NCT05489068: Motivational Interviewing at Intake vs Intake as Usual on Client Engagement in Addiction Treatment |
| Recruiting | N/A | 150 | US | Motivational Interviewing at Intake (MII), Intake as Usual (IAU) | University of New Mexico, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) | Substance-Related Disorders, Treatment Adherence | 10/26 | 12/26 | | |
| Recruiting | N/A | 160 | US | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy + Mindfulness Based Relapse Prevention (ACT + MBRP), Enhance Usual Care (EUC) | University of New Mexico, University of Michigan, Wake Forest University, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) | Opioid Use Disorder, Chronic Pain | 12/25 | 12/26 | | |
NCT05489068: Motivational Interviewing at Intake vs Intake as Usual on Client Engagement in Addiction Treatment |
| Recruiting | N/A | 150 | US | Motivational Interviewing at Intake (MII), Intake as Usual (IAU) | University of New Mexico, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) | Substance-Related Disorders, Treatment Adherence | 10/26 | 12/26 | | |