triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg. 
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  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    MOMMY RN DERMATITIS (Exhibit Hall (Upper Concourse); Monitor 05) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #ACAAI2022ACAAI_1035;    
    She has been prescribed topical 0.1% triamcinolone and a course of oral steroids with temporary improvement in symptoms...Discussion This case emphasizes the importance of cleaning gels and wipes as a cause of contact dermatitis. It particularly important to remember in the context of healthcare workers who frequently clean their hands, new parents who may using sanitizing wipes more often, and people with darker colored skin.
  • ||||||||||  Opdivo (nivolumab) / Ono Pharma, BMS
    A Case of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis During Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor and Platin Treatment for Cancer (Exhibit Hall (Upper Concourse); Monitor 02) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #ACAAI2022ACAAI_836;    
    We present a case of metastatic gastroesophageal cancer treated with nivolumab and FOLFOX causing toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)...He received intravenous solumedrol, famotidine, and diphenhydramine and was discharged on a prednisone taper and topical triamcinolone...FOLFOX was subsequently discontinued and capecitabine was started...Patch testing is available but has little utility for TEN. Testing for platins with delayed reads along with 10-90 dosing may be useful to establish the safety of continued platin treatment.
  • ||||||||||  Remicade (infliximab) / Merck (MSD), Mitsubishi Tanabe, J&J
    A Delayed Drug Rash in a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis: Infliximab-Induced Psoriasis. (Exhibit Hall (Upper Concourse); Monitor 01) -  Oct 10, 2022 - Abstract #ACAAI2022ACAAI_815;    
    The psoriasis was treated with triamcinolone 0.1% cream using wet dressing technique and resolved within 2 months...Discussion Most side effects from TNF-α inhibitors are observed during the first six months of use including: injection site reactions, cutaneous infections, immune-mediated complications (psoriasis and lupus), and even skin cancers. Identifying the difference between classic psoriasis and drug-induced psoriasis may be challenging due to the variable clinical and histopathological features.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Changes in Intraocular Pressure with Use of Periocular Triamcinolone Cream. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 29, 2022   
    Two patients experienced a significant elevation in IOP of 10 mm Hg, one through the concomitant consequences of systemic corticosteroids usage and the other through prolonged topical application. In patients taking periocular triamcinolone cream, there was no clinically meaningful change in mean IOP between baseline and follow-up visits, and IOP measurements were not related to variances in prescription strength or duration of therapy.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial initiation date, Trial primary completion date, Surgery:  Safety and Effectiveness of Drop-free Small Incision Cataract Surgery ( -  Aug 9, 2022   
    P=N/A,  N=100, Not yet recruiting, 
    The application of the Er,Cr:YSGG laser before treatment with triamcinolone NN ointment did not show any advantage for the average healing time compared to a medicine regimen with only triamcinolone NN ointment. Trial completion date: Nov 2022 --> Feb 2023 | Initiation date: Jun 2022 --> Oct 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Nov 2022 --> Feb 2023
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Triamcinolone Cream-Induced Cushing Syndrome () -  Jul 16, 2022 - Abstract #ENDO2022ENDO_2324;    
    Our patient had increased absorption due to steroid application to a large BSA and to open wounds. The purpose of this report is to explain how a relatively benign topical medication can have detrimental systemic effects.
  • ||||||||||  Eucrisa (crisaborole) / Pfizer
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Steroid-reducing Effects of Crisaborole ( -  Jun 30, 2022   
    P4,  N=60, Recruiting, 
    The reduction in ulcer size was comparable to the control group on days 3 and 5, while the complete reduction in ulcer size was seen in both groups by day 10. Trial completion date: Dec 2023 --> Dec 2024 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2023
  • ||||||||||  CoronaVac / Sinovac, Bio Farma Indonesia
    Bilateral Localized Acneiform Eruption Due to Coronavac Vaccine (e-Poster Hall) -  Jun 13, 2022 - Abstract #EADVSp2022EADV_Sp_209;    
    Oral antihistamine drugs, triamcinolone acetonide and topical treatments were given symptomatically. As a result, fixed and acneiform drug eruption due to Coronavac has not been previously reported in the literature.
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Oral lichen planus: comparative efficacy and treatment costs-a systematic review. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2022   
    Of common treatment regimens for OLP, topical steroids appear to be the most economical and efficacious option followed by topical calcineurin inhibitors. Large-scale multi-modality, prospective trials in which head-to-head comparisons interventions are compared are required to definitely assess the cost-effectiveness of OLP treatments.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Surgery:  Safety and Effectiveness of Drop-free Small Incision Cataract Surgery ( -  May 12, 2022   
    P=N/A,  N=100, Not yet recruiting, 
    Large-scale multi-modality, prospective trials in which head-to-head comparisons interventions are compared are required to definitely assess the cost-effectiveness of OLP treatments. Trial completion date: Aug 2022 --> Nov 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Aug 2022 --> Nov 2022
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg., doxycycline / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Prurigo pigmentosa in a patient with newly diagnosed type one diabetes with diabetic ketoacidosis. (Pubmed Central) -  May 9, 2022   
    Histopathological findings consistent with the clinical findings suggested the diagnosis of prurigo pigmentosa. After treatment with topical triamcinolone and oral doxycycline along with resolution of his ketosis after insulin administration, the patient's rash healed with reticulate hyperpigmentation.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Fractional Ablative Laser Treatment for Skin Grafts ( -  May 3, 2022   
    P=N/A,  N=29, Recruiting, 
    After treatment with topical triamcinolone and oral doxycycline along with resolution of his ketosis after insulin administration, the patient's rash healed with reticulate hyperpigmentation. Trial completion date: Mar 2022 --> Jun 2022 | Trial primary completion date: Mar 2022 --> Jun 2022
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    ACUTE HEPATITIS AND RASH LINKED THROUGH EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS (Poster Hall - San Diego Convention Center) -  Apr 25, 2022 - Abstract #DDW2022DDW_4406;    
    She rapidly stabilized and was discharged the following day with triamcinolone 0.1% ointment...She recovered quickly with systemic steroids.Awareness of GPP induced hepatitis can guide a judicious assessment of abnormal liver chemistries. Furthermore, unnecessary healthcare utilization can be avoided by providing appropriate and timely pharmacotherapy (i.e., corticosteroid taper) for on demand flares.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Heineke-Mikulicz Preputioplasty: Surgical Technique and Outcomes (Room 225) -  Apr 10, 2022 - Abstract #AUA2022AUA_1790;    
    One patient reported bothersome phimosis secondary to scar formation at the incision and was treated successfully with topical triamcinolone. Conclusions : HMP is a safe and effective treatment for phimosis in patients who would like to avoid circumcision or during intraoperative consults where patient preferences may not be clear.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide / Generic mfg., triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Comparison of clinical indices and therapeutic effect of a mucoadhesive system containing Melissa 1% and triamcinolone 0.1% on lichenoid reactions. (Pubmed Central) -  Mar 23, 2022   
    In this randomized clinical trial, sixty patients with erosive oral LRs were randomly divided into two groups, and each group was treated with Melissa gel or triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% paste, three times a day, for 4 weeks...In general, we showed that Melissa gel has a better effect than triamcinolone on pain intensity. Although Melissa gel is effective in reducing lesion size, triamcinolone significantly showed better results.
  • ||||||||||  clobetasol propionate topical / Generic mfg., triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Successful Treatment of Hypopigmented Mycosis Fungoides in a Pediatric Patient with Excimer Laser () -  Mar 21, 2022 - Abstract #AAD2022AAD_2661;    
    While full body phototherapy has been used to treat MF in the past, this more targeted approach has demonstrated efficacy in our patient and in reported cases in the literature while being a safer option well suited for a pediatric patient. This case highlights the utility of excimer laser in the treatment of pediatric cases of hypopigmented mycosis fungoides.
  • ||||||||||  prednisone / Generic mfg., triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg., fluticasone / Generic mfg.
    ACTINIC GRANULOMA: A RARE CASE OF SUN DAMAGE. (Chapman #4 (Sunset Center)) -  Dec 20, 2021 - Abstract #WSMRF2022WSMRF_51;    
    Our patient differed from the typical presentation in that she described intense pruritus associated with her eruption. Solar elastosis and abundant multinucleated foreign body giant cells with ingested elastic fibers
  • ||||||||||  Eucrisa (crisaborole) / Pfizer
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  Steroid-reducing Effects of Crisaborole ( -  Dec 8, 2021   
    P4,  N=60, Recruiting, 
    Solar elastosis and abundant multinucleated foreign body giant cells with ingested elastic fibers Trial completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2021 --> Dec 2022
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date:  Fractional Ablative Laser Treatment for Skin Grafts ( -  Dec 2, 2021   
    P=N/A,  N=29, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Dec 2022 --> Dec 2023 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2021 --> Dec 2022 Trial completion date: Oct 2022 --> Jan 2022
  • ||||||||||  Valchlor (mechlorethamine gel) / Helsinn, Recordati
    Trial completion:  MIDAS: Mechlorethamine Induced Contact Dermatitis Avoidance Study ( -  Nov 24, 2021   
    P2,  N=28, Completed, 
    Trial completion date: Oct 2022 --> Jan 2022 Recruiting --> Completed
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Successful treatment of pityriasis rubra pilaris with antiinflammatory mediterranean diet and low-dose vitamin A () -  Nov 11, 2021 - Abstract #ISDS2021ISDS_210;    
    The patient was started on triamcinolone 0.1% cream, over-the-counter vitamin D, vitamin C, and probiotics without improvement 10 days later...Vitamin A levels checked at the time were within normal limits. This case highlights PRP-induced eosinophilia and is the first to note the utility of the anti-inflammatory Mediterranean diet and low-dose vitamin A for treatment of PRP.
  • ||||||||||  hydroxychloroquine / Generic mfg.
    BRAF/MEK Inhibitor Induced subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus () -  Nov 11, 2021 - Abstract #ISDS2021ISDS_154;    
    A 70-year-old woman with stage IV BRAF positive malignant melanoma was put on BRAF inhibitor/MEK inhibitor, dabrafenib/trametinib...Another BRAF/MEK inhibitor, encorafenib/ binimetinib was started...Moisturization and triamcinolone 0.1% ointment with impression of xerosis cutis dermatitis were ineffective...Treatment trials of 1 month doxycycline and 1 month azithromycin did not help...With impression of SCLE, started hydroxychloroquine...Our case, to our knowledge is the first reported BRAF/MEK inhibitor induced SCLE confirmed also by more specific lupus markers. The evolution of rash in post treatment period in this case demands attention to this differential diagnosis even several months after discontinuation of targeted therapy.
  • ||||||||||  Stelara (ustekinumab) / J&J
    ELP often presents insidious in onset with nonspecific symptoms and requires a high index of suspicion to prevent delayed or missed diagnosis. With ongoing decline in lung function, anti-fibrotic medications, such as nintenanib, can be a therapeutic consideration.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Acute Vesiculo Bullous Dermatitis After Epidural Insertion For Cesarean Section (Exhibit Hall) -  Sep 25, 2021 - Abstract #ASA2021ASA_5161;    
    A shave biopsy of the lesion sent for pathology confirmed diagnosis as acute irritant contact vesiculobullous spongiotic dermatitis, with no eosinophils or viral cytopathic changes. The patient's itching improved with 0.1% triamcinolone cream.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg., azathioprine / Generic mfg.
    A Sweet Manifestion of Crohn’s Disease (Shoreline Exhibit Hall) -  Sep 8, 2021 - Abstract #ACG2021ACG_1169;    
    Erythematous papulonodules over the hands on readmission.Fig 3. Edematous and erythematous papulopustules prior to steroid treatment.
  • ||||||||||  triamcinolone acetonide topical / Generic mfg.
    Retrospective data, Journal:  It's Not Yeast: Retrospective Cohort Study of Lactating Women with Persistent Nipple and Breast Pain. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 18, 2021   
    Treatment included discontinuation of antifungal medication, as well as the following per individual diagnoses: antibiotics and probiotics; 0.1% triamcinolone cream; heat therapy; discontinuation of exclusive pumping; and antidepressant medication and counseling referral...Accurate, timely diagnosis is crucial, as pain is a risk factor for premature cessation of breastfeeding. Symptomatic resolution occurs on appropriate therapy.