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  • ||||||||||  Results of Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Advanced Myelofibrosis (Room A (2F)) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #ICBMT2024ICBMT_84;    
    Conclusions : In conclusion, allogeneic stem cell transplantation represents a viable treatment option for patients with advanced myelofibrosis, offering promising overall survival rates particularly in those in the advanced chronic and accelerated phases. However, outcomes are notably poorer for patients in blast phase due to higher relapse rates despite transplantation, highlighting the need for improved therapeutic strategies in this subgroup.
  • ||||||||||  Molecular grading of IDH-mutant gliomas (Lomond Auditorium) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #EANO2024EANO_701;    
    One part of the changes relates tightly with the array and associated DNA quality, likely driven by increased degradation during FFPE storage for the older, primary, samples. After correction for this, the other effect remains fully present indicating its specificity for tumor progression.
  • ||||||||||  Advances in molecular classification of skull base tumors (Alsh) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #EANO2024EANO_453;    
    For instance, in skull base meningiomas, variants in SMO , SUFU , PIK3CA , AKT1 , POLR2A are more frequently detected compared to meningiomas arising within other locations. In this presentation, recent data concerning the molecular diagnostic evaluation and classification of a representative set of skull base tumors will be discussed.
  • ||||||||||  Pediatric-type brain tumors in adults (Clyde Auditorium) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #EANO2024EANO_164;    
    Thus, current pediatric-type brain tumors treatments for older patients are largely extrapolated from the pediatric experience, but the transferability and applicability of these paradigms to adults remain an open question. The presentation will review the management of pediatric-type brain tumors in adults, also reporting recent published literature with a focus on chemotherapy and targeted therapies.
  • ||||||||||  EPZ015666 / GSK, Ipsen
    Journal:  Methylation of KSHV vCyclin by PRMT5 contributes to cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    Remarkably, knockdown or pharmaceutical inhibition (using EPZ015666) of PRMT5 inhibited the cell cycle progression and cell proliferation of KSHV latently infected tumor cells...We also show that the methylation of vCyclin by PRMT5 positively regulates the phosphorylate retinoblastoma protein (pRB) pathway. Taken together, our findings reveal an important regulatory effect of PRMT5 on vCyclin that facilitates cell cycle progression and proliferation, which provides a potential therapeutic target for KSHV-associated malignancies.
  • ||||||||||  imatinib / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal, Stroma:  Gastrointestinal stromal tumours: incidence, recurrence and mortality. A decade of patients from a New Zealand tertiary surgical centre. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    Patient demographics, method of GIST detection, management approach, index surgery, histological features, use of adjuvant and neoadjuvant imatinib, follow-up, recurrence and mortality rates were analysed...Our overall 5-year GIST-specific survival rate was 83%; it was 91% in those who underwent a wedge resection and 60% in the extensive operation group. There is evidence that M?ori have higher rates of GIST recurrence compared to non-M?ori and are more likely to require an extensive surgical resection.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  NovoSorb (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    We report our experience with a synthetic dermal matrix (BTM) in cancer reconstruction, the largest cohort of this type in the Australian literature. BTM represents an exciting reconstructive tool for the cancer reconstructive surgeon, with a high rate of success and low morbidity.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  A Case of Myxoid Pleomorphic Liposarcoma with Rhabdoid Cells: A Diagnostic Pitfall. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    The metastatic lesions contained abundant lipoblasts rather than rhabdoid cells, and we concluded this tumor was a MPLS. The presence of rhabdoid cells could be a diagnostic pitfall, and recognizing such a variation in histology would help improve diagnostic accuracy.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Malignant Phyllodes Tumor with Heterologous Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    This report of two additional morphologic patterns, intestinal goblet cells mimicking intestinal-type mucinous carcinoma and squamous differentiation with spindle and epithelioid cells mimicking carcinosarcoma of the endometrium will expand the literature on MLA. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Journal, Metastases:  An Unusual Case of Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma With Early Metastatic Recurrence. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    The patient unfortunately expired 30 months after initial presentation. Although clear cell chondrosarcoma has been historically regarded as low grade, we present a unique example of an aggressive clinical course of clear cell chondrosarcoma.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  EPHA2 Receptor as a Possible Therapeutic Target in Viral Infections. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    Since EphA2 works as a host receptor for certain viruses, it might be worth more deeply investigating known compounds targeting its extracellular ligand binding domain as antiviral therapeutics. Due to EphA2's function in inflammation, its possible correlation with SARS-CoV-2 cannot be excluded, but more experimental studies are needed in this case to undoubtedly attribute the role of this receptor in viral infections.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Disparities in Musculoskeletal Oncology. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    Healthcare disparities lead to suboptimal outcomes for patients who require musculoskeletal oncologic care in the short and long term. More research is required to identify ways to address the known modifiable and non-modifiable factors to improve patient outcome.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Awake Tracheostomy in a Pediatric Patient. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    We describe the case of a 10-year-old male who underwent awake tracheostomy due to airway obstruction from an oropharyngeal rhabdomyosarcoma. Given the varying medical understanding and communication skills in children, advanced planning and interdisciplinary collaboration are essential to keep the patient calm and safe during awake tracheostomy.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Atypical presentations of RECQL4-related syndromes. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    We describe five patients with biallelic germline mutations in RECQL4 who presented atypically, without the hallmark clinical manifestations of this syndrome. Three of these patients developed osteosarcoma, underscoring the importance of recognizing atypical presentations of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS) to allow for early awareness and surveillance for cancer.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Uniportal VATS removal of a giant mediastinal goitre. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    This case demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the uniportal thoracoscopic approach for complex mediastinal pathology. This approach was successfully executed with an uneventful perioperative course and no complications, indicating positive outcomes in complex thoracic cases despite a minimally invasive approach for the resection of mediastinal masses.
  • ||||||||||  carboplatin / Generic mfg., doxorubicin hydrochloride / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Metastases:  Metastatic myxoid round cell liposarcoma of the buttock: a case report. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    The evolution was rapidly fatal after a few weeks after the first course of chemotherapy. It should be evoked in front of any ulcerated tumor of the buttock.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Bone marrow edema in children: chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis and its mimickers. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    Hence, with bone marrow edema, various features at imaging should be considered to differentiate malignancies such as osseous lymphoma, osteosarcoma, and Ewing's sarcoma as well as benign lesions like osteomyelitis, post-traumatic, or post-treatment bone marrow edema. The aim of this review is to recall the main characteristics of CNO and provide an overview of its main mimickers highlighting similarities and differences.
  • ||||||||||  Journal, Metastases:  Migrating foreign material mimicking metastatic soft tissue sarcoma in a patient with history of synthol injection. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    This case underscores the importance of considering foreign substance migration in the differential diagnosis for patients presenting with unexplained tissue masses and emphasizes the need for thorough history-taking in elucidating the etiology of atypical radiologic findings. Early detection and accurate diagnosis can prevent unnecessary invasive procedures and facilitate appropriate management.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  The application of lung immune prognostic index in predicting the prognosis of 302 STS patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    This study explored the efficacy of the LIPI in predicting the prognosis of 302 patients with STS, classifying them into three categories to evaluate the prognosis. It also reconstructed a LIPI-based nomogram to assist clinicians in predicting the three- and five-year OS of patients with STS, potentially enabling timely intervention and customized management.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Evaluating Umbilical Masses: Lessons Learned From Three Elderly Patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    An umbilical lesion in an adult, particularly an elderly patient, that does not respond to typical treatment should raise the suspicion of a more sinister diagnosis. Integration of clinical, radiological, and pathological data is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Challenges in Diagnosis and Management: A Case of Abdominal Wall Liposarcoma. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    The patient was referred for palliative chemotherapy due to the aggressive nature of the tumor. This case underscores the diagnostic challenges and therapeutic considerations associated with rare abdominal wall liposarcomas, emphasizing the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in their management.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Novel Pannexin 1 isoform is increased in cancer. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    A double deletion of hPANX1 and hPANX1-25K reduces cell growth and viability in cancer cells. hPANX1-25K is prevalent throughout melanoma progression, and its levels are increased in squamous cell carcinoma cells and patient-derived tumours, compared to keratinocytes and normal skin, indicating that it may be differentially regulated in normal and cancer cells.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Novel MEN1-associated retroperitoneal pleomorphic liposarcoma. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    We report a patient with a large retroperitoneal pleomorphic liposarcoma harboring a rare mutation of the MEN1 gene not previously reported to be associated with soft tissue sarcomas. This report expands the known spectrum of MEN1-associated cancers.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Comprehensive study of ancient schwannoma: Exploring histomorphological diversity and diagnostic challenges. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2024   
    Recognition of the diverse spectrum of secondary changes, coupled with the presence of focal areas showing paucicellular and cellular spindle cell arrangements, is crucial for the accurate diagnosis of ancient schwannoma. This study underscores the importance of histomorphological evaluation in distinguishing these benign tumors from malignant counterparts, thereby guiding appropriate clinical management strategies.
  • ||||||||||  Improving verbal communication for oncology patients who self-identify as having low/marginal health literacy. (Lower B2 Level, Yerba Buena Ballroom 9; Poster Bd #: E25) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #ASCOQLTY2024ASCOQLTY_402;    
    This study underscores the importance of histomorphological evaluation in distinguishing these benign tumors from malignant counterparts, thereby guiding appropriate clinical management strategies. Providing HL training and tools to ONNs equips them to 1) identify patients who have low/marginal HL, and 2) conduct conversations with patients at an appropriate literacy level.
  • ||||||||||  Insurance coverage for AYAs at cancer diagnosis: A claims-based analysis. (Lower B2 Level, Yerba Buena Ballroom 9; Poster Bd #: C3) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #ASCOQLTY2024ASCOQLTY_333;    
    Claims-based research can characterize cancer care delivery, and use of less restrictive eligibility criteria expands the generalizability of findings to a more diverse cohort of AYAs. Increasing health insurance coverage over time may be due to the Affordable Care Act.
  • ||||||||||  Burden of liposarcoma on patients in the United States and their unmet needs: Interim survey results. (Lower B2 Level, Yerba Buena Ballroom 9; Poster Bd #: D25) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #ASCOQLTY2024ASCOQLTY_189;    
    Consultation of numerous specialists and travel time to receive treatment impact access to timely diagnosis and quality care. The impacts of LPS on QoL and finances were also key unmet needs experienced by pts, which supports an increase in QoL and financial support resources for pts.
  • ||||||||||  Influence of an AYA cancer program on cancer care delivery. (Lower B2 Level, Yerba Buena Ballroom 8) -  Sep 24, 2024 - Abstract #ASCOQLTY2024ASCOQLTY_66;    
    Our findings indicate that AYAs contacted by our program through a consult-based, targeted outreach model represent a distinct population with higher clinical needs. Despite this complexity, they were more likely to receive guideline-recommended care, including clinical trial enrollment, fertility counseling, and palliative care.