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Clinical, Review, Journal: Pharmacological and Psychosocial Treatment of Adults with Gambling Disorder: A Meta-Review. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 28, 2021 It is likely that certain interventions might be more effective than others on specific features of GD. Further studies are needed to compare the efficacy and acceptability of individual and combined psychosocial and pharmacological interventions, to deliver patient-tailored treatments.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Markedly Increased Prevalence of Migraine Headaches in Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 26, 2021 Correlates of migraine in youth BD are similar to those found for adults, including the link with the depressive polarity of BD. Future prospective studies are warranted to evaluate temporal associations between migraine and mood symptoms, and to evaluate neurobiological and cardiovascular underpinnings of these associations.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Review, Journal: The impact of caffeine consumption on clinical symptoms in patients with bipolar disorder: a systematic review. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 26, 2021 Acute increases in caffeine consumption may precede the occurrence of manic symptoms in patients with BD, potentially through a direct stimulant effect, affecting sleep pattern and/or the metabolism of lithium or other medications, although increases in caffeine intake could also be a consequence of an ongoing manic relapse or a prodromal sign. Further research is needed to determine whether caffeine use impacts the long-term prognosis of BD.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Exploring lithium's transcriptional mechanisms of action in bipolar disorder: a multi-step study. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 24, 2021 Crucially, GRIN2A was also significantly upregulated by lithium in the rat brains (p = 2.2e-5, fc = 1.6), which suggests that modulation of GRIN2A expression may be a part of the therapeutic effect of the drug. These results indicate that the recent upsurge in research on this central component of the glutamatergic system, as a target of novel therapeutic agents for affective disorders, is warranted and should be intensified.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: The association between lithium use and neurocognitive performance in patients with bipolar disorder. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 24, 2021 At follow-up a significant neurocognitive improvement in the global cognitive index score [F = 31.69; p < 0.001], CVLT trials 1-5 [F = 29.81; p < 0.001], CVLT delayed recall [F = 15.27; p < 0.001], and TMT-B [F = 6.64, p = 0.012] was detected. The cross-sectional and longitudinal (on a subset of 88 patients) investigations suggest that lithium may be beneficial to neurocognitive functioning in patients with BD and that at the very least it does not seem to significantly impair cognition when used therapeutically.
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Journal: Mesocortical BDNF signaling mediates antidepressive-like effects of lithium. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 24, 2021 Finally, we found that the antidepressant-like effects induced by high-dose lithium were mediated by BNDF signaling in the mesocortical DA circuit. Together, these results demonstrated the role of mesocortical DA projection in antidepressive-like effects of lithium and established a circuit foundation for lithium-based antidepressive treatment.
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Clinical, Journal: Lithium modulates striatal reward anticipation and prediction error coding in healthy volunteers. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 24, 2021 Thirty-seven healthy human participants (18 males, 33 with suitable fMRI data) received 11 (±1) days of lithium carbonate or placebo intervention (double-blind), after which they completed the monetary incentive delay task while fMRI data were collected...This suggests that lithium might reverse dampened reward anticipation while reducing overactive reward updating in patients with bipolar disorder. This specific effect of lithium suggests that a targeted modulation of reward learning may be a viable approach for novel interventions in bipolar disorder.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., carbamazepine / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Decelerated epigenetic aging associated with mood stabilizers in the blood of patients with bipolar disorder. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 Further, there was a significant decrease in Horvath EAA and IEAA in patients with BD taking medication combinations of mood stabilizers (including lithium carbonate, sodium valproate, and carbamazepine) than in those taking no medication/monotherapy. This study provides novel evidence indicating decelerated epigenetic aging associated with mood stabilizers in patients with BD.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Review, Journal: Lithium and suicide prevention in mood disorders and in the general population: A systematic review. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 Most of the observational studies reported a reduction in suicide in patients with mood disorders. All studies about lithium treatment's duration reported that long-term lithium give more benefits than short-term lithium in suicide risk The evidence seems to attribute an intrinsic anti-suicidal property of lithium, independent of its proven efficacy as a mood stabilizer.
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Preclinical, Journal: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence on the Role of Mitochondrial Impairment as a Mechanism of Lithium-Induced Nephrotoxicity. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 Rats were treated with lithium (lithium carbonate, 25 and 50 mg/kg/day, i.p., for 28 consecutive days)...On the other hand, significant alterations in kidney mitochondrial function were detected in lithium-treated groups. These data mention oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cellular energy crisis as the potential primary mechanisms for lithium-induced renal injury.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Effectiveness of Zinc Supplementation on Lithium-Induced Alterations in Thyroid Functions. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 To achieve this goal, male Wistar rats (150-195 g) were divided into four groups: Group 1 animals were fed standard pellet feed and tap water ad lib; Group 2 rats were fed lithium in the form of lithium carbonate through diet at a concentration of 1.1 g/kg body weight; Group 3 animals received zinc treatment in the form of zinc sulfate (ZnSO·7HO) at a dose level of 227 mg/L mixed with drinking water of the animals; and Group 4 animals were given lithium and zinc in a similar manner as was given to the animals belonging to groups 2 and 4 respectively...Zinc has been observed to have the capability to nearly normalize the altered 2-h uptake of I, biological and effective half-lives of I, and circulating T levels that were altered after lithium treatment. The present study concludes that zinc may be an effective agent in normalizing the adverse effects caused by lithium on thyroid functions.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., imipramine / Generic mfg.
Journal: Proposing the sweet solution preference test as a screening assay for anti-manic effects of mood stabilizers. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 The SSP is not a comprehensive model for bipolar disorder but it has good predictive validity and strong practical value that can be applied towards simple and fast screening of large numbers of animals, without the need for specialized equipment or complicated/prolonged procedures. We therefore propose that the SSP is an advantageous screening assay for testing novel mood stabilizing drugs for anti-manic properties.
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Journal: Lithium-induced neuroprotective activity in neuronal and microglial cells: A purinergic perspective. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 On the other hand, in N9 microglial cells, lithium was unable to prevent ATP-induced activation via P2 × 7R, indicating that lithium protective action against the effects of ATP more likely occurs in neurons rather than in microglia. Further studies are needed to better characterize the involvement of the purinergic system in the mechanism of action of lithium against neuronal death and microglial activation, in order to uncover new therapeutic adjunctive targets, such as antagonism of P2 × 7R, as potential approach for bipolar disorder treatment.
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Journal: Do Autophagy Enhancers/ROS Scavengers Alleviate Consequences of Mild Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced in Neuronal-Derived Cells? (Pubmed Central) - Jun 22, 2021 In this study, we aimed to find out whether autophagy enhancers (lithium, trehalose, rapamycin, and resveratrol) and/or ROS scavengers [resveratrol, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and Mn-Tbap) can ameliorate neuronal mild mitochondrial dysfunction...The effect of lithium reversing rotenone's effect on OCR parameters is compatible with lithium's known positive effects on mitochondrial function and is possibly mediated via its effect on autophagy. By-and-large it may be summarized that some autophagy enhancers/ROS scavengers alleviate some rotenone-induced mild mitochondrial changes in SH-SY5Y cells.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Review, Journal: Metallodrugs are unique: opportunities and challenges of discovery and development. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 16, 2021 We highlight advances in the application of metal-specific techniques that can assist the preclinical development, including synchrotron X-ray spectro(micro)scopy, luminescence, and mass spectrometry-based methods, combined with proteomic and genomic (metallomic) approaches. A deeper understanding of the behavior of metals and metallodrugs in biological systems is not only key to the design of novel agents with unique mechanisms of action, but also to new understanding of clinically-established drugs.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Case of Severe Acute-on-Chronic Lithium Intoxication with 8.6 mmol/l and Prompt Hemodialysis. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 12, 2021 Due to a narrow therapeutic index lithium intoxication still is a common but potentially avoidable clinical problem 2. The possibility of SILENT-syndrome (syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity) illustrates that prevention and optimal treatment of lithium intoxication is vitally important 3.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Review, Journal: Evaluation and treatment of older-age bipolar disorder: a narrative review. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 12, 2021 There is a great need for an improved understanding of the phenomenology and neurobiology of OABD. Additionally, research into effective treatments for this serious psychiatric disorder will mitigate the suffering of individuals with OABD.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Review, Journal: Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Impact of Pharmacological Treatment. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 10, 2021 Overall the quality of evidence is poor and is derived from a relatively small number of studies that often do not account for the significant heterogeneity of the disorder or common comorbidities. The use of consistent methodologies and measures of cognition across studies, as well as in naturalistic settings, would enable more certain conclusions to be drawn.
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Preclinical, Journal: Protein kinase C isoforms as a target for manic-like behaviors and oxidative stress in a dopaminergic animal model of mania. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 5, 2021 Therefore, we evaluated the effects of the intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of PKC inhibitors (lithium (Li), tamoxifen (TMX), PKCα inhibitor (iPKCα), PKCγ inhibitor (iPKCγ), and PKCε inhibitor (iPKCε)) on the manic-like behaviors and oxidative stress parameters (4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), 8-isoprostane (8-ISO), carbonyl groups, 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR)) in the brains of rats submitted to the model of mania induced by methamphetamine (m-AMPH)...Besides, the iPKCε administration significantly prevented the oxidative damage to lipids and proteins, as well as disturbances in the activity of antioxidant enzymes induced by m-AMPH. The findings of the present study suggest that PKCε isoform is strongly implied in the antimanic and antioxidant effects of Li, TMX, and the other PKC inhibitors in the model of mania.
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Journal: THERAPEUTIC TARGETING OF BRAIN ARACHIDONIC ACID CASCADE IN BIPOLAR DISORDER BY LOW DOSE ASPIRIN AND CELECOXIB. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 3, 2021 The findings of the present study suggest that PKCε isoform is strongly implied in the antimanic and antioxidant effects of Li, TMX, and the other PKC inhibitors in the model of mania. Efficacy of both celecoxib and aspirin as adjuncts to mood stabilizers in the treatment of bipolar disorder is consistent with the AA hypothesis for mood stabilizer action in that disorder.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Regional lithium prescription rates and recurrence in bipolar disorder. (Pubmed Central) - Jun 2, 2021 The advantages for lithium use long acknowledged for bipolar I disorder are also seen for the rest of the bipolar spectrum. Results suggest that population level outcomes of bipolar disorder could be improved by increasing the number of patients using lithium.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Lithium, an Infrequently Used Medication. (Pubmed Central) - May 27, 2021 Despite the limitations that this study may be underpowered due to the small sample size, the sample consisted of a heterogeneous TRD population in a single site, and there no blinding of who underwent only acute ketamine administration, our observations indicate ketamine use requires close safety and tolerability monitoring with regards to psychomimetic and dissociative symptoms in TRD-BP and careful management for MDD patients.ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04226963. No abstract available
- |||||||||| Journal: Stalin's "black dog": a postmortem diagnosis. (Pubmed Central) - May 21, 2021
Upon harvesting surface material via EVA disks (ethylene-vinyl acetate studded with strong cation and anion exchangers and C-C resins) and instrumental analysis via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, we detected lithium levels (~ 100 ± 8 ng/cm) compatible with those present in the sweat and/or saliva of patients treated with lithium salts for curing bipolarity and paranoia or probably gout. These data are the first clear indication that Stalin was under cure for this pathology.Graphical abstract.
- |||||||||| lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
Journal: Sinus bradycardia with haemodynamic compromise following lithium intoxication. (Pubmed Central) - May 21, 2021 The patient's heart rate and hypotension improved in parallel with resolution of his acute kidney injury and elevated serum lithium level after treatment with intravenous fluids. Given the prevalence of bradycardia in both the outpatient and inpatient settings, a high index of suspicion is necessary for the prevention and identification of this clinical entity to guide appropriate management.