lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Long-term follow-up of treatment-na (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 4, 2023   
    However, drug resistance and virological breakthrough in the LAM group and side effects in the LdT group were detected during the long-term follow-up. Moreover, HBsAg seroclearance was achieved at very low rates with oral antiviral agents.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Potential antiviral activities of chrysin against hepatitis B virus. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 10, 2023   
    The outcome of our study establishes chrysin as a new antiviral against HBV infection. However, using chrysin to treat chronic HBV disease needs further endorsement and optimization by in vivo studies in animal models.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Design and Synthesis of (3-Phenylisoxazol-5-yl)methanimine Derivatives as Hepatitis B Virus Inhibitors. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 22, 2023   
    Structures of compounds were determined by NMR and HRMS methods, and chlorination on phenyl ring of phenylisoxazol-5-yl was confirmed by X-ray diffraction analysis, and the structure-activity relationships (SARs) of the derivatives was discussed. This work provided a new class of potent non-nucleoside anti-HBV agents.
  • ||||||||||  Humira (adalimumab) / Eisai, AbbVie
    Successful Management of Hidradenitis Suppurativa complicated by Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Adalimumab – A case report (Room 2) -  Feb 2, 2023 - Abstract #EHSF2023EHSF_69;    
    After completion of Lamivudine prophylaxis and the Covid-19 vaccine, she was given the starting dose of Adalimumab (180mg) and instructed on self-application of the maintenance dose...Furthermore, even though studies have found a link between severe forms of HS and the likelihood of developing SCC, It is unclear if TNF-alpha inhibitors, which are effective in treating severe HS, may also increase the risk of SCC. Further research is required to prove such a claim.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Noncompliance with Therapeutic Guidelines for Chronic Hepatitis B Patients in Minas Gerais, Brazil. (Pubmed Central) -  Dec 23, 2022   
    There was low compliance with national guidelines by public service physicians in Brazil, highlighting the need to raise awareness of the importance of its adherence to expand the control of CHB. Thus, increasing the adherence of health professionals to this tool is a current challenge for health institutions and managers.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Optimal Management of Pregnant Women With HBV Infection and Other Liver Diseases (3F Plenary Hall) -  Dec 18, 2022 - Abstract #APASL2023APASL_206;    
    Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate should be the drug of choice during pregnancy in view of its potent effect, and the possibility of pre-existing or emergent resistant mutants from prior lamivudine and telbivudine treatment...Acute flare of chronic HBV infection could occur during pregnancy and after delivery which could also lead to major maternal morbidity and mortality. Other liver diseases complicating pregnancy will also be discussed.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Discovery of benzimidazole substituted 1, 2, 4-oxadiazole compounds as novel anti-HBV agents with TLR8-agonistic activities. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 22, 2022   
    In contrast, nucleos(t)ide analogue lamivudine is only effective for wild-type HBV (IC  100 μM)...Molecular docking studies found that 11o formed tight interactions with binding pocket residues located at the dimer interface of TLR8. Considering the potent in vitro anti-HBV activity, effective TLR8-agonistic potency, and relatively safe profile with a selectivity index (SI) value high above 37, compound 11o deserves further investigation as a potential immunomodulatory anti-HBV agent.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    HBV infection in non-liver solid organ transplant is minimal risk using our current strategies. Use of allografts from HBcAb+/HBsAg- donors in liver transplant represents the primary risk of HBV post-transplant infection and infection can occur long after the transplant event.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg., adefovir dipivoxil / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Review, Journal:  Comparing the efficacy and safety of tenofovir and adefovir or combined drug treatment for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 22, 2022   
    To explore this issue, we performed a current literature review and meta-analysis to compare the efficacy and safety of ADV vs. TDF, TDF vs. ADV + lamivudine (LAM); TDF vs. ADV + entecavir (ETV)...However, when ADV was combined with LAM or ETV, they often showed the same therapeutic effect as TDF in parameters such as ALT level and Tbil level and combined therapy can effectively reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions. In this study, because the sample source countries were limited, a greater number of global studies are needed in the future to verify the current findings.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The anti‑hepatitis B virus activity of sea buckthorn is attributed to quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 4, 2022   
    The data were in good agreement with a previous in vitro and in silico molecular docking analysis performed by the authors where quercetin, kaempferol and lamivudine had formed stable complexes with HBV-polymerase binding-pocket amino acids. On the whole, to the best of our knowledge, the present study provides the first report of the anti-HBV therapeutic potential of sea buckthorn, attributed to quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin.
  • ||||||||||  Undisclosed HBV therapeutic / Kainos Medicine, Institut Pasteur Korea
    Biomarker, Journal:  Selected ginsenosides interfere efficiently with hepatitis B virus mRNA expression levels and suppress viral surface antigen secretion. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 21, 2022   
    These studies, involving RT-qPCR and ELISA, suggest that Rh4/LMV combinations in particular act synergistically to inhibit the secretion of HBV particles and HBsAg. Therefore, on the assumption that appropriate in vivo data are in future agreement, Rh4, in particular, might be used in combination with nucleoside/nucleotide analogues (NUCs) to devise an effective, cost-efficient combination therapy for the treatment of patients with CHB infections.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Meta-Analysis of the Risk for Abnormal Liver Function in Pregnancy with High HBV DNA After Antiviral Therapy Withdrawal. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 20, 2022   
    The telbivudine treatment group was compared with the control group: at 0-12 weeks: RR = 0.77; 95% CI, 0.43-1.39; at 12-24 weeks: RR = 0.62, 95% CI, 0.23-1.64...There was no significant difference between the 4-week group and the 4-12 week group and the control group. In pregnant women with a high HBV DNA load, immediate withdrawal after antiviral treatment in the second or third trimester of pregnancy did not increase the risk for ALF after delivery.
  • ||||||||||  Besivo (besifovir) / Gilead, LG Chem, Ildong
    Journal:  Susceptibility of Drug Resistant Hepatitis B Virus Mutants to Besifovir. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 29, 2022   
    Several NAs, including lamivudine (LMV), adefovir (ADV), entecavir (ETV) and tenofovir (TDF or TAF) have been approved and administered to chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients...In case of tenofovir-resistant mutations, the HBV mutants harboring primary mutations to tenofovir resistance were susceptible to BFV. Therefore, our study revealed that BSV may serve as an alternative drug for patients with ADV-, ETV-, TDF- or TAF-resistance.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Clinical Predictors of Functional Cure in Children 1-6 Years-old with Chronic Hepatitis B. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 17, 2022   
    A total of 236 children aged 1-6 years and diagnosed with CHB via liver biopsy were included in the study, all receiving IFNα treatment (IFNα-2b monotherapy, IFNα-2b followed by lamivudine [LAM] or IFNα-2b combined with LAM) and followed up for 144 weeks...Long-term treatment with IFNα was effective in achieving HBsAg loss in CHB children aged 1-6 years-old. Age less than 3 years-old and lower HBsAg levels are independent predictors of functional cure in children with CHB.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg., emtricitabine / Generic mfg., lamivudine / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Structural basis of HIV inhibition by L-nucleosides: opportunities for drug development and repurposing. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 22, 2022   
    Nevertheless, structural details of their binding to RT(Pol)/nucleic acid remained unknown until recently. Here, we discuss the implications of these structures, alongside related complexes with L-dNTPs, for the development of novel L-nucleos(t)ide drugs, and prospects for repurposing them.
  • ||||||||||  Intron A (interferon α-2b) / Merck (MSD), Biogen, Vemlidy (tenofovir alafenamide) / Gilead
    Retrospective data, Journal, Monotherapy:  Primary partial response with tenofovir monotherapy: two adults and one child. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 8, 2022   
    A TDF (245 mg) or TAF (25 mg) + ETV (1 mg) combination therapy is effective in the treatment of naïve patients with a partial response to the TDF monotherapy. A combination therapy including tenofovir and entecavir should be initiated to mothers with a primary partial response to the tenofovir monotherapy after the initial 32 weeks of pregnancy, as CHB may cause cirrhosis in the children due to a persistent inflammation in the liver subsequent to a vertical transmission.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Review, Journal:  Secondary prevention for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B: are all the nucleos(t)ide analogues the same? (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 4, 2022   
    The first-generation NA, lamivudine, reduced the risk of HCC at 3 years compared to placebo; yet, its high emergence of antiviral resistance has made it no longer recommended in the international guidelines...A handful of cohort studies show two different kinds of observations-TDF is better than entecavir in lowering HCC risk, or these two NAs have led to similarly low risk of HCC. Tenofovir alafenamide (TAF), a modified version of TDF higher rate of ALT normalization, would be another potent nucleotide analogue is the treatment of choice for secondary prevention for HCC.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Novel anti-hepatitis B virus-active catechin and epicatechin from Rhus tripartita. (Pubmed Central) -  May 29, 2022   
    Further molecular docking analysis revealed formations of strong complexes of RPT, ECR and LAM with HBV polymerase through interactions with binding pocket residues. Taken together, the present results demonstrated promising therapeutic potential of the novel R. tripartita-derived catechin and epicatechin for HBV, warranting their further molecular and pharmacological evaluation.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Management of Hepatitis B Positive Donors in Liver Transplant (Hynes Room 312) -  May 20, 2022 - Abstract #ATC2022ATC_1937;    
    Similar patient and graft survival rates were seen among the control and experimental groups. Given the variability in prescribing practices of antiviral and HBIG therapy, a more protocolized approach could be beneficial.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The anti-hepatitis B virus and anti-hepatotoxic efficacies of solanopubamine, a rare alkaloid from Solanum schimperianum. (Pubmed Central) -  May 10, 2022   
    Though there are effective HBV-polymerase inhibitors (e.g., lamivudine), their prolonged use leads to emergence of drug-resistant (polymerase mutant) strains...Further docking analyses of solanopubamine showed formation of stable complexes with caspase-3/7. Taken together, our data demonstrates promising anti-HBV and anti-hepatotoxic therapeutic potential of solanopubamine, and warrants further molecular and pharmacological studies.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg., lamivudine / Generic mfg., adefovir dipivoxil / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Adefovir for lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B. (Pubmed Central) -  May 9, 2022   
    Adefovir was found to be effective in suppressing viral replication and in resolving the hepatic inflammation associated with hepatitis B with only rare instances of resistance. In this article, we appreciate John Martin's contribution to science and medicine as we review the landmark trials of adefovir that brought forth a new era of treatment of Hepatitis B.
  • ||||||||||  lamivudine HBV / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes and Antiviral Resistance Mutations in Romanian HIV-HBV Co-Infected Patients. (Pubmed Central) -  May 1, 2022   
    HBV genotype A was present in 66.7% of the cases and was dominant in patients parenterally infected during early childhood, who experienced multiple treatment regimens, with a mean therapy length of 15.25 years, and present numerous mutations associated with lamivudine (LAM) resistance, but very rarely active liver disease...There are no significant differences in the distribution of RAMs in patients infected with different HBV genotypes, except for the L80V and N236T mutations, which were more frequently found in HBV genotype A infections (p = 0.032 and p = 0.004, respectively). HBV genotypes A and D are the only genotypes present in HIV-HBV co-infected patients from Romania, with different distributions according to the infection route, and are frequently associated with multiple RAMs, conferring extensive resistance to LAM.