lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma 
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  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Safety and Efficacy of Neuro-responsive Stimulator (RNS) in Bilateral Temporal Lobe GAD65 Antibody Positive Autoimmune Epilepsy in Patients on Immunosuppression (Colorado Convention Center | Exhibit Hall B-E) -  Mar 8, 2024 - Abstract #AAN2024AAN_3666;    
    Design/NAWe present a young female patient diagnosed with GAD65 antibody positive AE on multiple ASMs including Levetiracetam, Lamotrigine, Zonisamide, Phenobarbital, Clobazam, Lacosamide, and Ativan. Her immunomodulating therapies include IVIG maintenance therapy, mycophenolate, and daily prednisone...RNS has a role in tracking disease treatment in patients with AE on immunosuppression and provides a safe therapeutic option for these commonly immunosuppressed groups, as demonstrated with our patient with GAD65 positive AE.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    That Tickles!: A New Type of Reflex Epilepsy (Colorado Convention Center | Exhibit Hall B-E) -  Mar 8, 2024 - Abstract #AAN2024AAN_2502;    
    The pathophysiology of "tickling" epilepsy is unknown. Behavior modification may be a necessary intervention to avoid seizures.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    A Rare Case of Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Presenting as SUNCT (Colorado Convention Center | Exhibit Hall B-E) -  Mar 8, 2024 - Abstract #AAN2024AAN_2465;    
    Additionally, she symptoms consistent with Ramsey-Hunt syndrome with findings of vesicular rash, facial pain and facial weakness. Our case broadens the understanding of SUNCT, allowing one to consider RHS or herpes zoster as part of the differential for SUNCT.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Review, Journal:  SUNCT, SUNA and short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks: Debates and an update. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 28, 2024   
    Our case broadens the understanding of SUNCT, allowing one to consider RHS or herpes zoster as part of the differential for SUNCT. Recent advances in the understanding of SUNHA have improved the recognition and treatment approaches for this unique condition.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Panic disorder in epilepsy. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 1, 2024   
    Psychotherapy, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy, is the treatment of choice. Referral to a psychiatrist is indicated when symptoms are severe or refractory to treatment.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Influence of Long-Term Anti-Seizure Medications on Redox Parameters in Human Blood. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 23, 2024   
    Referral to a psychiatrist is indicated when symptoms are severe or refractory to treatment. Monotherapy with anti-seizure medications discretely alters redox homeostasis, followed by distinct relationships between antioxidant components.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Review, Journal:  Issues of Women with Epilepsy and Suitable Antiseizure Drugs. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 15, 2024   
    However, no single ASD is considered ideal for childbearing WWE. Lamotrigine and levetiracetam are relatively more suitable options for this situation.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Review, Journal:  Neural hyperexcitability in Angelman syndrome: Genetic factors and pharmacologic treatment approaches. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 14, 2024   
    Antidepressants such as SSRIs and atypical antipsychotics are among the medications that have been used behaviorally, whereas anticonvulsant drugs such as valproic acid and lamotrigine have frequently been used to control seizures in AS. We end by suggesting novel uses for some existing pharmacologic agents in AS, including noradrenergic transmission reducing drugs (alpha2 agonists, beta blockers, alpha1 antagonists) and cholinesterase inhibitors, where these various classes of drugs may have the ability to ameliorate both behavioral disturbances and seizures.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Preclinical, Journal:  Age-Dependent Phenomena of 6-Hz Corneal Kindling Model in Mice. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 12, 2024   
    These data demonstrate that both the acquisition and expression of 6-Hz corneal kindling are attenuated in middle-aged mice, while hippocampal astrogliosis and pharmacological resistance are more pronounced in this age group. These results underscore the importance of considering age-related factors when utilizing the 6-Hz corneal kindling model in mice of varying age groups.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Neurodevelopmental Profile of a Pediatric Patient with Catamenial Epilepsy (Shubert Complex (Posters 1-60) / Majestic Complex (Posters 61-120)) -  Dec 26, 2023 - Abstract #INSNewYork2024INS_Newyork_1302;    
    This is especially important in pediatric populations where neuropsychological development is ongoing. Our case study is one of the first to provide information on the neurocognitive profile of a pediatric patient with catamenial epilepsy, but more information and research is necessary.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Trial primary completion date:  The Efficacy and Safety of Lamotrigine Versus Carbamazepine in Focal Epilepsy ( -  Oct 9, 2023   
    P4,  N=70, Enrolling by invitation, 
    These findings suggest that anakinra and lamotrigine, either alone or in combination, may be clinically useful in preventing the development of histopathological and behavioral abnormalities associated with epilepsy. Trial primary completion date: Apr 2023 --> Oct 2023
  • ||||||||||  pentylenetetrazole (BTD-001) / Balance Therap, lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Anticonvulsant Properties of 1-Diethylamino-3-phenylprop-2-en-1-one. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 27, 2023   
    Three screens in rats were undertaken, which revealed that (2) blocked chloride channels, inhibited peripheral neuronal transmission (tested using sciatic ligation and von Frey fibres) and afforded protection in the lamotrigine-resistant kindled rat model. The biodata generated reveal that (2) is an important lead molecule in the quest for novel structures to combat epilepsy.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma, Botox (onabotulinumtoxin A) / GSK, AbbVie, Healis Therap
    Journal:  Long-term outcomes of nummular headache: A series of 168 patients and 1198 patient-years of follow-up. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 24, 2023   
    Two-thirds of patients required preventive treatment, and 80% of them were treatment-responsive. In NH cases that remained symptomatic, the headache frequency was lower, and the proportion of patients with chronic NH decreased from 68% to 11%.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Evaluation Of Lamotrigine-induced Hypogammaglobulinemia Identifies Rare IFIH1 Pathogenic Variant (Monitor 06) -  Sep 14, 2023 - Abstract #ACAAI2023ACAAI_646;    
    However, genetic evaluation identified a novel presentation of IFIH1 with humoral immunodeficiency but absence of encephalopathy, blood vessel or bone anomalies associated with AGS or SMS. This case demonstrates the importance of a complete evaluation for primary immunodeficiency as genetic testing identified possible underlying innate error of immunity and inherited syndrome.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  The phenotypic presentation of adult individuals with SLC6A1-related neurodevelopmental disorders. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 7, 2023   
    Epilepsy was refractory in 7/11, while four patients were seizure free with lamotrigine, valproate, or lamotrigine in combination with valproate...ID appeared to be more severe in the adult patients, albeit this might reflect a recruitment bias, where only patients seen in specialized centers were included or it might be a feature of the natural history of SLC6A1-NDDs. This issue warrants to be explored in further studies in larger cohorts.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Lamotrigine-induced atypical DRESS syndrome with erythema multiforme-like eruption (e-Poster Hall) -  Aug 30, 2023 - Abstract #EADV2023EADV_2396;    
    As in our patient, Dress syndrome can manifest as target or targetoid lesions and pustules can also be seen. This case highlights these atypical manifestations of a severe systemic drug reaction to insure early diagnosis and the dermatologist
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Postmortem Genetic Testing in Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 28, 2023   
    While grieving family members struggle with uncertainty about the cause of death, we as clinicians also face similar uncertainties about genetic contributions to SUDEP, especially when the literature is sparse, and the utility of genetic testing is still being worked out. We aim to shed some light on this topic, highlighting areas where data is emerging but also areas where uncertainty remains, keeping our case in mind as we examine this clinically important area.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Chronic bacterial folliculitis revealing lymph node tuberculosis () -  Jul 3, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_4482;    
    The drug origin was not to be excluded in our patient especially in front of taking lamotrigine and oral corticosteroids, which can be responsible for non-infectious folliculitis. We underline through our observation the importance of the research of an immunodepression in front of a folliculitis of infectious appearance
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Prenatal Exposure to Antiseizure Medication and Incidence of Childhood- and Adolescence-Onset Psychiatric Disorders. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 14, 2023   
    Findings from this explorative study strengthen the evidence for the warning against the use of valproate in pregnancy and raise concern of risks of specific psychiatric disorders associated with topiramate and levetiracetam. This study provides reassuring evidence that lamotrigine, carbamazepine, and oxcarbazepine are not associated with long-term behavioral or developmental disorders but cannot rule out risks with higher doses.
  • ||||||||||  Fycompa (perampanel) / Eisai, Catalyst Pharma, lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Establishing PROMs in medication management of rare genetic epilepsies: What are the best medications in 228 SYNGAP1 patients? (Panorama Hall, 1st Floor) -  May 29, 2023 - Abstract #EPNS2023EPNS_51;    
    The drugs levetirazetam and perampanel had small positive effects on seizures but such negative ratings on behavior, sleep, and development that their use seems questionable. Carbamazepine had unexpected ratings: on average, it seemed to worsen seizures minimally, but there was a very significant improvement in development.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Affordability of newer anti-seizure medications in Asian resource-limited countries. (Pubmed Central) -  May 27, 2023   
    Carbamazepine had unexpected ratings: on average, it seemed to worsen seizures minimally, but there was a very significant improvement in development. All new generation ASMs, either original or generic brands, were not affordable in most Asian LMICs.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Challenges in Management of Catatonia in Patients With Chronic Use of Antipsychotics: Case Report (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1049;    
    A management dilemma arouses given her chronic use of antipsychotics and the possibility that these drugs may be causing or worsening her symptoms and deteriorating her convulsive and motor disorder. In this poster we discuss the challenge in the approach and management of patients with catatonia who need an antipsychotic as part of the treatment for the underlying condition of a catatonic presentation.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Psilocybin in Treatment for Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review and Call to Action (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_939;    
    In this poster we discuss the challenge in the approach and management of patients with catatonia who need an antipsychotic as part of the treatment for the underlying condition of a catatonic presentation. Further research is necessary to determine if psilocybin can be used safely with bipolar patients and if the same antidepressant effect is conferred in bipolar depression as has been demonstrated in unipolar depression.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Seizures or Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Diagnostic Dilemma (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_864;    
    She has been on perphenazine 8 mg in the morning and and noon and 16 mg in the evening, aripiprazole 30 mg daily for schizophrenia and lamotrigine 100 mg in the morning and 125 mg in the evening and valproic acid 250 mg three times a day for seizures...However, once dantrolene 1 mg/kg was given, her rigidity relatively improved, possibly pointing towards a neuroleptic malignant syndrome despite its atypical presentation...Seizures arising from the occipital lobe, occipitotemporal, and occipitoparietal regions of the cortex are often epileptic hallucinations.The appearance of visual hallucinations during these 'shaky', seizure-like episodes does not necessarily preclude an epileptic cause of the hallucinations. Patient was advised to follow up with her outpatient psychiatrist for consideration of antipsychotic monotherapy rather than antipsychotic polypharmacy to avoid future possibilities of repeat neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Pharmacological evaluation of lateral habenula and rostromedial tegmental nucleus in the expression of ethanol-induced place preference. (Pubmed Central) -  May 16, 2023   
    We found that activation of LHb glutamatergic system by intra-LHb administration of l-trans-2,4-pyrrolidine dicarboxylate (PDC) (glutamate transporter inhibitor) significantly decreased CPP score; on the contrary, lamotrigine (inhibits glutamate release) significantly increased CPP score and showed a rewarding effect in CPP...Furthermore, while intra-RMTg administration of muscimol increased, the bicuculline treatment significantly decreased the TH-ir in VTA and NAc. Together, our behavioral and immunohistochemical results signify the role of LHb and RMTg in the expression of ethanol-conditioned reward behavior.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Progressive Bronchiolitis Obliterans in Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in an adult patient associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection: a case report (Level 3 - Room 320) -  Apr 24, 2023 - Abstract #WCD2023WCD_3231;    
    OBSERVATION: A 28-year-old female was taking escitalopram and quetiapine for depression, suddenly developed cough, sore throat and conjunctivitis last June 17, 2019...Lymphocyte activation test is reactive to ciprofloxacin, tazocin, bupropion, lamotrigine and quetiapine...KEY MESSAGE: Chronic pulmonary complications in SJS/TEN are rare but may cause high morbidity and potential fatality. The development of BO in SJS/TEN may be multifactorial, including antecedent infection and severity of cutaneous involvement, but its pathogenesis is still unknown
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Journal:  Modulatory Effects of Ketamine and Lamotrigine on Cognition: Emotion Interaction in the Brain. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 5, 2023   
    The development of BO in SJS/TEN may be multifactorial, including antecedent infection and severity of cutaneous involvement, but its pathogenesis is still unknown Our results demonstrate differential acute effects of modulated glutamate release and a swift restoration of disturbed neurobehavioral homeostasis in healthy subjects.
  • ||||||||||  lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma
    Sleep Attacks: Undiagnosed Kleine-Levin Syndrome (Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Area I, Hall C (Lower Level)) -  Mar 25, 2023 - Abstract #ATS2023ATS_8705;    
    2 Lithium and valproate have been shown to prevent recurrence of symptoms. The diagnosis of KLS is often delayed and should be part of the differential in patients with hypersomnia associated with unusual overeating, cognitive, and behavioral disorders.
  • ||||||||||  levetiracetam / Generic mfg., lamotrigine liquid oral suspension / OWP Pharma, Aptiom (eslicarbazepine) / Sumitomo Dainippon, BIAL
    P4 data, Journal:  Time to baseline seizure count in patients with focal seizures receiving adjunctive eslicarbazepine acetate in a phase IV clinical trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 6, 2023   
    This analysis of the Phase IV clinical trial data provides an alternative way of assessing efficacy beyond standardized seizure frequency reduction, in the context of relatively low monthly median seizure frequencies at baseline (SSF 2.0-2.4). These results provide further support for the use of ESL as an earlier or later adjunctive therapy to LEV or LTG.
  • ||||||||||  topiramate / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  A Comprehensive Analysis of Topiramate and Drug Reaction With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 17, 2023   
    When accounting for co-administered drugs, ERAM was statistically significant for carbamazepine (4.53), lamotrigine (ERAM=6.54), phenytoin (ERAM=2.91), and zonisamide (ERAM=2.25) exceeding disproportionality thresholds, but the score of topiramate was no longer significant (0.25). Conclusion A comprehensive review of all available evidence does not support a causal association between topiramate and DRESS.