zabedosertib (BAY 1834845) / Bayer 
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2 Trials


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zabedosertib (BAY 1834845) / Bayer
2022-000520-38: A study to learn how well the study treatment zabedosertib (BAY1834845) works and how safe it is compared to placebo in adult participants with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis Studie s cílem zjistit, jak dobře studovaná léčba zabedosertibem (BAY1834845) funguje a jak je bezpečná v porovnání s placebem u dospělých pacientů se středně těžkou až těžkou atopickou dermatitidou

RoW, Europe
BAY 1834845 coated tablet 120 mg, BAY 1834845 coated tablet 120 mg 123, Coated tablet
Bayer AG, Bayer AG
Atopic dermatitis, Long lasting inflammation of the skin, also called eczema, causing patches of skin to become swollen, red, cracked, and itchy, Diseases [C] - Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases [C17]
Damask, NCT05656911 / 2022-000520-38: A Study to Learn How Well the Study Treatment Zabedosertib (BAY1834845) Works and How Safe it is Compared to Placebo in Adult Participants With Moderate-to-severe Atopic Dermatitis

Europe, US, RoW
Zabedosertib (BAY1834845), Placebo to zabedosertib (BAY 1834845)
Bayer, Bayer AG
Atopic Dermatitis

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