LASN01 / Lassen Therap 
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  • ||||||||||  LASN01 - Lassen Therap, Cedars / Sinai
    A First-in-Class IL-11 Receptor Blocking Antibody as a Treatment for Pulmonary Fibrosis (Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Room 146 A-C (Street Level)) -  Mar 25, 2023 - Abstract #ATS2023ATS_4333;    
    blockade and support the continued clinical advancement of LASN01, a human anti-IL-11R? as a first-in-class treatment for IPF, other forms of interstitial lung disease, and potentially additional immune-fibrotic diseases.
  • ||||||||||  LASN01 - Lassen Therap, Cedars / Sinai
    Characterization of a Novel IL-11 Receptor-Blocking Antibody, a Potential Therapeutic for IPF and Other Fibrosing Lung Diseases (Room 215-216 (South Building, Level 2), Moscone Center) -  Feb 19, 2022 - Abstract #ATS2022ATS_3959;    
    Rationale: Interleukin 11 (IL-11) is a pleiotropic cytokine that is reported to be an important regulator of fibroblast activation and tissue fibrosis. Combined, these data indicate that IL-11 is a prominent fibroinflammatory mediator in the lung and IL-11RA blockade may provide a novel therapeutic approach to treat grievous diseases such as IPF or other fibrosing ILD’s.