- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: F-Sodium fluoride uptake is associated with severity of atherosclerotic stenosis in stable ischemic heart disease. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 25, 2022 We retrospectively identified 114 patients who received both regadenoson stress Rb myocardial perfusion PET and F-NaF PET study with an average interval of 5 months...There was poor correlation between calcification and F-NaF uptake in coronary arteries (r = 0.41) Coronary arterial F-NaF uptake is associated with coronary stenosis severity in patients with stable coronary artery disease. F-NaF PET studies may be useful for characterizing coronary atherosclerotic plaques.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Clinical, Review, Journal: Asystole following Regadenoson administration: Review of literature, risk factors and management. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 23, 2022 In this article, we report a case of asystole following Regadenoson administration, evaluate mechanisms and risk factors for Regadenoson induced bradyarrhythmias to better identify patients at risk. We also review the available treatment options and propose recommendations for limiting its risk.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Preclinical, Journal: Quantitative myocardial first-pass perfusion imaging of CO -induced vasodilation in rats. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 8, 2022 The current study aimed to quantify the pharmacokinetic effect of a CO gas challenge on myocardial perfusion in rats using high-resolution, first-pass perfusion CMR and compared it with pharmacologically induced hyperemia using regadenoson...It was concluded that hypercapnia leads to significantly increased coronary flow and yields similar myocardial flow reserves in healthy rats as compared with pharmacological stimulation. Accordingly, inducible hypercapnia can be selected as an alternative stressor in CMR studies of myocardial blood flow in small animals.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Trial termination: Simultaneous Assessment of FFR and SPECT (clinicaltrials.gov) - Feb 2, 2022 P=N/A, N=27, Terminated, A subgroup of coronary territories with normal relative perfusion and normal or non-obstructive coronary disease may have reduced MFR, which is signaled physiologically by a mild degree of left ventricular asynchrony. Completed --> Terminated; Slow recruitment, funding period ended
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
REGADENOSON-INDUCED TAKOTSUBO CARDIOMYOPATHY (Poster Hall_Hall C) - Jan 28, 2022 - Abstract #ACC2022ACC_6097; Regadenoson has rarely been described as a potential trigger for TC. This case highlights this possibility, as well as abnormal perfusion in the dyskinetic segments during the immediate onset of a TC episode.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
RARE SINGLE CORONARY ARTERY CASE DISCOVERED AFTER A FALSE POSITIVE STRESS TEST (eAbstract site) - Jan 28, 2022 - Abstract #ACC2022ACC_5143; A Lexiscan stress test showed a small in size, moderate in intensity reversible anterior wall defect that did not improve with prone imaging, consistent with myocardial ischemia... This case is worth presenting to add to the number of rare cases that exist for SCA Left Type I anomalies.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
A RARE CASE OF DRUG REACTION WITH EOSINOPHILIA AND SYSTEMIC SYMPTOMS (DRESS) SYNDROME INDUCED BY REGADENOSON (Poster Hall_Hall C) - Jan 28, 2022 - Abstract #ACC2022ACC_25; It is imperative to have a high clinical suspicion and use multi-modality imaging to rule out an interarterial course which can cause myocardial ischemia and sudden death. Extra caution should be considered in patients who develop reactions after Lexiscan study, DRESS syndrome should be suspected, investigated and treated appropriately to avoid any serious and fatal outcomes.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: Treat COVID-19 Patients With Regadenoson (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jan 24, 2022 P1/2, N=40, Recruiting, In patients with LBBB undergoing regadenoson PET stress imaging, artifactual septal perfusion defects are rare. Trial completion date: Jan 2022 --> Dec 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2021 --> Jan 2023
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: The Impact of Ischemia Assessed by Magnetic Resonance on Functional, Arrhythmic, and Imaging Features of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 4, 2022 Each patient underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) including parametric mapping, perfusion imaging during regadenoson-induced hyperemia, late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and three-dimensional longitudinal, circumferential, and radial strains analysis...Ischemia was associated with shorter time to anaerobic threshold (β-estimate: -0.442, 95% CI: -0.860; -0.023, p = 0.039). In HCM, ischemia associates with morphological markers of severity of disease, fibrosis, arrhythmia, and functional capacity.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Preclinical, Journal: MRI-based in vivo detection of coronary microvascular dysfunction before alterations in cardiac function induced by short-term high-fat diet in mice. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 29, 2021 Basal coronary flow and coronary reserve, as assessed using the A adenosine receptor agonist regadenoson, were also not altered in HFD-fed mice...Multiparametric cardiac MRI revealed a reduction in systolic heart function, including decreased ejection rate, increased end-systolic volume and decreased myocardial strain in diastole with impaired ejection fraction, but not until 4 weeks of HFD. Short-term feeding with HFD resulted in early endothelial dysfunction in coronary microcirculation that preceded alteration in cardiac function and systemic insulin resistance.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
APICAL HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY MIMICKING AS MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. (Promenade Lobby (Sunset Center)) - Dec 20, 2021 - Abstract #WSMRF2022WSMRF_107; Nuclear Lexiscan stress test at that time showed ?reversible defect of the cardiac apex suggestive of ischemia?, cardiac catheterization was negative, and transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) showed preserved left ventricular function and mild mitral regurgitation...This case illustrates the importance of understanding and diagnosing patients with ApHCM since patient symptoms mimicked a myocardial infarction. The accurate and timely diagnosis may highly improve the clinical outcome and overall well-being of the patient.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Measuring myocardial blood flow with rubidium using Gjedde-Patlak-Rutland graphical analysis. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 29, 2021 CT-MPI has the benefit of providing both complete anatomic coronary evaluation and assessment of myocardial perfusion. GPR analysis offers promise as a valid and analytically simpler technique for measuring myocardial blood flow, which, as with any clearance measured from GPR analysis, has units of ml/min/ml total tissue volume, and merits development as a polar map display.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Clinical, Journal, Heterogeneity: Regadenoson-induced T-wave heterogeneity complements coronary stenosis detection by myocardial perfusion imaging in men and women. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 21, 2021 Adding TWHV4-6 to MPI determinations reduced false-positive results by 70%, more than doubled true-negative results, and improved adjusted odds ratio to 6.8 (95% CI: 2.2-21.4, P = 0.001) with specificity of 78% in men and 86% in women. This observational study is the first to demonstrate the benefit of combining TWHV4-6 with MPI to enhance FLL detection during MPI with regadenoson in both men and women.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Transient Opening of the Blood-Brain Barrier by Vasoactive Peptides to Increase CNS Drug Delivery: Reality Versus Wishful Thinking? (Exhibit Hall D) - Nov 16, 2021 - Abstract #SNO2021SNO_427; Vasoactive peptides (VAPs) such as regadenoson, adenosine, and labradimil have been shown in animal studies to transiently open the BBB, and regadenoson is currently under investigation in humans to determine if it might improve CNS drug delivery...Dozens of VAPs have yet to be formally evaluated for this important clinical effect. This retrospective review summarizes the available data on VAPs highlighting agents that deserve further in vitro and in vivo investigations.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Cardiac stress T1-mapping response and extracellular volume stability of MOLLI-based T1-mapping methods. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 10, 2021 Power calculations indicate up to a fourfold (stress T1) and 7.5-fold (ECV) advantage in sample-size reduction using ShMOLLI. Our results indicate that ShMOLLI correlates strongly with increased MBF during regadenoson stress and achieves a significantly higher stress T1 response, greater effect size, and greater ECV measurement stability compared with the MOLLI variants tested.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Clinical, Journal: Myocardial Perfusion Reserve in Children with Friedreich Ataxia. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 4, 2021 In total, seven children with genetically confirmed FA, ages 8-17 years, underwent MPR stress testing using regadenoson...This retrospective study shows that children with FA develop MPR defects early in the disease process. It also suggests MPR may be a sensitive tool to evaluate underlying cardiac compromise and could be of use in directing surgical management decisions in children with FA.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Large-scale evaluation of ion mobility spectrometry for the rapid detection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists in infused papers in prisons. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 30, 2021 The selectivity and sensitivity of Rapiscan Itemiser 3E and Itemiser 4DN Ion Trap Mobility Spectroscopy™ (ITMS™) systems were evaluated using 21 SCRA reference standards...Used effectively and with up to date substance libraries, they will help reduce the supply of SCRAs into prisons and identify emerging threats as they arise. Several emerging SCRAs (5F-MPP-PICA, 5F-EMB-PICA, and 4F-MDMB-BICA) were detected for the first time in Scottish prisons between May and August 2020 as a result of routine monitoring and all were detected using the ITMS systems tested.