Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma 
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  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Journal:  Successful Management of Terminal Delirium With Transdermal Blonanserin Patch in a Terminally Ill Cancer Patient. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 21, 2024   
    However, he deteriorated a week later with an estimated survival of days, ultimately requiring continuous midazolam for refractory agitation. This case underscores the potential of transdermal blonanserin patches for delirium in terminally ill cancer patients, emphasizing the need for future prospective studies.
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Review, Journal, Metastases:  Novel therapies for nausea and vomiting in advanced illness and supportive cancer care. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 10, 2024   
    Isopropyl alcohol aromatherapy has been successfully used in the emergency department for nausea and vomiting with an onset to benefit more rapidly than standard antiemetics. Isopropyl alcohol prep pads can be used for home-going antiemetic therapy and as a bridge to treating acute nausea until standard antiemetics take effect.
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Efficacy of Blonanserin Transdermal Patch on Terminal Delirium in Patients with Respiratory Diseases (PS-1 in poster area) -  Jun 17, 2023 - Abstract #ERS2023ERS_4265;    
    Isopropyl alcohol prep pads can be used for home-going antiemetic therapy and as a bridge to treating acute nausea until standard antiemetics take effect. Palliative care; General respiratory patient care; Pulmonary function testing; Cell and molecular biology; Epidemiology; Public health; Imaging
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Dainippon
    Clinical, Journal:  Switching from blonanserin oral tablets/powders to transdermal patches alleviates extrapyramidal symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: A 52-week open-label study. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 25, 2022   
    In cohort 1 (n = 97), patients received 40-80 mg/day blonanserin transdermal patches for one year after taking 8-16 mg/day blonanserin tablets for 6 weeks, and the dose of patches was determined based on the dose of the tablets...Changes from the start of transdermal patch treatment in EPS and the dose of antiparkinsonian drugs at 3, 6, and 12 months were assessed using the Drug-Induced EPS Scale (DIEPSS) and biperiden equivalents of total antiparkinsonian drugs (BPD-eq), respectively...In contrast, there were no significant changes from the start of patch treatment in BPD-eq at any month (p > 0.05). Transdermal patches of blonanserin are a more effective route of administration to diminish EPS than oral tablets/powder.
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Dainippon
    Journal:  Blonanserin patch for schizophrenia. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 21, 2021   
    Blonanserin transdermal patch improved the symptoms of acute schizophrenia with acceptable tolerability. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Transdermal Delivery of Antipsychotics: Rationale and Current Status. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 23, 2020   
    Despite the current availability of a large number of antipsychotics, only a few of these drugs (e.g. aripiprazole, asenapine, blonanserin, chlorpromazine, haloperidol, olanzapine, prochlorperazine, quetiapine, and risperidone) have been developed as transdermal delivery systems...However, few clinical trials on transdermal delivery of antipsychotic drugs are available and only delivery systems containing asenapine and blonanserin have shown interesting clinical results in terms of pharmacokinetic data, efficacy, and tolerability. Recently, the transdermal patch formulation of blonanserin was approved in Japan for the treatment of schizophrenia.
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Trial completion:  Confirmatory Study of DSP-5423P in Patients With Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jul 24, 2019   
    P3,  N=580, Completed, 
    These methods were applied to blonanserin transdermal patch, suggesting much smaller interaction with CYP3A4 inhibitors/inducers compared to oral dosage of blonanserin. Recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Trial completion:  Long-term Study of DSP-5423P in Patients With Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jul 25, 2017   
    P3,  N=203, Completed, 
    Recruiting --> Completed Active, not recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Enrollment change, Trial initiation date, Trial primary completion date:  Confirmatory Study of DSP-5423P in Patients With Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jul 23, 2016   
    P3,  N=501, Recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed N=360 --> 501 | Initiation date: Nov 2014 --> Aug 2014 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2018 --> Dec 2018
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Enrollment closed, Trial primary completion date:  Long-term Study of DSP-5423P in Patients With Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Jul 23, 2016   
    P3,  N=200, Active, not recruiting, 
    N=360 --> 501 | Initiation date: Nov 2014 --> Aug 2014 | Trial primary completion date: Apr 2018 --> Dec 2018 Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial primary completion date: Feb 2017 --> Jul 2017
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Enrollment open:  Long-term Study of DSP-5423P in Patients With Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Mar 24, 2015   
    P3,  N=200, Recruiting, 
    Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | Trial primary completion date: Feb 2017 --> Jul 2017 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Lonasen tape (blonanserin transdermal patch) / Nitto Denko, Sumitomo Pharma
    Enrollment open:  Confirmatory Study of DSP-5423P in Patients With Schizophrenia (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Feb 2, 2015   
    P3,  N=360, Recruiting, 
    Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting