- |||||||||| gabapentin / Generic mfg.
Sex and Alzheimer’s Disease-Associated Genetic Variants Differentially Influence the Susceptibility to Kindled Seizures () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_993; This study highlights the value of including a diversity of AD-associated animal models and seizure-induction protocols evoked in both sexes to further explore the mechanisms of seizures in AD. While PSEN2 variants represent a small subset of early-onset AD cases, these data reveal significant heterogeneity in AD-associated genotypes, sensitivity to kindling, and suggest that further studies into the mechanisms of seizure susceptibility in the setting of PSEN2 variants are needed.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., ethosuximide / Generic mfg.
Epilepsy with Myoclonic Absences: A Retrospective Chart Review of Ten Pediatric Cases () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_962; Identifying this specific epilepsy syndrome is important in guiding treatment decisions and provides better insight into neurodevelopmental prognosis. Novel findings in our cohort include identical twin siblings with MA seizures as well as occurrence of MA status epilepticus.
- |||||||||| carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
Evaluating the Efficacy of Some Prototype Antiseizure Drugs Using a Preclinical Pharmacokinetic Approach () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_955; Our data suggest that species-specific variations in PK profiles of ASDs in various animal models of epilepsy may underlie the differences in observed drug efficacy in these models. This study also illustrates the potential role of active metabolites in ASD efficacy and further sets the stage for therapeutic monitoring of other drugs and their metabolites.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
EMAS Through the Lens of PERC: What Works () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_940; 96% children were developmentally normal at onset; presenting seizure type was generalized tonic clonic in 55%, drop (myoclonic or atonic) in 35%; absence in 10% with mean age at seizure onset at >24 months in 83%. First treatment used was levetiracetam (67%); valproic acid (10%) or any other combined ASM in 25%.
- |||||||||| Vimpat (lacosamide) / UCB, Daiichi Sankyo
Retrospective Study on Safety and Effectiveness of Lacosamide for Neonatal Seizures () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_921; The results from this study indicate LCM is being used to treat neonates with seizures, is not associated with safety events attributable to LCM, and may be effective, with half of the patients showing improvement in seizures. Further controlled studies are required to confirm the safety and effectiveness of LCM for neonatal seizures.
- |||||||||| Vimpat (lacosamide) / UCB, Daiichi Sankyo
Targeting the Gaps in the Management of Status Epilepticus Through Improved Medication Delivery Algorithms and Education () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_908; Implementation of several health care initiatives at our comprehensive epilepsy center has resulted in improved processing of emergent orders for rescue medications and allowed for more efficient delivery of medications to the bedside. Although the differences between current and previously recorded latencies did not reach statistical significance, these results are encouraging and suggest that the education of resident, nurses, and pharmacy staff can improve the care for patients with NCSE.
- |||||||||| Xcopri (cenobamate) / SK Bio, Angelini Group
Interaction Between Cenobamate and Clobazam: A Single Center Clinical Experience () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_806; It is rarely practical to obtain CLB/N-CLB levels, thus a preemptive decrease in CLB after CNB initiation should be strongly considered for CNB dosages of 100 mg and above. While seizure reduction was present in our small cohort, a CLB reduction of 50% or more was required to resolve toxicity.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
Clinical Significance of Postmortem AED Level Determination in SUDEP Patients () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_785; The level of AED detected postmortem is dependent on many variables including the time when the drug was last taken antemortem, the time when sample is drawn PM and the individual pharmacokinetics of a particular AED pre and post death. Detection of AED level PM gives no clinically significant information about AED compliance, whether SUDEP can be attributed to AED noncompliance or to any particular AED.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Antiseizure Medication Shortages Are Associated with Increased Product Switching: An Analysis of Levetiracetam () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_781; Shortages were associated with increased product switching compared with non-shortage periods. The results suggest that consideration may be necessary when initiating or switching patients to generic ASM brands due to high rates of generic ASMs being in shortage, and associated product switching in shortage periods, which in independent research has been associated with non-adherence and breakthrough seizures.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Seizure Management in Neonates with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and ECMO () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_778; While maintenance ASM were often administered, most survivors had ASM discontinued during the hospitalization. Patients with lower seizure burden were more likely to respond to ASM and required a smaller number of ASM, suggesting that earlier recognition and treatment of seizures could result in improved response with less medication exposure.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Case Report: Postictal Ventricular Tachycardia () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_739; Peri-ictal ventricular tachycardia has therapeutic significance related to the prevention of cardiac death and may require implantation of a defibrillator. Directions for further investigation in this patient include establishing the frequency of such episodes and detection of possible ion channel mutations predisposing to arrhythmias.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg., oxcarbazepine / Generic mfg.
Epilepsy in Malan Syndrome: Prevalence, Impact and Management Strategies () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_727; Seizures are common in Malan Syndrome and were reported in most patients. Information regarding seizure frequency, duration and treatment will improve our understanding and assist practitioners in the betterment of epilepsy care provided to children with Malan syndrome.
- |||||||||| lorazepam / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Multifocal Myoclonus as a Presentation of Levetiracetam Toxicity () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_646; One may hypothesize a dose-dependent effect on myoclonus with more effective binding activation of SV2A receptors at low concentrations and possible quiescence at higher concentrations. Detailed review of additional cases of and risks of potential levetiracetam toxicity would be integral in further understanding its properties and mechanisms of action.References1) Abou-Khalil B. Levetiracetam in the treatment of epilepsy.
- |||||||||| Vimpat (lacosamide) / UCB, Daiichi Sankyo
Sphenoidal Encephalocele Causing Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Seizures () - Dec 12, 2021 - Abstract #AES2021AES_616; The bony defect is probably related to her remote TBI. The formation of this sphenoid encephalocele had been a chronic process, which did not cause neurological symptom until decades later, indicating that frontal lobe encephalocele may be asymptomatic when the size is small.
- |||||||||| levetiracetam / Generic mfg.
Journal: Resolution of Halogenated Mandelic Acids through Enantiospecific Co-Crystallization with Levetiracetam. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 2, 2021 The results showed that LEV selectively co-crystallized with S enantiomers of 2-ClMA, 3-ClMA, 4-ClMA, and 4-BrMA, while it co-crystallized with R enantiomers of 4-FMA. This indicates that the position and type of substituents of racemic compounds not only affect the co-crystal configuration, but also greatly affect the efficiency of co-crystal resolution.
- |||||||||| risperidone / Generic mfg.
Journal: Interictal psychosis of epilepsy (Pubmed Central) - Nov 29, 2021 In practice, atypical neuroleptics with few motor side effects such as risperidone can be used as first choice, given the low propensity for drug-drug interactions and the low seizure risk, with the added suggestion to start low and go slow. Clozapine could be prescribed in selected cases.
- |||||||||| gabapentin / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal, Adverse events: Patterns of anticonvulsant use and adverse drug events in older adults. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 29, 2021 Clozapine could be prescribed in selected cases. Many older adult community dwelling traditional Medicare beneficiaries had clinically significant ADEs likely attributable to the initiation of anticonvulsant therapy, which was begun for a range of indications.
- |||||||||| phenytoin / Generic mfg., levetiracetam / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
Clinical, PK/PD data, Journal, Monotherapy: Use of phenytoin, phenobarbital carbamazepine, levetiracetam lamotrigine and valproate in pregnancy and breastfeeding: risk of major malformations, dose-dependency, monotherapy vs polytherapy, pharmacokinetics and clinical implications. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 29, 2021 The review focuses on major and organ-specific malformations, dose-dependent risks, mono vs polytherapy, and clinical pharmacokinetics. A discussion regarding the safety of AED use during breastfeeding is also provided.