Lupuzor (rigerimod) / ImmuPharma, Alora Pharma 
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  • ||||||||||  P2 data, P3 data, Review, Journal:  Clinical trials in systemic lupus erythematosus: the dilemma-Why have phase III trials failed to confirm the promising results of phase II trials? (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 7, 2022   
    Thus, trials with many drugs against different targets, such as CD22, IL-12 and IL-23 or tyrosine kinases, have been carried out in recent years.A frustrating feature of some of the biologic drugs used to treat SLE has been the reporting of successful phase II trials followed by failures of the phase III trials.In this review, we will focus on phase II and III trials carried out with epratuzumab (anti CD22), baricitinib (Janus kinases inhibitor), rigerimod (P140 peptide) and ustekinumab (IL-12 and IL-23 inhibitor) and consider the reasons for their ultimate failure to 'make the grade'. Likewise, we will try to explain the possible reasons that can influence why good results may be obtained in phase II trials and lead to undue optimism.
  • ||||||||||  Lupuzor (rigerimod) / ImmuPharma, Alora Pharma
    Preclinical, Journal:  In Vivo Remodeling of Altered Autophagy-Lysosomal Pathway by a Phosphopeptide in Lupus. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 7, 2021   
    For the first time, it is demonstrated that by occluding the intralysosome uptake of CMA substrates, a therapeutic molecule can attenuate excessive CMA activity in a pathological pro-inflammatory context and protect against hyperinflammation. This recovery effect of P140 on hyperactivated CMA is not only important for lupus therapy but potentially also for treating other (auto)inflammatory diseases, including neurologic and metabolic disorders, where CMA modulation would be highly beneficial.
  • ||||||||||  Lupuzor (rigerimod) / ImmuPharma, Alora Pharma
    To reinforce the data, we took advantage of a CMA targeting therapy, currently in clinical trial to treat systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), P140/Lupuzor®...Conclusion Altogether, we demonstrated that reduction of CMA activity is necessary for efficient granulocytic differentiation of hematopoietic cells. Therefore, CMA activity may impede AML differentiation and thus participate in maintaining an immature AML phenotype.
  • ||||||||||  Lupuzor (rigerimod) / ImmuPharma
    Journal, IO Biomarker:  Lupus regulator peptide P140 represses B-cell differentiation by reducing HLA class II molecule overexpression. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 24, 2019   
    Our findings show that P140 down-regulates HLA class II overexpression in human lupus B cells and that likely via a resulting lack of T cell signaling and activation, it hampers B cells differentiation into autoantibody-secreting plasma cells. This mechanism likely switches off the downstream events leading to pathogenic autoantibodies secretion, thus explaining the highly promising results obtained in P140/Lupuzor-based clinical trials.