- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Trial primary completion date: Regadenoson Infusion of Marginalized Donor Lungs in an EVLP System (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 14, 2022 P1, N=46, Recruiting, Further studies are needed to validate these findings and confirm the diagnostic and prognostic performance of stress CMR in these individuals. Trial primary completion date: Jan 2023 --> Jul 2023
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Targeted Delivery of Chemo-Sonodynamic Therapy via Brain Targeting, Glutathione-Consumable Polymeric Nanoparticles for Effective Brain Cancer Treatment. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 12, 2022 The NPs are synthesized using a novel glutathione (GSH)-reactive poly (2,2″-thiodiethylene 3,3″-dithiodipropionate) (PTD) polymer and engineered for brain penetration through neutrophil elastase-triggered shrinkability, iRGD-mediated targeted delivery, and lexiscan-induced autocatalysis...Furthermore, it is demonstrated that LiPTD NPs are capable of efficient encapsulation and delivery of chemotherapy doxorubicin and sonosensitizer chlorin e6 to achieve combined chemotherapy and sonodynamic therapy (SDT)...As a result, treatment with LiPTD NPs effectively inhibits tumor growth and prolongs the survival of tumor-bearing mice. This study may suggest a potential new approach for effective GBM treatment.
- |||||||||| Cu(II)ATSM / Collaborative Medicinal Development, Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Biomimetic Dp44mT-nanoparticles selectively induce apoptosis in Cu-loaded glioblastoma resulting in potent growth inhibition. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 7, 2022 Co-loading Dp44mT with regadenoson (Reg), that transiently opens the blood-brain-barrier (BBB), yielded biomimetic Ang-MNPs@(Dp44mT/Reg) NPs that actively targeted and traversed the BBB delivering Dp44mT specifically to GBM cells...Oral dosing of U87MG-Luc tumor bearing mice with diacetyl-bis(4-methylthiosemicarbazonato)-copperII (Cu(II)-ATSM), significantly enhanced Cu-level in GBM tumor...Targeting Ang-MNPs@(Dp44mT/Reg) NPs also down-regulated antiapoptotic Bcl-2, but up-regulated pro-apoptotic Bax and cleaved-caspase-3, demonstrating the involvement of the apoptotic pathway in GBM suppression. Notably, Ang-MNPs@(Dp44mT/Reg) showed negligible systemic drug toxicity in mice, further indicating therapeutic potential that could be adapted for other central nervous system disorders.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Association between coronary plaque volume and myocardial ischemia detected by dynamic perfusion CT imaging. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 29, 2022 In a prospective single-center study, patients with > 30% stenosis on rest CTA underwent regadenoson stress DPCT...Similarly, using multivariate logistic regression total PV was associated with ischemia (OR = 1.01, p = 0.033; per 10 mm) after adjustments for clinical risk factors, area stenosis and HRP. Total PV was independently associated with myocardial ischemia based on MBF, while area stenosis and HRP were not.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Safety and Efficacy of Regadenoson for Pediatric Stress Perfusion Cardiac MRI with Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 25, 2022 The global MPRI of the 16 patients who had undergone orthotopic heart transplant was significantly lower than the non-transplant patients (0.75 ± 0.22 vs. 0.92 ± 0.23, p = 0.03). Regadenoson is a safe and effective coronary vasodilator for pediatric stress perfusion MRI with MOCO producing better image quality and allowing for semi-quantitative assessment of perfusion deficits that correlate with qualitative assessment.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Myocardial contrast echocardiography assessment of perfusion abnormalities in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 21, 2022 P=N/A Perfusion defects on vasodilator MCE are common in HCM, particularly in those with extensive fibrosis, but have a different spatial pattern for the hypertrophied and non-hypertrophied segments, likely reflecting different contributions of functional and structural abnormalities. Improvement in hyperemic perfusion is possible in those undergoing septal myectomy to relieve obstruction. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02560467.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Myocardial Blood Flow in Patients Recovered From COVID-19 Infection Using Stress Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (Zone 2, Science and Technology Hall, Level 3; Poster Board no. 2099) - Aug 20, 2022 - Abstract #AHA2022AHA_6312; However, a significant proportion of the world population suffered from only mild COVID-19 symptoms, and it is unknown if their myocardial perfusion is altered following their recovery.Hypothesis:In this study, we aimed to determine if there are detectable abnormalities to myocardial perfusion using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) in individuals who have recovered from mild COVID-19 infection.We conducted a prospective, comparative study of individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 infection (n=33) and risk-factor matched controls (n=27) using regadenoson stress CMR by a 1.5T MR scanner (GE Signa Artist) (figure)... No significant abnormalities in myocardial perfusion during rest or stress conditions were seen in individuals who had recovered from mild COVID-19 infection suggesting that microvascular dysfunction is unlikely to be a common sequela in this patient population.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction Secondary to Coronary Endothelial Dysfunction and Microvascular Disease (Zone 1, Science and Technology Hall, Level 3; Poster Board no. 1025) - Aug 11, 2022 - Abstract #AHA2022AHA_5206; Angiography showed normal coronary arteries while coronary reactivity testing was diagnostic of severe epicardial and microvascular endothelial dysfunction (60% mid/distal LAD constriction and 19% decreased blood flow in response to intracoronary (IC) acetylcholine), and endothelial-independent microvascular dysfunction (coronary flow reserve 2.4 in response to IC adenosine), diagnostic of HFpEF due to coronary endothelial and microvascular disease (Figure D). The patient
- |||||||||| Vyndaqel (tafamidis meglumine) / Pfizer, Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Geriatric HFpEF: When It Isn (Zone 2, Science and Technology Hall, Level 3; Poster Board no. 2134) - Aug 11, 2022 - Abstract #AHA2022AHA_3825; Diagnosis is often delayed or missed, as features could be subtle and mimic other more common cardiac disease. Screening 99mTc-PYP for elderly patients with HFpEF could translate to improved outcomes
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction is Present Among Well-Treated Asymptomatic Persons with HIV, Similar to Those with Diabetes (A313-A314) - Jul 16, 2022 - Abstract #ENDO2022ENDO_787; 39 PWH with no known history of CVD or DM, required to be on stable ART and virologically controlled (HIV viral load <200 copies/mL), underwent coronary 13 N-ammonia PET/CT to evaluate coronary flow reserve (CFR)—a measure of microvascular dysfunction calculated by the ratio of peak coronary flow during regadenoson stress to rest...This study demonstrates for the first time CFR is reduced compared to higher risk PWOH and comparable to those with DM, regardless of traditional CVD risk factors, and further highlights well-treated HIV as a CVD-risk enhancing factor similar to diabetes. The implications of reduced CFR in HIV warrants further investigation.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Buccal caffeine strips for reversal of adverse symptoms of vasodilator stress. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 9, 2022 Buccal caffeine strips are a safe, well tolerated, and effective initial strategy to reverse adverse effects of vasodilator stress in the minority of patients who request it. Buccal caffeine alone or with IV rescue caffeine was highly effective in reversing adverse effects and was free of major adverse clinical events.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date: Improvement Assessment of Coronary Flow Dysfunction Using Fundamental Fluid Dynamics (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 22, 2022 P=N/A, N=68, Active, not recruiting, This narrative review summarizes the available data on vasoactive peptides, highlighting agents that deserve further in vitro and in vivo investigations. Trial completion date: Jun 2022 --> Jun 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2022 --> Jun 2023
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Feasibility and image quality of myocardial perfusion imaging by CMR in patients with conditional and non-conditional cardiac devices (Research Gateway 1) - Jun 15, 2022 - Abstract #ESC2022ESC_1078; Myocardial perfusion imaging by CMR is safe and feasible with high image-quality in patients with all kinds of CIEDs – including MR-conditional as well as non-conditional devices. When performing CMR-based myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with left-sided ICD/CRT-D/S-ICD, a sGE-based perfusion-protocol should be preferred compared to conventional SSFP-based perfusion protocols in order to achieve artefact-free and well interpretable images.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Role of sex hormones in modulating myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve. (Pubmed Central) - May 29, 2022 Our experimental data in mice indicate that sex differences in myocardial perfusion are primarily driven by testosterone. Given the diagnostic importance of PET-MPI in clinical routine, further studies are warranted to determine whether testosterone levels affect the interpretation of myocardial perfusion findings in patients.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: Value of SiPM PET in myocardial perfusion imaging using Rubidium-82. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 30, 2022 Defect interpretation, interpreter's confidence, and absolute blood flow measurements were comparable between both systems. SiPM PET is therefore a reliable technique for MPI using Rb-82.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Clinical, Journal: Feasibility of computed tomography perfusion in patients with chronic total occlusion undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 27, 2022 P Ten consecutive CTO patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (≥50%) underwent regadenoson dynamic CTP prior to and at least 3 months after successful CTO recanalization...While ischemic burden can be significantly improved after successful CTO PCI, it is still larger as compared with normal myocardium. NCT04465526: The Influence of Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion on Myocardial Perfusion on Computed Tomography (COPACABANA).
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Clinical, Journal: The prognostic implications of ST-segment and T-wave abnormalities in patients undergoing regadenoson stress SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 13, 2022 While patients with secondary ST/T abnormalities had significantly higher MACE risk, abnormal MPI or presence of myocardial ischemia on regadenoson SPECT-MPI in this group does not add prognostic information. Patients with primary ST abnormalities and T-wave abnormalities do not seem to have a significantly higher MACE risk compared to those with normal ECG; however, abnormal MPI or presence of myocardial ischemia, in these groups, correlates with higher MACE rates.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Journal: The diagnostic and prognostic value of near-normal perfusion or borderline ischemia on stress myocardial perfusion imaging. (Pubmed Central) - Apr 13, 2022 Patients with primary ST abnormalities and T-wave abnormalities do not seem to have a significantly higher MACE risk compared to those with normal ECG; however, abnormal MPI or presence of myocardial ischemia, in these groups, correlates with higher MACE rates. Near-normal MPI and borderline ischemia on SPECT-MPI provide no significant prognostic information in predicting hard cardiac events but are associated with higher rates of obstructive angiographic CAD and coronary revascularizations.
- |||||||||| Lexiscan (regadenoson) / GE Healthcare, Astellas, Gilead
Trial completion date: Heart Rate Response to Regadenoson and Sudden Cardiac Death (clinicaltrials.gov) - Apr 4, 2022 P=N/A, N=90, Active, not recruiting, Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=45 --> 7 Trial completion date: Dec 2021 --> Jun 2022
- |||||||||| temozolomide / Generic mfg.
Preclinical, Journal: Adenosine A2A receptor activation enhances blood-tumor barrier permeability in a rodent glioma model. (Pubmed Central) - Mar 26, 2022 The use of vasoactive mediators, like regadenoson, which transiently influences paracellular transport, should further be explored to evaluate their potential to enhance CNS treatment delivery to aggressive brain tumors. Implications: This study provides insight on the use of a vasoactive agent to increase exposure of the blood-tumor barrier to chemotherapy with intention to improve glioma treatment efficacy.