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Retrospective data, Review, Journal: Lithium-associated hypercalcemia and hyperparathyroidism: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 29, 2024 Regarding lithium discontinuation, there is anecdotal but conflicting evidence suggesting that it can result in the resolution of LAH in selected cases. Lithium treatment increases the risk of hyperparathyroidism, a treatable complication with a pooled prevalence of around 4%, compared to 0.5% in the healthy population.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Review, Journal: What Patients with Bipolar Disorder Need to Know about Lithium. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 29, 2024 Here, we make the case that lithium's image needs to be revised not only with better and more accurate information but also with a wholesale renaming and rebranding of the drug. We will not only outline the unique qualities and new information about the side effects of the drug but attempt to change some of the terminology conventionally used to refer to lithium so that its use may be appropriately applied earlier and at an increased frequency for patients with BD.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., amphetamine / Generic mfg.
Preclinical, Journal: Deletion of histamine H2 receptor in VTA dopaminergic neurons of mice induces behavior reminiscent of mania. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 26, 2024 Conversely, either overexpression of H2R in VTA dopaminergic neurons or treatment of H2R agonist amthamine within the VTA counteracts amphetamine-induced hyperactivity. Together, our results demonstrate the engagement of H2R in reducing VTA dopaminergic activity, shedding light on the role of H2R as a potential target for mania therapy.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Challenges in Identifying and Managing Lithium-Induced Arginine-Vasopressin Resistance (Exhibit Hall, Convention Center) - Sep 23, 2024 - Abstract #KIDNEYWEEK2024KIDNEY_WEEK_1382; Lithium was held and Nephrology conducted a desmopressin challenge without improvement in her Uosm, confirming AVP-R.She was given ample free water...With amiloride daily, Uosm rose to 137mOm/kg, but for days her sodium continued to fluctuate...We found that thickeners add tonicity (and aversion) to otherwise good fluid intake. This case demonstrates the importance of prompt diagnosis and multi-faceted management of lithium toxicities to prevent prolonged hospitalization and permanent life-altering neuromuscular symptoms.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Pharmacological Mechanism of Herbal Interventions for Bipolar Disorder. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 20, 2024 Though different treatments are available, like lithium, risperidone, valproic acid, etc., which are widely used, they come with certain limitations, including narrow therapeutic index, hypothyroidism, weight gain, extrapyramidal symptoms, etc. The interest in herbal- based treatments for bipolar disorder arises from the desire for alternative, potentially more natural, and holistic approaches with fewer side effects. The current review focuses on the potential effects of herbal drugs and their derivatives to alleviate the symptoms of bipolar disorder.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., paroxetine / Generic mfg.
Trial withdrawal: Lithium Versus Paroxetine in Major Depression (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 19, 2024 P4, N=0, Withdrawn, The current review focuses on the potential effects of herbal drugs and their derivatives to alleviate the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Completed --> Withdrawn
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Observational data, Retrospective data, Journal: Peripartum lithium management: Early maternal and neonatal outcomes. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 14, 2024 A brief predelivery lithium discontinuation was associated with slight maternal lithemia fluctuations. Neonates exposed intrautero to lithium present frequent but transient acute effects.
- |||||||||| Review, Journal: Efficacy and safety of drugs for psoriasis patients with mental disorders: A systematic review. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 8, 2024
The findings suggest that suicidality may be one of the significant therapeutic target symptoms in unipolar depression patients with mood stabilizers. This systematic review provides robust evidence regarding treatment options for individuals with psoriasis and MD, emphasizing the potential benefits of specific drugs in managing both conditions concurrently.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Lithium-induced apoptotic cell death is not accompanied by a noticeable inflammatory response in the kidney. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 5, 2024 Last, our study reaffirms the previously established link between Klebsiella and antipsychotic medication use and identifies a novel association between Anaeromassilibacillus and lithium use. Here, we studied how immune mechanisms contribute to the development of Li+-induced adverse effects in the kidneys of C57BL/6NJ mice placed on a 0.3% lithium carbonate diet for 28
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Raynaud's phenomenon on initiation of Lithium therapy: a case report. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 31, 2024 Lithium Carbonate is an effective treatment for affective disorders, but has a range of side effects...Previous case series have shown Lithium effectively treating vasospastic disorders such as cluster headache and Raynaud's phenomenon. However, a paradoxical reaction to those previously described was induced in this case.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
The history of Danish Neuroscience (MCP Hall A) - Aug 22, 2024 - Abstract #Neuroscience2024Neuroscience_10948; Finally, Jens Christian Skou (1918-2018) introduced neurochemistry with his discovery of the sodium-potassium pump with the first publication in 1957. He received the Nobel Prize in 1997.
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Comparison of machine learning models trained on brain volume and radiomics features to predict bipolar disorder diagnosis and treatment (MCP Hall A) - Aug 22, 2024 - Abstract #Neuroscience2024Neuroscience_7887; MLP trained on site-adjusted hippocampal radiomics features outperformed other models for diagnostic prediction on a held-out test site, with BAC performance in line with prior ENIGMA-BD ML analyses. MLP and decision tree classifiers trained on raw hippocampal volume and radiomics features outperformed other models in predicting AD and SGA use, and future analyses are underway to include the larger ENIGMA-BD sample to replicate these findings.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Targeting GSK3 for treating bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (MCP Hall A) - Aug 22, 2024 - Abstract #Neuroscience2024Neuroscience_7284; Despite numerous efforts over the past 3 decades, existing GSK3 inhibitors lack the required kinome-, and paralog-selectivity, or the desired pharmacokinetic properties for a safe translation to clinical application. Taking advantage of insights in structural biology, we report the discovery of GSK3 inhibitors with improved paralog-selectivity and brain permeability, ready for in vivo testing on animal models.Preliminary data using a psychosis/mania animal model (amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion, AIH) indicates our leading new compound (BRD7355, dual inhibitor) is potent, has wide efficacy range and large effect size, compared to our earlier compounds and the best-in-class commercial inhibitor PF-367.We plan to test our leading and paralog-selective compounds in disease-relevant genetic animal models to gauge their effectiveness across various deficits.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Preclinical mechanisms of lithium resistance: a rapid review (MCP Hall A) - Aug 22, 2024 - Abstract #Neuroscience2024Neuroscience_7276; Preclinical mechanisms of Li resistance appear to be relatively understudied or underreported. Available data across methods and models point to a potential, significant role for the different pathways indexed here, and notably inflammation and redox status, in Li response.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Sex Differences in Infralimbic Cortex and Nucleus Accumbens Shell Signaling Dynamics During Extinction of Conditioned Taste Aversion (MCP Hall A) - Aug 22, 2024 - Abstract #Neuroscience2024Neuroscience_7218; Particularly, while activity at beta frequency in both the IL and the NAcSh can track the recovery in behavioral responding in male rats, it is not the case for females. On the contrary, although IL-NAcSh coherence is disrupted during CTA expression and immediately recovered in males, the opposite pattern is observed in females, as IL-NAcSh functional connectivity gets disrupted during later extinction trials independent of behavioral recovery.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Lithium and the risk of fractures in patients with bipolar disorder: A population-based cohort study. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 13, 2024 This study aimed to compare the risk of fractures in patients with bipolar disorder prescribed lithium, antipsychotics or mood stabilizing antiepileptics (valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine)...Lithium use may lower fracture risk, a benefit that is particularly relevant for patients with serious mental illness who are more prone to falls due to their behaviors. Our findings could help inform better treatment decisions for bipolar disorder, and lithium's potential to prevent fractures should be considered for patients at high risk of fractures.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Preclinical, Journal: Transitional photoperiod induces a mania-like behavior in male mice. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 9, 2024 Photoperiodic transition modulates behavior and circadian rhythms, mirroring certain features observed in bipolar disorder patients. This study introduces an animal model for investigating mania-like behavior induced by photoperiodic changes, offering potential insights for suicide prevention strategies and the management of mood disorders.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Retrospective data, Review, Journal: Retrospective Review of Postpartum Lithium Use Including During Lactation. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 7, 2024 Lithium exposure in breastmilk appears to be tolerated by healthy infants. There is a need for ongoing research and education on acceptability and infant monitoring recommendations to support patients who would like to breastfeed while on lithium.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., modafinil / Generic mfg.
Journal: Kleine Levin syndrome - presentation of five cases. (Pubmed Central) - Aug 5, 2024 Treatment with stimulants (modafinil) and mood stabilizers (lithium) proved effective. A high degree of suspicion should be kept for cases of episodic hypersomnolence for early diagnosis and management of KLS.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Enrollment closed: Lithium in FAP: The CHAMP-study: The CHemopreventive Effect of Lithium in Familial AdenoMatous Polyposis (clinicaltrials.gov) - Aug 1, 2024 P2, N=12, Active, not recruiting, Analyses of very long-term outcomes of the EIA trial may potentially indicate a beneficial effect of the intervention at the long term but were likely underpowered to detect a more subtle effect and for most outcomes the differences between groups were not statistically significant. Enrolling by invitation --> Active, not recruiting
- |||||||||| COMPLEXITY OF DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF SILENT SYNDROME (Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Poster Area 2) - Jul 31, 2024 - Abstract #CHEST2024CHEST_5190;
His home medications included Seroquel 300 mg qAM and 800 mg qHS, Lithium 900 mg qHS, Depakote 1500 mg BID, Keppra 1000 mg BID, Benztropine 0.5 mg BID, and Pramipexole 1.5 mg BID...A trial of lorazepam was initiated for suspected catatonia, though no improvement was observed... As clinicians, we must remain vigilant and bring awareness regarding the recognition and management of SILENT and other medication-induced neurological complications.
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A CASE OF HYPERTHERMIA AND HYPERNATREMIA IN CLASSIC LITHIUM TOXICITY: A DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE (Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Poster Area 2) - Jul 31, 2024 - Abstract #CHEST2024CHEST_2732; This case underscores the importance of considering lithium toxicity in patients with psychiatric history and suspected overdose, as it can mimic other associated conditions. Prompt identification and initiation of appropriate treatment, including emergent hemodialysis, is crucial in optimizing patient outcomes
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
ACQUIRED ARGININE VASOPRESSIN RESISTANCE SECONDARY TO LITHIUM USE (Convention Center Exhibit Hall: Poster Area 2) - Jul 31, 2024 - Abstract #CHEST2024CHEST_2593; Its benefits are offset by nephrotoxicity, including NDI, renal tubular acidosis, and chronic renal failure. Therefore, its selection for treatment requires shared decision-making and weighing the risks and benefits.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Biomarker, Review, Journal: Pharmacotherapeutic value of inflammatory and neurotrophic biomarkers in bipolar disorder: A systematic review. (Pubmed Central) - Jul 26, 2024 Future longitudinal studies with larger samples will help to elucidate the epigenetic mechanisms underlying Li response. Inflammation in BD requires further investigation to understand the underlying immunologic mechanism, to identify predictors of treatment response, and to make informed decisions about the use and development of more effective pharmacological interventions for BD.