lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg. 
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    Arterial Line Waveform Tracing Variation in Cheyne Stokes Respiration (Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Area I, Hall C (Lower Level)) -  Mar 25, 2023 - Abstract #ATS2023ATS_8700;    
    In periods of apnea, the arterial line waveform tracing decreased in amplitude with a noted reduction in MAP. As CSR is known to result in a sympathetic surge in patients with heart failure, this case clearly visualizes the concordant hemodynamic changes via arterial line waveform tracings.
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    A Case of Valproate Encephalopathy Treated With Levocarnitine (Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Area C, Hall C (Lower Level)) -  Mar 25, 2023 - Abstract #ATS2023ATS_5044;    
    Indications for levocarnitine are coma, severe hepatotoxicity, serum valproic acid level >450 mcg/mL, and valproate-related encephalopathy. Although studies are limited on prognosis with levocarnitine, multiple systematic reviews have shown the effectiveness of levocarnitine when administered in the aforementioned dosage.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg., chlorpromazine / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The History of Drug Development in Psychiatry: A Lesson in Serendipity. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 24, 2023   
    This is evident from the history of chlorpromazine, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, lithium, and others...Psychiatry, it seems has worked its way backwards from first identifying treatments before understanding the biological basis of mental disorders, in a sharp contrast to the other fields of medicine. With our growing understanding of the etiopathogenesis of mental disorders, drug development in psychiatry is evolving to develop treatments that target the underlying physiology of mental disorders.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  The Mood Stabilizer Lithium Slows Down Synaptic Vesicle Cycling at Glutamatergic Synapses. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 21, 2023   
    While the cause of this heterogeneity is unclear, these data indicate that lithium interacts with the SV machinery and influences glutamate release in a large fraction of excitatory synapses. Together, our findings show that lithium down modulates SV cycling, an effect consistent with clinical reports indicating hyperactivation of glutamate neurotransmission in BD.
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    Review, Journal:  Lithium poisoning and renal replacement therapy: pathophysiology and current clinical recommendations. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 21, 2023   
    Its favorable biochemical profile allows the complete filtration and partial reabsorption in the kidney due to the similarity to sodium and also the complete removal by renal replacement therapy, that should be considered in specific poisoning conditions. In this narrative and updated review we discussed a clinical case of lithium intoxication, the different pattern of diseases attributable to excessive lithium load and the current indications for extracorporeal treatment.
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    Immunometabolic Moderators of Anhedonia and Treatment Resistant Depression: Therapeutic Targets and Precision Medicine Pathways (Salon 1) -  Mar 18, 2023 - Abstract #ASCP2023ASCP_131;    
    Augmentation of insulin signaling with lithium or metformin, or inflammatory stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), increased response rates to >90%, effectively eliminating ketamine non-response in these animals (p<0.01; n=10-16)...To understand the effects of hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis dysfunction on immunometabolism, dopamine neurotransmission, and dopamine-dependent behaviors 2. To understand the moderating role of immunometabolism in therapeutic response to antidepressants
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    A Suicide Prevention Trial of Lithium at the VA: Conducting Trials in People at High Risk of Suicide (Salon 1) -  Mar 18, 2023 - Abstract #ASCP2023ASCP_71;    
    Learning Objectives At the end of the session the participant will understand what the impact of study design on suicide outcomes are in this VA trial of lithium vs placebo for suicide prevention. At the end of the session the participant will understand how sample size affects the ability to estimate effects in trials of lithium for suicide prevention.
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    Journal:  Updated perspectives on how and when lithium should be used in the treatment of mood disorders. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 15, 2023   
    Furthermore, after prophylactic treatment, lithium may also be augmented with antidepressants in treatment-resistant depression. There have also been some demonstration of lithium having some efficacy in acute episodes of mania and bipolar depression as well as in the prophylaxis of unipolar depression.
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    Journal:  Optical Determination of Lithium Therapeutic Levels in Micro-volumes of Interstitial Fluid. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 14, 2023   
    There have also been some demonstration of lithium having some efficacy in acute episodes of mania and bipolar depression as well as in the prophylaxis of unipolar depression. The results support the future development of a miniaturized and minimally-invasive device for lithium monitoring in bipolar patients.
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    Review, Journal:  Valproate and lithium: Old drugs for new pharmacological approaches in brain tumors? (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 14, 2023   
    Same advantageous characteristics are less convincing for lithium carbonate. Therefore, the planning of specific phase III studies is necessary to validate the repositioning of these drugs in present and future oncological research.
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    Journal:  The history of lithium (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 14, 2023   
    However, with the arrival of other psychopharmaca lithium is prescribed less in the last decades. It is important to teach psychiatrists and nurse specialists how to use lithium because of its important value in the treatment of bipolar disorder.
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    Circulating immune cell composition and activation status associate with brain white matter microstructure in bipolar depression (06. Room 143) -  Mar 2, 2023 - Abstract #EPA2023EPA_585;    
    Studies in the field are in its infancy, but findings by our group showed that: circulating Th17 cells correlated with higher FA, while regulatory FOXP3+ cells correlated with higher RD and MD, and with lower fMRI neural responses in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; higher circulating cytokine-producing NK cells were fostered by ongoing lithium treatment and directly correlated with better FA, and inversely with RD and MD, also partially mediating the known benefits from lithium on WM; and activation status and expression of killer proteins by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells negatively associated with WM microstructure, thus suggesting that CD8+ T cells can leave the blood stream to migrate into the brain and induce an immune-related WM damage in BD. Implications of these findings for neuroprogression, clinical outcomes, and new treatment strategies of the disorder will be discussed.
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    Combination therapy for bipolar disorder (08. Room Passy) -  Mar 2, 2023 - Abstract #EPA2023EPA_242;    
    Adjunctive treatment of olanzapine with fluoxetine may be necessary in a depression with mixed features... Rational polytherapy allows better and faster control over symptoms of bipolar disorder and should be considered after a detailed discussion of risks and benefits.
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    Comparison of the Li4SiO4 pebble characteristics according to Li precursor type (Hall F-H (Indiana Convention Center)) -  Feb 14, 2023 - Abstract #ACSSp2023ACS_SP_2959;    
    Li4SiO4 is attracting attention as a tritium breeder material due to its characteristics such as high melting temperature, thermal stability, and tritium emission.In this study, Li4SiO4 powder was synthesized using Lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and Lithium carbonate (Li2CO3)...Li4SiO4 pebble was analyzed through Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Compression strength meter. This study shows the effect of Li precursors on tritium breeder materials in a high-temperature and high-pressure tritium propagation furnace environment.
  • ||||||||||  ebselen (SPI-1005) / Sound Pharma
    Journal:  Structural and biochemical analysis of human inositol monophosphatase-1 inhibition by ebselen. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 10, 2023   
    Investigation of the role of IMPase1 residues His217 and Cys218 suggests that inhibition of IMPase1 by ebselen may not be mediated via covalent modification of the active-site cysteine (Cys218) and is not affected by the covalent modification of other cysteine residues in the structure. Our results suggest that effects previously ascribed to ebselen-dependent inhibition likely result from disruption of essential active-site architecture, preventing activation of the IMPase1-Mg complex.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
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    Journal, Adherence:  Direct and Indirect Predictors of Medication Adherence With Bipolar Disorder: Path Analysis. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 7, 2023   
    That is, persons in their 20s with BD reported similar levels of medication adherence and perceived cognitive failures as those in their 60s. This suggests that perceived cognitive loss is a facet of adult life with BD, in contrast to the assumption that accelerated cognitive aging with BD begins in midlife.
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    Review, Journal:  UNC13A in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: from genetic association to therapeutic target. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 5, 2023   
    Considering UNC13A is a potent phenotypic modifier, it may also impact clinical trial outcomes. This present review describes the path from the initial discovery of UNC13A as a risk gene in ALS to the current therapeutic options being explored and how knowledge of its distinct phenotype needs to be taken into account in future trials.
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    Journal:  A paper-based colorimetric method for monitoring of lithium therapeutic levels. (Pubmed Central) -  Feb 3, 2023   
    Therefore, this study has demonstrated that Quinizarin-treated cellulose-based papers are suitable for the precise detection of changes in lithium therapeutic levels. This method is simple and very convenient and serves as a foundation for the future development of a paper-based colorimetric sensor for monitoring of lithium therapeutic levels in ISF and other non-invasive biological fluids.
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    Hidradenitis suppurativa and psychopathology: the chicken or the egg? (Room 2) -  Feb 2, 2023 - Abstract #EHSF2023EHSF_145;    
    it is difficult to draw causal relationships between two diseases that are, in fact, closely related and mutually potentiated. However, the fact that in more cases debut of psychiatric disease and initiation of treatment were prior to HS presentation, points at a possible direct role of psychopharmacs as a trigger of HS.
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Emerging Potential Biomarkers to Inform Bipolar Clinical Practice (Room 203, Moscone South Room Level: Second Level) -  Jan 29, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_368;    
    Susan McElroy (divalproex sodium), and Dr. Mark Frye (antidepressants).Learning Objectives Objective One: Better understand the evidence base of lithium, mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, and antidepressants in bipolar disorder Objective Two: Through presentation and audience Q&A, review clinical pearls and potential biomarkers for lithium, mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, and antidepressants in bipolar disorder Objective Three: Discuss the latest omics data of lithium, mood-stabilizing anticonvulsants, and antidepressants, in bipolar disorder Objective Four: Objective Five:
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    Current and Future Treatment of Depression: Glass Half Full or Half Empty? (Room 213, Moscone South Room Level: Second Level) -  Jan 29, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_89;    
    Finally, recently approved and novel promising treatment strategies including psilocybin, zuranolone, esmethadone, dextromethorphan + bupropion, ezogabine as well as advanced neuromodulation methods (e.g. Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy) will be described...Objective Three: Understand the relative merits of transcranial magnetic stimulation, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychotherapy in augmenting antidepressant therapy in non responders. Objective Four: Objective Five:
  • ||||||||||  lithium carbonate ER / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Comparison of immediate and sustained release formulations of lithium salts. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 28, 2023   
    Various preparations have been developed and tested, including older immediate-release (IR) forms of lithium carbonate and other salts and formulations with slow-release (SR) properties, developed in hopes of increasing the tolerability of lithium treatment, adherence to its use, and possibly its efficacy...Studies of comparative clinical efficacy are lacking. Despite decades of use of various lithium salts, systematic comparisons of the pharmacological and clinical properties of IR vs. SR preparations remain rare and to be deepened, though with suggestive superiority of SR salts.
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    Review, Journal:  Korean Medication Algorithm Project for Bipolar Disorder 2022: Comparisons with Other Treatment Guidelines. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 27, 2023   
    Aripiprazole, quetiapine and olanzapine were the first-line AAPs for nearly all phases of bipolar disorder across guidelines...Most guidelines advocated newer AAPs (asenapine, cariprazine, long-acting injectable risperidone, and aripiprazole once monthly) as first-line treatment options for all phases while lamotrigine was recommended for depressive and maintenance phases...KMAP-BP 2022 guidelines were similar to other guidelines, reflecting current changes in prescription patterns for bipolar disorder based on accumulated research data. Strong preference for combination therapy was characteristic of KMAP-BP 2022, predominantly in the treatment of psychotic mania, mixed mania and psychotic depression.
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    Journal:  Lithium affects the circadian clock in the choroid plexus - A new role for an old mechanism. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 27, 2023   
    The effects on the CP clock may be involved in the therapeutic effects of lithium and hypothetically improve brain function in psychiatric patients by aligning the function of the CP clock-related glymphatic system with the sleep-wake cycle. Importantly, our data argue for personalized timing of lithium treatment in BD patients.
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    Journal:  Central Diabetes Insipidus in the Background of Lithium Use: Consider Central Causes Despite Nephrogenic as the Most Common. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 24, 2023   
    Two different occasions of desmopressin administration resulted in >50% increase in urine osmolality, confirming the diagnosis of CDI...We present this case to consider CDI as a differential diagnosis when evaluating polyuria and hypernatremia in patients with long-term lithium use. These presentations warrant the consideration of both types of diabetes insipidus in the differential diagnoses.
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    Journal:  Facial processing in bipolar disorder is mediated by clinical and biological aspects. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 23, 2023   
    Trehalose and N-acetylcystein may also be effective in attenuating manic-like behavior. These findings highlight the reliability of the face perception task used herein and may be important for public health initiatives and follow-up studies that seek to understand the diverse effects of other variables that can affect sensory processing in this population.
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    Journal:  Long-Term Lithium Therapy and Thyroid Disorders in Bipolar Disorder: A Historical Cohort Study. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 22, 2023   
    We did not find significant differences in lithium response between patients with or without thyroid disorders in BD. Findings from this study suggest that patients with BD and comorbid thyroid disorders when adequately treated have a response to lithium similar to patients with BD and no thyroid disorders.
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    Journal:  DBP7 and YRF1-6 Are Involved in Cell Sensitivity to LiCl by Regulating the Translation of PGM2 mRNA. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 22, 2023   
    Additionally, we demonstrate that DBP7 and YRF1-6 modulate the translational level of PGM2 mRNA, and the observed alteration in translation seems to be associated with the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of PGM2 mRNA. Furthermore, we observe that DBP7 and YRF1-6 influence, to varying degrees, the translation of other mRNAs that carry different 5'-UTR secondary structures.