lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    MICAL2: Bridging synaptic function and the antioxidant system in bipolar disorder (WCC Halls A-C) -  Nov 3, 2023 - Abstract #Neuroscience2023NEUROSCIENCE_10021;    
    We then knocked down MICAL2 in human iPSC-derived neurons and analyzed structural changes via super resolution microscopy and functional changes through calcium imaging and patch clamp. Our results suggest that MICAL2 may play an important role in synaptic function, and further research is warranted to ascertain whether it may be a viable treatment target for bipolar disorder.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Sex differences in oscillatory signaling dynamics during affect processing in the infralimbic cortex and nucleus accumbens shell (WCC Halls A-C) -  Nov 3, 2023 - Abstract #Neuroscience2023NEUROSCIENCE_9347;    
    Collectively, our data reveals clear sex-specific differences in the processing of normal hedonic stimuli in the IL and NAcSh and that CTA development differentially affects oscillatory activity within these brain regions in male and female rats. Elucidating such sex-specific differences in oscillatory signaling dynamics is important to help develop targeted treatment strategies for negative affect in humans such as non-invasive brain stimulation.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., clozapine / Generic mfg.
    A pilot study of brain neurosteroid and steroid levels in a murine, two hit model of suicide in schizophrenia (WCC Halls A-C) -  Nov 3, 2023 - Abstract #Neuroscience2023NEUROSCIENCE_5533;    
    While lithium has to been shown to decrease suicidal behavior (SB) in bipolar disorder, the antipsychotic drug clozapine (CLZ) is especially effective in improving SB in schizophrenia...Interestingly, we observed a significant decrease in progesterone and corticosterone levels in the THMS compared to controls. This result could be attributed to an as yet unexplained interaction between MIA and SI.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    A Novel Mitochondrial Target as a Therapeutic Approach to Bipolar Disorder (WCC Halls A-C) -  Nov 3, 2023 - Abstract #Neuroscience2023NEUROSCIENCE_3303;    
    We found that BD cortical organoid mitoplasts have larger peak conductances than those of HCs. Lithium, which is a long-term treatment for episodes of mania and depression, blocks ACLC in both BD and HC cortical organoid mitoplasts and appears to work synergistically with the known ATP synthase pharmacological modulator, dexpramipexole (Dex).
  • ||||||||||  ketamine / Generic mfg., dimethyl fumarate / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Neuroprotective effects of dimethyl fumarate against manic-like behavior induced by ketamine in rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 23, 2023   
    Furthermore, by examining the amount of total SH and the activity of SOD, GPx, and CAT, it was found that DMF could prevent the reduction of the level of each of them in the brain HPC and PFC. DMF pretreatment improved the symptoms of the KET model of mania by reducing HLM, oxidative stress, and modulating inflammation.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Edward Trautner (1890-1978), a pioneer of psychopharmacology. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 20, 2023   
    His research involved cross-disciplinary collaborations that combined clinical and laboratory research in the disciplines of psychiatry, physiology, biochemistry, teratology, and even oncology. Trautner himself had a multidisciplinary background that included publications in literature and philosophy.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Temporal effects on death by suicide: empirical evidence and possible molecular correlates. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 20, 2023   
    Half of these genes are modulated in expression by lithium and by valproate in opposite direction to suicidality, and all of them are modulated by depression and alcohol in the same direction as suicidality. These data suggest that there are temporal effects on suicidality, possibly mediated by biological clocks, pointing to changes in ambient light (timing and intensity) as a therapeutically addressable target to decrease suicidality, that can be coupled with psychiatric pharmacological and addiction treatment preventive interventions.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Trial primary completion date:  ONR: RCT of Brain Longitudinal Biomarker Study (OPT-Neuro RCT) ( -  Oct 18, 2023   
    P4,  N=600, Active, not recruiting, 
    Clinical trials would validate both the proposed concept and choice of drugs. Trial primary completion date: Jan 2024 --> Apr 2024
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Study on Early Hydration Mechanism of Double-Liquid Grouting Material Modified by Composite Early Strength Agent. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 14, 2023   
    To achieve an adjustable setting time and significantly improved early strength of a new type of sulphoaluminate cement-based double-liquid grouting material (SACDL), the effects of calcium formate, sodium sulfate, lithium carbonate, and a composite early strength agent on the setting hardening and early hydration behavior of SACDL paste were studied by means of setting time, fluidity, compressive strength, and viscosity tests...(2) Under the condition of a high dosage of the composite early strength agent, the further increase in Ca concentration promoted the crystallization nodules and precipitation of CH and accelerated the formation of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel. C-S-H was filled between a large number of rod-like AFt crystals, thus making the structure more dense.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Effect of lithium in pyramidal neurons of Cornu Ammonis in an animal model. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 12, 2023   
    As a result of this histological analysis, cell body area and nuclear area were significantly larger in the experimental group in a specific area of the Cornu Ammonis that could correspond to CA2 or the transition between CA1 and CA2. These results suggest that the effect of lithium is not homogeneous throughout the hippocampus and allows directing future studies to a specific area of this structure.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Lithium in bipolar depression: A review of the evidence. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 4, 2023   
    This work provides a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the further development of LLOs with higher electrochemical performance. In contrast to data for the treatment of mania and prophylaxis, robust data on the efficacy of lithium in bipolar depression is currently lacking, making it impossible to make conclusions regarding
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Stabilizing Youth Through Mania, Depression, and Everything in Between (West Ballroom (New York Hilton Midtown); Virtual; In-person) -  Sep 30, 2023 - Abstract #AACAP2023AACAP_1651;    
    Given known tolerability challenges associated with second-generation antipsychotics (eg, sedation, weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and akathisia), new pharmacological strategies to treat acute and longer-term bipolar disorder may provide some hope. Both empirically derived data and illustrative cases will be used in the presentation.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Endothelial Function in Relation to Mood States, Mood Symptoms, and Brain Structure in Youth Bipolar Disorder (New York Ballroom West (Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel); In-person) -  Sep 30, 2023 - Abstract #AACAP2023AACAP_174;    
    Unexpectedly, greater (ie, better) RHI was associated with lower regional brain structure, particularly within the BD group. Future prospective, repeated-measures studies are needed to evaluate the timing and mechanisms underlying the interface of endothelial function, mood symptoms, and brain structure in BD.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Antidepressant Use and Risk of Manic Episodes in Children and Adolescents With Unipolar Depression. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 27, 2023   
    Individuals aged 4 to 17 years with a diagnosis of depression, but without a prior diagnosis of mania/hypomania, bipolar disorder, or psychosis or treatment with mood stabilizer (lithium, valproate, or carbamazepine), prescriptions were included...A small risk difference was found only with longer follow-up. Certain patient characteristics were associated with mania/hypomania, which warrants clinical attention.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  An Overview of the Neurotrophic and Neuroprotective Properties of the Psychoactive Drug Lithium as an Autophagy Modulator in Neurodegenerative Conditions. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2023   
    The fact that lithium inhibits the enzymes inositol monophosphatase (IMPase) and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3 may be the cause of the various intracellular reactions. In this article, we review lithium's neurobiological properties, as demonstrated by its neurotrophic and neuroprotective capabilities, as well as translational studies in cells in culture and in animal models of Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease (HD), Prion disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), ischemic stroke, and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL), discussing the justification for the drug's use in the treatment of these neurodegenerative disorders.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Chronic Lithium Treatment Alters NMDA and AMPA Receptor Synaptic Availability and Dendritic Spine Organization in the Rat Hippocampus. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 15, 2023   
    In this article, we review lithium's neurobiological properties, as demonstrated by its neurotrophic and neuroprotective capabilities, as well as translational studies in cells in culture and in animal models of Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease (HD), Prion disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), ischemic stroke, and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL), discussing the justification for the drug's use in the treatment of these neurodegenerative disorders. Our findings highlight a previously unknown cohesive picture of the glutamatergic implications of LiCl action that persist long after the end of its administration, revealing for the first time a profound and persistent reorganization of the glutamatergic postsynaptic density receptor composition and structure.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Lithium treatment versus hospitalization in bipolar disorder and major depression patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 11, 2023   
    Future studies are warranted to determine the causal directionality of the observed associations with psychopharmacotherapy. This naturalistic study adds support to the effectiveness of lithium treatment in preventing hospitalization in patients with episodic major mood disorders.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Lithium Therapy in Old Age: Recommendations from a Delphi Survey. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 11, 2023   
    According to the view of German experts, Li may be used in geriatric patients, but it should be monitored carefully. However, the lack of consent in several specific treatment situations underlines the need for research on specific issues of Li therapy.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal, Immunomodulating:  The immunomodulatory effect of lithium as a mechanism of action in bipolar disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 7, 2023   
    The results of studies describing connections between immune system changes and lithium effectiveness are often incoherent. Further research is needed to understand the connection between immune system modulation and the therapeutic action of lithium in BD.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Assessing genetic variation for effects of lithium on circadian clock period, sleep behaviour, and mortality in fruit flies (Room 37) -  Aug 28, 2023 - Abstract #WSS2023WSS_1236;    
    Circadian period in wild-type strains is more responsive to the period-lengthening effects of lithium, suggesting that genetic heterozygosity may play a role in the effects of lithium on circadian clock period. Further studies investigating circadian clock period in additional inbred strains and their F1 hybrids will be useful for understanding the mechanisms mediating effects of lithium on circadian clock function in fruit flies.Acknowledgements: Skidmore College Biology Department and Summer Collaborative Research Program.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Countering the declining use of lithium therapy: a call to arms. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 27, 2023   
    Thus, a change in strategy is urgently required, wherein myths regarding the supposed difficulties in prescribing lithium and the gravity of its side-effects are resolutely dispelled. It is this cause to which we have pledged our allegiance and it is to this end that we have penned this article.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., quetiapine / Generic mfg.
    Preclinical, Journal:  Dorsal hippocampal CA1 NMDA receptors mediate the interactive effects of quetiapine and lithium on memory retention in male rats. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 22, 2023   
    Post-training microinjection of ineffective doses of the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 (0.0625 and 0.0125 ?g/rat, intra-CA1), diminished the quetiapine-induced (10 mg/kg) memory improvement in lithium-induced memory impairment. These findings suggest a functional interaction between lithium and quetiapine through hippocampal CA1 NMDA receptor mechanisms in memory consolidation.
  • ||||||||||  FDA event, Journal:  Re-Purposing FDA-Approved Drugs for Opioid Use Disorder. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 16, 2023   
    Additionally, our results identify psychiatric medications that when taken alongside buprenorphine and methadone improve remission rates. These results provide medication options that may be useful in treating OUD as well as integrated therapies to treat comorbid mental illness.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Telomere length and verbal learning in bipolar disorders. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 14, 2023   
    Our study may suggest poorer brain health in bipolar disorder as indexed by shorter telomere length and reduced learning correlates. However, the role of telomere length on cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder seems limited.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Lithium and long-term renal effects: A complex clinical concern. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 9, 2023   
    As shown by gene ontology results, these findings conclude that lithium may increase the size of the hippocampus in bipolar patients by stimulating the generation of new neurons and promoting their differentiation into neuroblasts, neurons, or microglia. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment open:  MeLiR: Melatonin and Response to Lithium ( -  Jul 31, 2023   
    P=N/A,  N=60, Recruiting, 
    It was concluded that Li concentration of 8 Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Postpartum psychosis: A proposed treatment algorithm. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 29, 2023   
    Psychoeducation is essential and psychosocial interventions used in bipolar disorder may be effective in PPP. Early detection and prompt treatment with antipsychotics and lithium, followed by maintenance treatment with lithium, is associated with a favourable prognosis in PPP.