ALM201 / Almac Discovery 
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  • ||||||||||  ALM201 / Almac Discovery
    Journal:  Successful Proof-of-Concept for Topical Delivery of Novel Peptide ALM201 with Potential Usefulness for Treating Neovascular Eye Disorders. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 18, 2022   
    Furthermore, topical ALM201 significantly improved vessel leakiness (leakage scores: 2.1 ± 0.7 vs. 2.9 ± 0.1; P = 0.0274) and lesion size (144,729 ± 33,239 μm vs. 187,923 ± 28,575 μm; P = 0.03) in the rat laser CNV model when compared with topical PBS vehicle. ALM201 is a promising novel molecule with anti-inflammatory and antivascularization activity and is a strong candidate to meet the clinical need of a new, topically delivered therapeutic agent for treating inflammation and pathologic vascularization in the anterior and posterior segments of the eye.
  • ||||||||||  ALM201 / Almac Discovery
    Journal, Cancer stem cells:  FKBPL-based peptide, ALM201, targets angiogenesis and cancer stem cells in ovarian cancer. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 24, 2020   
    Further investigation of this agent in selected tumour types/settings would benefit from patient-selection biomarkers. FKBPL-based therapy can (i) dually target angiogenesis and CSCs, (ii) target the CD44/STAT3 pathway in tumours and (iii) is effective in highly vascularised HGSOC tumours with low levels of IL-6.
  • ||||||||||  Tamoxis (tamoxifen) / Bioprofarma, ALM201 / Almac Discovery
    Journal, Cancer stem cells:  FKBPL and its peptide derivatives inhibit endocrine therapy resistant cancer stem cells and breast cancer metastasis by downregulating DLL4 and Notch4. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 15, 2019   
    FKBPL-based therapy can (i) dually target angiogenesis and CSCs, (ii) target the CD44/STAT3 pathway in tumours and (iii) is effective in highly vascularised HGSOC tumours with low levels of IL-6. This study demonstrates, for the first time, the pre-clinical activity of novel systemic anti-cancer therapeutic peptides, ALM201 and AD-01, in the metastatic setting, and highlights their impact on endocrine therapy resistant CSCs; both areas of unmet clinical need.