Glucocorticoid Receptor 

 186 Products   186 Products   1696 Diseases   94663 News 

  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A novel anti-inflammatory flavonoid from flowers of Hibiscus mutabilis L. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 18, 2024   
    Compound 1 at the concentration of 6.25??M significantly inhibited the production of NO and TNF-? induced by LPS in RAW264.7 cells, exhibiting superior efficacy compared to the positive control dexamethasone, thus indicating its potential as an anti-inflammatory drug candidate.
  • ||||||||||  prednisolone / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Surgical management of unilateral restrictive strabismus in an 8-month-old dog. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    EOM has been shown to also present unilaterally and it can progress to strabismus if not promptly recognised and treated with systemic steroids. Surgical management can restore vision when severe strabismus results in visual deprivation.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Symptom Clusters in Children With Exacerbation-prone Asthma ( -  Jul 17, 2024   
    P2,  N=173, Recruiting, 
    Surgical management can restore vision when severe strabismus results in visual deprivation. Trial completion date: Jun 2024 --> Jul 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2024 --> Jul 2025
  • ||||||||||  ciprofloxacin oral / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Type I Kounis Syndrome: Allergic Myocardial Infarction Triggered by Ciprofloxacin. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    Her condition improved after sublingual nitroglycerine, methylprednisolone, and intramuscular injection of epinephrine. This case highlights the importance of recognizing drug-induced allergic reactions as a potential cause of acute coronary events, particularly in young patients without traditional risk factors.
  • ||||||||||  Cytovene (ganciclovir) / Roche
    Journal:  Severe Refractory Diarrhea Associated with COVID-19: A Case Report. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    We diagnosed the patient with enterocolitis caused by cytomegalovirus infection and treated him with ganciclovir on day 5 after transfer to our hospital...We suspected enterocolitis associated with COVID-19 and administered a methylprednisolone pulse (intravenous injection, 1,000 mg/day for 3 days) on day 10 after transfer, resulting in a marked improvement in his symptoms...The prevalence of COVID-19-associated enterocolitis is low, and the pathogenesis of the disease remains unclear. Prednisolone administration should be considered in cases of post-COVID-19 symptoms of severe diarrhea due to a possible abnormal immune response related to COVID-19.
  • ||||||||||  hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, P1 data, PK/PD data, Journal:  Pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy of Fuqi Guben Gao in the treatment of kidney-yang deficiency syndrome: a randomized, double-blind phase I trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    We investigated the efficacy of FQGBG in reducing urination and improving immune organ damage in two kinds of KYDS model rats (hydrocortisone-induced model and natural aging model), and evaluated the safety of different oral FQGBG doses through pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters, metabonomics, and occurrence of adverse reactions in healthy Chinese participants in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single ascending dose clinical trial...The efficacy mechanism of FQGBG in treating nocturia caused by KYDS may be related to the improvement of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis function and increased energy metabolism. Clinical Trial Registration:, identifier ChiCTR1800015840.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Role of Triamcinolone Acetonide in the Maturation of Scars. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    We could not find a significant difference in outcome with varying, increasing doses of triamcinolone acetonide. A low dose of triamcinolone acetonide is an effective drug that tends to improve the outcome of a scar in terms of vascularity, pigmentation, height, and overall appearance of the postoperative surgical scar and helps in the maturation of a normal scar.
  • ||||||||||  budesonide / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  What Happens to Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Who Are Intolerant to Thiopurines? (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    The proportion of patients with a median FC >200 ?g/g was significantly higher during follow-up in patients with UC who discontinued thiopurine treatment owing to side effects. Patients who discontinued thiopurines owing to side effects were prescribed more budesonide and non-TNF inhibitor second-line therapy, but there were no differences in the use of TNF inhibitors, prednisolone, or surgery.
  • ||||||||||  Triesence (triamcinolone acetonide injectable suspension) / Novartis
    Journal:  A Case of Incidental and Uncomplicated Subretinal Triamcinolone Acetonide. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    The patient was observed and found to have no complications with almost complete resolution of the triamcinolone acetonide after 3 months. In previous SB patients, it is important to highlight the risk of globe penetration, subretinal deposition of TA, formation of retinal breaks, or reopening of prior retinal breaks with posterior subtenon injection, which could have adverse effects on the local retina as well as the risk of retinal detachment.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Portable Percussive Massage Device-Related Rectus Sheath Hematoma and Obstructive Uropathy: A Case Report. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    This case report offers insights into the pathophysiology of obstructive uropathy and is a reminder of the importance of considering uncommon causes of obstructive uropathy in the diagnosis and management of AKI, particularly in hospitalized patients receiving anticoagulation. We know of no previous reference of obstructive uropathy caused by retroperitoneal hematoma associated with the use of a portable massage device applied to the abdominal wall.
  • ||||||||||  Onoact (landiolol) / Ono Pharma
    Review, Journal:  Inadvertent Intoxication with Salbutamol, Treated with Hemodialysis: A Case Report and Brief Review of the Literature. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2024   
    After unsuccessful cardioversion and treatment with landiolol infusion, salvage hemodialysis was commenced to decrease suspectedly highly elevated serum salbutamol levels...Our results confirm a large volume of salbutamol distribution; the measured levels are within observed therapeutic levels; and the measured half-life time during hemodialysis (3.1 h) is comparable to observed half-life times in therapeutic settings. The observed favorable clinical benefit associated with dialysis may be fortuitous, highlighting potential bias toward positive clinical outcomes and unproven ("salvage") therapies.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone injection / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  The Optimal Time of IV Dexamethasone Administration for Prolongation of Peripheral Nerve Block ( -  Jul 16, 2024   
    P4,  N=197, Completed, 
    The observed favorable clinical benefit associated with dialysis may be fortuitous, highlighting potential bias toward positive clinical outcomes and unproven ("salvage") therapies. Unknown status --> Completed | Trial completion date: Dec 2021 --> Feb 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2020 --> Nov 2023
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Late Breaking Abstract - High-Flow Nasal Oxygen vs. Conventional Oxygen Therapy in severe COVID-19 patients and a do-not-intubate order: a retrospective multi-cohort study (PS-5; Poster board no. 20) -  Jul 16, 2024 - Abstract #ERS2024ERS_5843;    
    Multivariable logistic regression was used, adjusting for pre-selected confounders (age, Clinical Frailty Score (CFS), dexamethasone treatment, and oxygen saturation, FiO2 and respiratory rate before (potential) start of HFNO)...Hospital length of stay was 11 [6-18] for HFNO, and 7 [4-12] for COT (p<0.001). Conclusion When considering HFNO for frail patients with severe COVID-19, its lack of survival benefit and prolonged hospital stay should be taken into account, critically raising the need for future prospective controlled trials also assessing cost-effectiveness and patient reported outcome measures.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Journal:  Burkholderia cepacia in cystic fibrosis children and adolescents: overall survival and immune alterations. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 16, 2024   
    Besides, inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on proliferative response of PHA-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes had been assessed...Low plasma TGF?1 and IL-10 levels in Bcc infected group may be a sign of subverted activity of regulatory T cells. Such immune alterations may be one of the factors contributing to the development of the cepacia syndrome.
  • ||||||||||  marizomib (NPI-0052) / Triphase Accelerator Corporation, BMS
    Enrollment change, Trial withdrawal:  Marizomib Central Nervous System (CNS) ( -  Jul 16, 2024   
    P2,  N=0, Withdrawn, 
    Further research with a larger cohort is suggested to validate these findings and explore the prognostic value of mutation profiles. N=30 --> 0 | Not yet recruiting --> Withdrawn
  • ||||||||||  Xtandi (enzalutamide capsule) / Pfizer, Astellas, Metopirone (metyrapone) / Perrigo Company
    Review, Journal, Metastases:  Ectopic Cushing syndrome in metastatic castration?resistant prostate cancer: A case report and review of literature. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 15, 2024   
    Immediate targeted therapy was initiated with adrenal steroidogenesis inhibitors, including metyrapone and ketoconazole along with chemotherapy with docetaxel and prednisolone...In the present study, all existing cases of paraneoplastic CS related to prostate cancer are reviewed. The aim of the current study was to highlight the need of early diagnosis and treatment of this entity as it may present with atypical clinical findings and potentially evolve to a life-threatening condition.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Acute parkinsonism in a patient with myxedema crisis: A case report. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 15, 2024   
    The patient improved over the ensuing 6 months and can now perform all household activities. On the whole, the present study indicates that the early suspicion of myxedema crisis, prompt treatment and the recognition of additional aetiology for persistent altered sensorium can result in a successful outcome for the patient.
  • ||||||||||  hydrocortisone / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Prevalence of Self-Medication Among Patients With Common Dermatological Diseases in Saudi Arabia. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 15, 2024   
    On the whole, the present study indicates that the early suspicion of myxedema crisis, prompt treatment and the recognition of additional aetiology for persistent altered sensorium can result in a successful outcome for the patient. Moreover, topical corticosteroids were the most commonly used medications in self-treatment and included mometasone and hydrocortisone, which were used by 143 (41.3%) and 50 (14.5%) patients, respectively.
  • ||||||||||  cyclophosphamide / Generic mfg., methylprednisolone sodium succinate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Dacryoadenitis: do not forget ANCA vasculitis. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 15, 2024   
    Faced with dacryoadenitis, it is important to screen for ANCA-associated vasculitis. Abbreviations: GPA = Granulomatosis with polyangiitis, ANCA = Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Investigational agents for polymyalgia rheumatica treatment: assessing the critical needs for future development. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 14, 2024   
    Currently, there are 12 ongoing clinical trials exploring potential treatments such as leflunomide, low-dose IL-2, rituximab, abatacept, secukinumab, Janus kinase inhibitors, and selective inhibitors like SPI-62 and ABBV 154...The development of internationally accepted definitions for remission and relapse is urgently needed. Early referral strategies to specialist settings would improve disease stratification and personalized treatment.
  • ||||||||||  dexamethasone / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Mild autonomous cortisol secretion: pathophysiology, comorbidities and management approaches. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 14, 2024   
    MACS is diagnosed (based on an abnormal overnight dexamethasone suppression test) in 20-50% of patients with adrenal adenomas...Current gaps in MACS clinical practice include a lack of specific biomarkers diagnostic of MACS-related health outcomes and a paucity of clinical trials demonstrating the efficacy of adrenalectomy on comorbidities associated with MACS. In addition, little evidence exists to demonstrate the efficacy and safety of long-term medical therapy in patients with MACS.