ORIC-533 / ORIC Pharma 
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  • ||||||||||  ORIC-533 / ORIC Pharma
    Discovery of ORIC-533, an orally bioavailable CD73 inhibitor with best-in-class profile (Hybrid; Room 355 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)) -  Mar 12, 2024 - Abstract #ACSSp2024ACS_Sp_10080;    
    Utilizing ex vivo bone marrow-derived assays from patients with relapsed or refractory MM, ORIC-533 significantly increased immune cell cytotoxicity and reduced autologous myeloma tumor cell viability. Based upon these promising preclinical data, ORIC-533 is being evaluated in Phase 1b clinical trials in patients with relapsed or refractory MM (NCT05227144) and preliminary clinical PK and PD results will be shown.
  • ||||||||||  ORIC-533 / ORIC Pharma
    Trial primary completion date:  Study of ORIC-533 in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Sep 21, 2023   
    P1b,  N=56, Recruiting, 
    Enrollment is ongoing and updated data will be presented. Trial primary completion date: Jun 2023 --> Jun 2024
  • ||||||||||  CD73 inhibitor / ORIC Pharma
    Intratumoral immunosuppression is reversed by blocking adenosine production with an oral inhibitor of CD73 (Board 166: Level 2 - Hall D) -  Oct 25, 2019 - Abstract #AACRNCIEORTC2019AACR_NCI_EORTC_670;    
    Finally, we showed that a novel, orally bioavailable CD73 inhibitor was able to effectively inhibit AMP to adenosine conversion both in vitro and in vivo, while an anti-CD73 antibody had incomplete effects. Taken together, an orally bioavailable small molecule inhibitor of CD73 represents a potential therapeutic approach to reverse immunosuppression within the tumor microenvironment.