- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Evaluating semaglutide + LAI-287 (IcoSema) for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type II. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 3, 2025
The key trials from the clinical development process of insulin icodec, semaglutide, and IcoSema are reviewed with important endpoints highlighted. Once-weekly IcoSema offers glycemic efficacy that is non-inferior to glargine+aspart, similar risk of hypoglycemia, significant reduction in body weight, the convenience of use, and favorable safety profile with most adverse events being gastrointestinal.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk
Journal: IcoSema's leap forward: new data from COMBINE 3 paves the way. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 3, 2024 The combination of icodec and semaglutide in IcoSema leads to a higher and earlier maximum semaglutide concentration, which will guide the dose recommendations for IcoSema. No abstract available
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk, Awiqli (insulin icodec) / Novo Nordisk
Enrollment closed: A Research Study to See How Well New Weekly Medicine IcoSema, Which is a Combination of Insulin Icodec and Semaglutide, Controls Blood Sugar Levels in People With Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), Compared to Daily Insulin Glargine (COMBINE 4) (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 20, 2024 P3, N=474, Active, not recruiting, No abstract available Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk
Review, Journal: IcoSema: unveiling the future of diabetes management from a clinical pharmacology perspective. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 10, 2024 IcoSema, a groundbreaking approach to diabetes management, combines insulin icodec and semaglutide to offer a transformative treatment option...This comprehensive article evaluates the potential of IcoSema from a clinical pharmacology perspective, examining the pharmacokinetics, efficacy, safety, compliance and cost-effectiveness of its individual components, as well as considering comparable combination therapies like iGlarLixi and IDegLira...Ongoing trials investigating IcoSema are expected to provide valuable insights into its efficacy, safety and comparative effectiveness. By addressing concerns such as potential side effects, individual patient response and drug interactions, healthcare providers can optimize treatment outcomes and enhance the management of type 2 diabetes.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk, Awiqli (insulin icodec) / Novo Nordisk
Trial completion: COMBINE 1: A Research Study to See How Well the New Weekly Medicine IcoSema, Which is a Combination of Insulin Icodec and Semaglutide, Controls Blood Sugar Level in People With Type 2 Diabetes Compared to Weekly Insulin Icodec (clinicaltrials.gov) - May 1, 2024 P3, N=1291, Completed, By addressing concerns such as potential side effects, individual patient response and drug interactions, healthcare providers can optimize treatment outcomes and enhance the management of type 2 diabetes. Active, not recruiting --> Completed
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk, Ozempic (semaglutide SC once-weekly) / Novo Nordisk, Awiqli (insulin icodec) / Novo Nordisk
Enrollment closed: A Research Study to See How Well the New Weekly Medicine IcoSema, Which is a Combination of Insulin Icodec and Semaglutide, Controls Blood Sugar Level in People With Type 2 Diabetes Compared to Weekly Semaglutide (COMBINE 2) (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 22, 2023 P3, N=680, Active, not recruiting, Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk, Awiqli (insulin icodec) / Novo Nordisk
Enrollment closed: A Research Study to See How Well the New Weekly Medicine IcoSema, Which is a Combination of Insulin Icodec and Semaglutide, Controls Blood Sugar Level in People With Type 2 Diabetes Compared to Insulin Glargine Taken Daily With Insulin Aspart (COMBINE 3) (clinicaltrials.gov) - Jun 22, 2023 P3, N=680, Active, not recruiting, Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk, Ozempic (semaglutide SC once-weekly) / Novo Nordisk, insulin icodec (OI287GT) / Novo Nordisk
New P3 trial: A research study to see how well the new weekly medicine IcoSema, which is a combination of insulin icodec and semaglutide, controls blood sugar level in people with type 2 diabetes compared to weekly semaglutide (COMBINE 2) COMBINE 2 – Klinické skúšanie, ktoré skúma ako dobre nový liek IcoSema, ktorý je kombináciou inzulínu icodec a semaglutidu, kontroluje hladinu cukru v krvi u ľudí s cukrovkou 2. typu, a porovnáva ho s liekom semaglutid, oba podávané raz týždenne (EUDRACT) - Jan 11, 2022 P3, N=680, Ongoing,
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk, insulin icodec (OI287GT) / Novo Nordisk
New P3 trial: A research study to see how well the new weekly medicine IcoSema, which is a combination of insulin icodec and semaglutide, controls blood sugar level in people with type 2 diabetes compared to insulin glargine taken daily with insulin aspart (COMBINE 3) Klinikai vizsgálat annak tanulmányozására, hogy az IcoSema, az ikodek inzulin és a szemaglutid kombinációjából álló, hetente alkalmazott új gyógyszer mennyire kontrollálja jól a 2-es típusú cukorbetegek vércukorszintjét a naponta, aszpart inzulinnal együtt alkalmazott glargin inzulinnal összehasonlítva (COMBINE 3) (EUDRACT) - Oct 17, 2021 P3, N=680, Ongoing,
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk
Journal: Perceptual Connectivity Influences Toddlers' Attention to Known Objects and Subsequent Label Processing. (Pubmed Central) - Jan 31, 2021 Subsequent object-label processing was also facilitated for high-connectivity items, particularly for children with temperamental tendencies to maintain focused attention. This work provides the first empirical evidence that patterns of shared perceptual features within children's known vocabularies influence both visual and lexical processing, highlighting the potential for a newfound set of developmental dependencies based on the perceptual/sensory structure of early vocabularies.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk
Journal: Referent's Lexical Frequency Predicts Mismatch Negativity Responses to New Words Following Semantic Training. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 23, 2020 Our results suggest that the new surface form becomes linked to the existing representation, which then automatically activates in full when the respective stimulus is present at the input. This finding indicates that the learning-related MMN dynamics, manifest as a response increase after learning, likely reflects the formation and activation of a complete lexicosemantic memory circuits for words.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk
Journal: Lexicosemantic, affective, and distributional norms for 1,000 Dutch adjectives. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 18, 2020 The norms include the lexicosemantic variables age of acquisition, familiarity, concreteness, and imageability; the affective variables valence, arousal, and dominance; and a variety of distributional variables, including network statistics resulting from a large-scale word association study. The norms are freely available from https://osf.io/nyg8v/ , for researchers studying adjectives specifically or for whom adjectives constitute convenient stimuli to study other topics, such as vagueness, inference, spatial cognition, or affective word processing.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk
Journal: A Double Dissociation in Sensitivity to Verb and Noun Semantics Across Cortical Networks. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 25, 2020 However, classification was similar for verbs and nouns in the LIFG, and above chance for the nonpreferred category in all regions. These results suggest that the lexicosemantic information about verbs and nouns is represented in partially nonoverlapping networks.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk
Journal: Cortical Dynamics of Semantic Priming and Interference during Word Production: An Intracerebral Study. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 25, 2020 Such roles of the pre-SMA are traditional from a history of neural evidence in simple perceptual tasks, yet are also consistent with recent cognitive lexicosemantic theories that highlight top-down processes in language production. Finally, although no significant semantic modulation was found in the ACC, future intracerebral EEG work should continue to inspect ACC with the pre-SMA.
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (LAIsema) / Novo Nordisk
[VIRTUAL] The Role of Imageability in Early Word Learning of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder () - Jul 8, 2020 - Abstract #INSAR2020INSAR_416; As children with ASD become more proficient word learners, they appear to depend less on imageability. These findings support that children with ASD rely on similar word-learning strategies as their TD peers, and point to the importance of multimodal, visual input (e.g., photographs, videos, animations, etc.) for establishing mental images during early word learning for children with ASD (Schlosser et al., 2012).
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk, Ozempic (semaglutide SC once-weekly) / Novo Nordisk, Awiqli (insulin icodec) / Novo Nordisk
Trial completion: A Research Study to Look at How Insulin 287 and Semaglutide Work in the Body of People With Type 2 Diabetes When Taken Alone or Together (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 31, 2019 P1, N=30, Completed, These findings support that children with ASD rely on similar word-learning strategies as their TD peers, and point to the importance of multimodal, visual input (e.g., photographs, videos, animations, etc.) for establishing mental images during early word learning for children with ASD (Schlosser et al., 2012). Active, not recruiting --> Completed
- |||||||||| LAI287/semaglutide (NN1535) / Novo Nordisk, Ozempic (semaglutide SC once-weekly) / Novo Nordisk, Awiqli (insulin icodec) / Novo Nordisk
Enrollment closed, Enrollment change: A Research Study to Look at How Insulin 287 and Semaglutide Work in the Body of People With Type 2 Diabetes When Taken Alone or Together (clinicaltrials.gov) - May 9, 2019 P1, N=30, Active, not recruiting, Active, not recruiting --> Completed Recruiting --> Active, not recruiting | N=60 --> 30