Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie 
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 200 Diseases   191 Trials   191 Trials   19915 News 

  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    The efficacy of adalimumab combined with surgery for rectovaginal fistula in Crohn's disease?a single-center retrospective study (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1725;    
    Meanwhile 69.7%(30/43) of patients achieved fistula response,32.5%(14/43) achieved fistula remission(Table 2),and 25.5%(11/43) achieved fistula remission under MRI; A total of 37 patients completed endoscopic re-examination, including 54.0% (20/37) of patients with endoscopic response and 24.3%(9/37) with endoscopic remission. Conclusion ADA combined with surgery is effective in the treatment of patients with Crohn
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Effectiveness of a second-line anti-TNF? agent compared to a different mechanism of action after first anti-TNF? failure in ulcerative colitis: CambiaCU Study (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1716;    
    (aTNF) and the switch to a different mechanism of action (MoA) such as Ustekinumab (UST), Vedolizumab (VDZ), Filgotinib or Tofacibinib (JAK) is lacking...As first aTNF, infliximab (IFX) was the most common in both groups (49% MoA group, 56% second aTNF), followed by adalimumab (ADA) (48% MoA group, 33% second aTNF)...80 patients received a different MoA (37 VDZ, 24 UST, 7 JAK) and 105 a second aTNF (34 IFX, 60 ADA, 11 golimumab)...Hemoglobin and albumin levels remained similar during follow-up in both groups. Conclusion Second-line biological therapy is effective regardless of biological therapy used in UC, but switching to a different MoA tend to achieve better results in terms of clinical response and remission compared to a second aTNF.
  • ||||||||||  Stelara (ustekinumab) / J&J, Entyvio (vedolizumab) / Takeda, Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    A Retrospective Comparison of Different Treatment Modalities in Patients with Chronic Pouchitis (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1714;    
    Conclusion Ustekinumab and vedolizumab demonstrate higher likelihood of maintaining long-term clinical and endoscopic response, along with greater reduction in fecal calprotectin compared with adalimumab and CDED. Biologic and immunomodulator therapy-na
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Preliminary data from the Biologic and Partial Enteral Nutrition in Crohn (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1713;    
    Biologic and immunomodulator therapy-na Background Biologics such as adalimumab (ADA) are used to induce clinical remission (CR) in individuals with active Crohn
  • ||||||||||  tofacitinib / Generic mfg.
    Safety and persistence oh the first JAK inhibitor Tofacitinib in patients with ulcerative colitis (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1641;    
    There was not discontinuation due to other adverse events, which were: 3,6% herpes zoster, 46,4% increased total cholesterol level >200 mg/dl (compared with the initial measurement), of which 19% received statins.There were 27 (48%) patients with risk factors associated with the safety warning: 37% cardiovascular risk, 3,7% older than 65 years, 11,1% previous malignancy, 18,5% current or past smokers and 29,6% had several of these risks. Conclusion In this multicenter real-world treatment-refractory UC population cohort, tofacitinib was well tolerated in the long term, even in the patients with risk factors related to the warning.
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    The safety and efficacy of adalimumab 80mg weekly as maintenance therapy in pediatric Crohn (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1635;    
    Overall, ADL intensification was safe, but 3 (9%) patients developed new-onset psoriasis. Conclusion Our findings support the safety and efficacy of administering ADL at a weekly dosage of 80 mg as maintenance therapy in pediatric patients with moderate to severe CD.
  • ||||||||||  Inflammatory bowel disease after liver transplantation: a retrospective cohort study from Latin America (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1554;    
    Regarding immunosuppression, 19 (42.2%) patients were treated with tacrolimus, 10 (22.2%) with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil, 8 (17.7%) with tacrolimus and azathioprine, 3 (6.6%) tacrolimus and everolimus, 3 (6.6%) with mycophenolate mofetil and cyclosporine, 2 (4.4%) patients with cyclosporine monotherapy...After LT, 20 (44.4%) patients required biological therapy, 11 (24.4%) were treated with anti-TNF (infliximab and adalimumab), 5 (11.1%) with vedolizumab, 3 (6.6%) with ustekinumab and 1 with tofacitinib...Eight (17.7%) patients had malignancies, 3 of them related to the baseline conditions such as hepatocellular, gallbladder carcinoma, colorectal cancer, while 4 patients died during the follow-up. Conclusion In our experience, IBD patients undergoing LT exhibited an aggressive disease course and required concomitant biological therapy, despite the ongoing immunosuppressive regimens.
  • ||||||||||  Adiposity is negatively associated with a stenosing Crohn (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1531;    
    This might reflect a change in eating behaviour due to persistent abdominal pain related to stenosing disease. Large longitudinal studies are needed to investigate this relationship further.
  • ||||||||||  Entyvio (vedolizumab) / Takeda, Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Renal failure in children with inflammatory bowel disease (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1452;    
    Timely identification of cases of renal failure is important to adequately treat and monitor patients. We recommend to monitor creatinine in all children with IBD, independent of drug use, every 6 months.
  • ||||||||||  Circulating eNAMPT predicts anti-TNF response in IBD patients: possible place in therapy of anti-eNAMPT antibody (Poster exhibition) -  Jan 25, 2024 - Abstract #ECCOIBD2024ECCO_IBD_1378;    
    Conclusion Our data demonstrate that eNAMPT serum levels correlate with the clinical response to anti-TNF therapies suggesting that eNAMPT is not a simple by- stander of IBD, and that local and serum eNAMPT could be define as a biomarker to define the responsiveness to biologics. Notably, its neutralization might be a pharmacological strategy worth investigating.
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Lupus-Like Syndrome in a Patient Treated With Adalimumab for Psoriasis. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 25, 2024   
    While the effect of vedolizumab on B cells and T cells was previously described, we have now potentially identified an additional eosinophil-reducing effect in the colon. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Therapeutic drug monitoring of immunotherapies with novel Affimer-NanoBiT sensor construct. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 22, 2024   
    After dilution of serum samples, the resulting quantifiable range for all four sensors falls within the clinically relevant range and compares favourably with the sensitivity and/or time-to-result of current ELISA standards. Further development of these sensors into a PoC test may improve treatment outcome and quality of life for patients receiving immunotherapy.
  • ||||||||||  Remicade (infliximab) / Merck (MSD), Mitsubishi Tanabe, J&J, Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Secondary orofacial granulomatosis due to Crohn's disease. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 18, 2024   
    She started adalimumab for postoperative recurrence for two years, with sustained clinical and endoscopic remission. She presents with a 1.5-year history of a persistent, asymptomatic, rubbery swelling on the left half of the lower lip.
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Bestimmende Faktoren f (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 16, 2024   
    No abstract available No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Therapeutic TNF Inhibitors Exhibit Differential Levels of Efficacy in Accelerating Cutaneous Wound Healing. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 16, 2024   
    In line with histologic assessments, proteomics analyses from healing wounds exposed to various TNF inhibitors revealed distinct and differential wound-healing signatures that may underlie the differential efficacy of these inhibitors in accelerating cutaneous wound healing. Taken together, these data revealed that TNF inhibitors exhibited differential levels of efficacy in accelerating cutaneous wound healing in the impaired wound-healing model in
  • ||||||||||  Kineret (anakinra) / SOBI, Enbrel (etanercept) / Pfizer, Amgen, Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Choice and switch of biologic drugs in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 15, 2024   
    Good responses were obtained in most of our patients with a reliable profile. However, studies on larger patient groups are needed to clarify these results.
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Biomarker, Journal:  Novel DNA methylome biomarkers associated with adalimumab response in rheumatoid arthritis patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 12, 2024   
    These classifier CpGs are annotated to genes involved in immunological and pathophysiological pathways related to RA such as T-cell signaling, B-cell pathology, and angiogenesis. Our findings indicate that the DNA methylome of PBL provides discriminative capabilities in discerning responders and non-responders to ADA treatment and may therefore serve as a tool for therapy prediction.
  • ||||||||||  Bimzelx (bimekizumab) / UCB
    Journal:  Bimekizumab (Bimzelx) for psoriasis. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 11, 2024   
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Factors Affecting Treatment Selection Among Patients With Hidradenitis Suppurativa. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 10, 2024   
    Despite the US Food and Drug Administration's approval of adalimumab for the treatment of hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), prescription rates remain low, indicating a critical gap between evidence-based guidelines and clinical practice...Suffering threshold, perceptions of treatment risk, treatment fatigue, disease understanding, and sources of information (included dermatologists, the internet, advertisements, and friends and loved ones) were identified as factors affecting participants' decisions to initiate new treatments for HS. Results of this qualitative study suggest that mitigating misconceptions about treatment risk, identifying gaps in disease knowledge, and emphasizing early treatment to prevent scarring and disease progression may empower patients with HS to engage in treatment planning and to try new therapies.
  • ||||||||||  Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  PIMOC: Personalized Therapies in Inflammatory Complex Disease ( -  Jan 9, 2024   
    P2,  N=32, Recruiting, 
    Results of this qualitative study suggest that mitigating misconceptions about treatment risk, identifying gaps in disease knowledge, and emphasizing early treatment to prevent scarring and disease progression may empower patients with HS to engage in treatment planning and to try new therapies. Trial completion date: Nov 2024 --> Nov 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2024 --> Nov 2025
  • ||||||||||  tofacitinib / Generic mfg.
    Journal, HEOR, Cost-effectiveness, Cost effectiveness:  Cost Effectiveness of Tofacitinib for the Treatment of Active Ankylosing Spondylitis in Greece. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 8, 2024   
    However, RCTs of a larger number of patients are still required for better assessing the safety profile of ADA and VDZ. Tofacitinib was estimated to be a cost-effective option for the treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis in Greece for both biologic-naive and biologic-experienced patients.