Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie 
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 200 Diseases   191 Trials   191 Trials   19915 News 

  • ||||||||||  Olumiant (baricitinib) / Incyte, Eli Lilly
    Enrollment open:  RA-BRIDGE: A Study of Baricitinib (LY3009104) in Participants With Rheumatoid Arthritis ( -  May 20, 2019   
    P3b/4,  N=2600, Recruiting, 
    The findings suggest that biologic therapy is an efficacious, safe, and tolerable treatment for most patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis in HIV-positive patients. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Orencia (abatacept) / BMS
    Trial initiation date:  AMiRA: Effects of Abatacept on Myocarditis in Rheumatoid Arthritis ( -  May 16, 2019   
    P4,  N=20, Not yet recruiting, 
    Tocilizumab and etanercept in rheumatoid arthritis, and golimumab in spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis also, were the most persistent drugs in first-line and second-line treatment. Initiation date: Feb 2019 --> Jun 2019
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
    Clinical, Journal:  Reply: Adalimumab is a safe option for psoriasis patients with concomitant hepatitis B or C infection: a multicentre cohort study of 37 patients and review of the literature. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2019   
    The authors describe 17 psoriatic patients affected by chronic HBV infection and 20 affected by chronic HCV who were successfully treated with adalimumab with no evidence of HBV or HCV reactivation in a mean follow-up period of 27 and 40 months, respectively. We have previously described our successful experience of treatment with anti-TNF-alpha therapy in 17 psoriatic patients (11 with past HBV infection, 5 with chronic HCV infection and one affected by both HBV and HCV) without the use of lamivudine or adenofovir, and can now report on long-term follow-up data (mean follow-up period of 60 months).
  • ||||||||||  Remicade (infliximab) / Merck (MSD), Mitsubishi Tanabe, J&J, Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
    Enrollment change, HEOR:  GIS-SUSANTI-TNF-2015 (Anti-TNF Discontinuation ) ( -  May 14, 2019   
    P4,  N=194, Recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed N=300 --> 194
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
    Review, Journal:  Hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa: A practical framework for treatment optimization - systematic review and recommendations from the HS ALLIANCE working group. (Pubmed Central) -  May 13, 2019   
    ...The highest level of evidence concerned dosing recommendations for topical clindamycin in mild disease (with systemic tetracyclines for more frequent/widespread lesions) and biologic therapy (especially adalimumab) as second-line agents (following conventional therapy failure)...Lower-level evidence supported recommendations for topical triclosan and oral zinc in mild-to-moderate HS, systemic clindamycin and rifampicin in moderate HS and intravenous ertapenem in selected patients with more severe disease...Local surgical excision is suggested for mild-to-moderate HS, with wide excision for more extensive disease. Despite a paucity of good quality data on management decisions in HS, this systematic review has enabled the development of robust and easily applicable clinical recommendations for international physicians based on graded evidence.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Journal:  Risk of Serious Infection in Patients Receiving Systemic Medications for the Treatment of Psoriasis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 12, 2019   
    Subanalysis by type of serious infection showed a significantly increased risk of cellulitis among users of acitretin compared with methotrexate (PS-adjusted HR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.11-2.80). Among patients with psoriasis treated with systemic medications in 2 large US claims databases, new users of apremilast, etanercept, and ustekinumab had a decreased rate of serious infection compared with methotrexate.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical, Journal:  Current and prospective biologics and small molecules in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (Pubmed Central) -  May 11, 2019   
    ...Anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies, mostly infliximab or adalimumab were therefore introduced to their treatment...Out of them, monoclonal antibodies targeting adhesive molecules (vedolizumab, etrolizumab) and p40 chains shared by IL12 and IL23 (ustekinumab) have been already in clinical practice...Tofacitinib inhibits activity of JAK kinases; it was shown to be effective in UC management. Ozanimod interferes with migrations of activated T cells to the site of inflammation and is a promising drug for the UC treatment.Key words: Crohns disease - mongersen - monoclonal antibodies - ozanimod - tofacitinib - ulcerative colitis.