic drugs (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 26, 2024   
    The availability of synthetic drugs is more difficult to reduce than that of plant-based drugs. Harm reduction measures should be expanded, e.g., early warning systems for new drugs, drug checking and naloxone programs.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg., methamphetamine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Youth and young adult knowledge of and access to opioid harm reduction policies and interventions in North Carolina. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 26, 2024   
    There were individual and community-level characteristics associated with awareness of and perceived access to these harm reduction policies and interventions. Efforts are needed to improve access to harm reduction interventions among youth and young adults as they are experiencing an increased risk of dying from opioid-involved overdoses.
  • ||||||||||  fentanyl citrate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Differences by race and ethnicity in drug use patterns, harm reduction practices and barriers to treatment among people who use drugs in Rhode Island. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 26, 2024   
    Non-Hispanic Black participants reported significantly less regular use of unregulated opioids, such as heroin (10%) and fentanyl (12%), as compared to non-Hispanic white participants (39% and 33%, respectively)...Current treatment enrollment was highest among those who were non-Hispanic white (38%) and lowest among those who were non-Hispanic Black (7%). These findings suggest that there are differences in overdose response experience and treatment exposure between non-Hispanic Black PWUD and those belonging to other racial and ethnic groups, indicating a need for enhanced investment in overdose response education, naloxone distribution and treatment access for non-Hispanic Black PWUD.
  • ||||||||||  dexmedetomidine / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Video, Intubation:  Comparison of propofol versus dexmedetomidine sedation for awake C-MAC (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 23, 2024   
    These results can help guide policies for regulating gabapentinoids and treating opioid misuse and overdose. After adequate airway preparation with IV midazolam 0.03 mg/kg and IV fentanyl 1