Quviviq (daridorexant) / Idorsia, Syneos Health, Nxera Pharma, Simcere 
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  • ||||||||||  daridorexant (ACT-541468) / Idorsia, Mochida, Syneos Health
    [VIRTUAL] Absence of Withdrawal Symptoms and Rebound Insomnia Upon Discontinuation of Daridorexant in Patients with Insomnia () -  May 17, 2021 - Abstract #SLEEP2021SLEEP_595;    
    Mean WASO and LPS values (min) decreased from baseline to placebo run-out (WASO Trial-1: 25mg, -8.6±55.5; 50mg, -2.5±52.4; placebo, -20.4±45.8; Trial-2: 10mg, -11.6±58.3; 25mg, -5.1±57.9; placebo, -26.2±53.5; LPS Trial-1: 25mg, -17.2±56.7; 50mg, -15.0±55.8; placebo, -27.8±47.2; Trial-2: 10mg, -17.3±67.2; 25mg, -10.3±67.3; placebo, -18.3±63.8) while sTST values (min) increased (Trial-1: 25mg, 43.3±53.8; 50mg, 42.9±59.6; placebo, 42.3±52.7; Trial-2: 10mg, 43.3±52.9; 25mg, 46.8±55.4; placebo, 42.3±53.8) indicating absence of rebound effects. Conclusion Treatment with daridorexant for up to 3-months was not associated with any evidence of drug withdrawal or rebound insomnia upon abrupt discontinuation, indicating no safety concerns for patients should treatment be stopped.
  • ||||||||||  daridorexant (ACT-541468) / Idorsia, Mochida, Syneos Health
    [VIRTUAL] Daridorexant: A dual, equipotent, and insurmountable antagonist of both orexin-1 and orexin-2 receptors () -  May 17, 2021 - Abstract #SLEEP2021SLEEP_295;    
    Conclusion Daridorexant displays the desired target interaction profile of a dual, equipotent, and insurmountable antagonist of both OX1R and OX2R, which ensures equally efficient inhibition of both arousal-/wake-promoting receptor subtypes. Daridorexant′s on-target residence times are long enough to cause insurmountable inhibition, but short enough to avoid pharmacodynamic effects after drug elimination.
  • ||||||||||  daridorexant (ACT-541468) / Idorsia, Mochida, Syneos Health
    [VIRTUAL] Daridorexant is Efficacious in Improving Sleep as Well as Daytime Functioning in Insomnia Patients () -  Sep 30, 2020 - Abstract #ACNP2020ACNP_160;    
    Daridorexant significantly improved LPS (50 mg, 25 mg study 1), WASO (50 mg, 25 mg both studies) and sTST (50 mg and 25 mg both studies), and daytime functioning (50 mg). Overall, 50 mg daridorexant appeared to provide more robust efficacy than the lower doses without affecting the safety profile.
  • ||||||||||  daridorexant (ACT-541468) / Idorsia, Mochida, Syneos Health
    Clinical, Journal:  Daridorexant: A new medication for insomnia in older adults? (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 23, 2020   
    Dose-dependent improvements in WASO and LPS were statistically significant (dose range 10-50 mg) in elderly people with insomnia disorder. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  daridorexant (ACT-541468) / Idorsia, Mochida, Syneos Health, Opsumit (macitentan) / Nippon Shinyaku, J&J
    Journal:  20 Years of Medicinal Chemistry - Always Look at the Bright Side (of Life). (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 23, 2020   
    [1] Then the discovery of ACT-462206, a dual orexin receptor antagonist for the treatment of insomnia disorder with a serendipitously short story from the screening hit to the drug [2] followed by the identification of daridorexant, another dual orexin receptor antagonist...The measures Idorsia implemented to obtain valuable hits from high-throughput screening (HTS) campaigns are elaborated. [5] Drug discovery is a multi-disciplinary business with unlimited exciting challenges asking for excessive optimism when tackling them in a playful manner.