- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Journal: Development and Field Validation of Lidocaine-Loaded Castration Bands for Bovine Pain Mitigation. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 17, 2020 The concentrations of lidocaine in the LLB-treated tissue samples were generally in the range of 0.5-3.5 mg of lidocaine per gram of tissue and were overall highest after 6 h. Lidocaine-loaded elastration bands deliver therapeutic quantities of lidocaine into scrotal tissues over a period of at least seven days in cattle. This approach would provide long-term pain mitigation to the animals and, by avoiding surgery or the administration of injections, would also decrease the time and handling costs for the producer.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg., aspirin / Generic mfg., clopidogrel / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Topical Tranexamic Acid versus Phenylephrine-lidocaine for the Treatment of Anterior Epistaxis in Patients Taking Aspirin or Clopidogrel; a Randomized Clinical Trial. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 17, 2020 The absolute risk reduction (ARR), relative risk reduction, and number needed to harm of treatment with TXA for anterior nasal bleeding were 14.00% (95%CI: 1.11 - 26.89), 17.50% (95%CI: 0.60 - 37.27), and 7.14 (95%CI: 3.71 -90.43), respectively. Topical TXA is an appropriate treatment option in bleeding cessation, and reducing re-bleeding and duration of hospital stay in patients with epistaxis who take antiplatelet agents.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Preclinical, Journal: A New Approach to Ex Vivo Permeation Studies in In-Situ Film-Forming Systems. (Pubmed Central) - Dec 16, 2020 We could also evaluate transition phases of drug compositions and quantify drugs at key times after application. Hence, the developed method may be used to provide complementary data to the Franz diffusion cell method, in terms of drug and penetration enhancer behaviors incorporated into film-forming delivery systems.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg., ibuprofen / Generic mfg.
Journal: Topical Drug Delivery Systems Based on Bacterial Nanocellulose: Accelerated Stability Testing. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 21, 2020 Furthermore, the caffeine-loaded BNC membrane was selected for in vivo cutaneous compatibility studies, where patches were applied in the volar forearm of twenty volunteers for 24 h. The cutaneous responses were assessed by non-invasive measurements and the tests revealed good compatibility for caffeine-loaded BNC membranes. These results highlight the good storage stability of the API-loaded BNC membranes and their cutaneous compatibility, which confirms the real potential of these dermal delivery systems.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Journal: Development of Lidocaine-Loaded Dissolving Microneedle for Rapid and Efficient Local Anesthesia. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 18, 2020 A toxicity test for appropriate clinical application standard was conducted with a microbial limit test and an animal skin irritation test, showing absence of skin irritation and irritation-related microorganisms. Overall, Li-DMN is a possible alternative drug delivery method for local anesthesia, meeting the requirements for clinical conditions and overcoming the drawbacks of other conventional lidocaine administration methods.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Trial initiation date: Lidocaine Patch for Neck Pain (clinicaltrials.gov) - Nov 16, 2020 P=N/A, N=84, Not yet recruiting, Overall, Li-DMN is a possible alternative drug delivery method for local anesthesia, meeting the requirements for clinical conditions and overcoming the drawbacks of other conventional lidocaine administration methods. Initiation date: Nov 2020 --> Jan 2021
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Comparing the Efficacy of a Compound Topical Anesthetic Versus Benzocaine: A Pilot Study. (Pubmed Central) - Nov 3, 2020 Both types of topical anesthetic showed similar impacts on alterations to heart rate. No benefits were seen with the use of 10% lidocaine, 10% prilocaine, and 4% tetracaine as a topical anesthetic prior to a maxillary infiltration of local anesthetic when compared with 20% benzocaine.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Retrospective data, Review, Journal: Lidocaine lubricants for intubation-related complications: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 25, 2020 Aqueous gel can be used topically during a flexible nasopharyngolaryngoscopy instead of an anesthetic agent alone or one combined with a nasal decongestant. Lidocaine lubricants applied on the tips of endotracheal tube are not effective against the morbidities of POST, PC, and PH.
- |||||||||| Botox (onabotulinumtoxin A) / GSK, AbbVie
[VIRTUAL] Successful Treatment of Mons Pubis and Inguinal Crease Hyperhidrosis with Onabotulinum Toxin A () - Oct 23, 2020 - Abstract #ASDS2020ASDS_264; She has not had difficulty with urination or sexual function and notes improvement in her quality of life. Summary: A case of severe mons pubis and inguinal hyperhidrosis that was successfully treated with Onabotulinum toxin A. While treatment of inguinal crease hyperhidrosis has been reported, this is the first case to our knowledge of treatment of mons pubis hyperhidrosis with neurotoxin.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Dilute (8.33 mg/ml) Injectable Poly-l-lactic Acid for the Treatment of Linear Morphea () - Oct 23, 2020 - Abstract #ASDS2020ASDS_201; This dilution was performed 16 ml of sterile water and 2 ml of lidocaine 1%; reconstitution was performed 24h prior to injection...Summary: This small case series demonstrates positive outcomes for patients with linear morphea treated with 8.33 mg/ml poly-l-lactic acid injections to address the depressed plaques resulting from their disease process. This treatment was effective for both patients, free of complications and well tolerated.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg., epinephrine / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Hemodynamic changes in patients undergoing office-based sinus procedures under local anesthesia. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 22, 2020 He was started on topical clobetasol ointment and recovered in a few weeks. Although patients appear to tolerate office procedures well, providers should recognize the potential for significant fluctuations in blood pressure during the procedure, especially in older patients.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Pain during pars plana vitrectomy following sub-Tenon versus peribulbar anesthesia: A randomized trial. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 21, 2020 In this study of patients who underwent PPV for MH or ERM, topical followed by sub-Tenon anesthesia was more effective in controlling pain during the whole vitrectomy procedure than peribulbar anesthesia. Compared to peribulbar anesthesia which is administered with a sharp needle, sub-Tenon anesthesia administered with a blunt cannula may be associated with a reduced risk of such adverse events as globe perforation, retrobulbar hemorrhage, and inadvertent injection of anesthesia into the optic nerve sheath.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Review, Journal: Characteristics of Analgesic Patch Formulations. (Pubmed Central) - Oct 20, 2020 This review will highlight each of those patch delivery systems and introduce newer patch technologies that lend towards improved adhesion and compliance. Understanding the designs, limitations and benefits of patch systems will allow clinicians to select between these therapies when appropriate for their patients.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg., lidocaine 5% / Generic mfg.
Enrollment open, Trial initiation date: EASY: Pre-emptive Topical Lidocaine 5% Plaster for Prevention of Post-craniotomy Pain (clinicaltrials.gov) - Oct 19, 2020 P3, N=180, Recruiting, Understanding the designs, limitations and benefits of patch systems will allow clinicians to select between these therapies when appropriate for their patients. Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting | Initiation date: Jun 2020 --> Oct 2020
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Difficult Intubation With Massive Airway Hemorrhage () - Oct 17, 2020 - Abstract #ASA2020ASA_1546; 4% lidocaine was applied topically to prepare for awake fiberoptic intubation...The endotracheal tube was advanced over a bougie introducer through vocal cords. The patient was hemodynamically stable.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] Difficult Intubation With Laryngeal Papillomatosis () - Oct 17, 2020 - Abstract #ASA2020ASA_1491; After topical lidocaine, awake direct laryngoscopy revealed his laryngeal airway completely covered with papilloma lesions...After two attempts, end-tidal CO 2 was detected when connecting the catheter with the breathing circuit. A 5.5-mm laser-safe endotracheal tube was then passed easily over the catheter, and general anesthesia was induced.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg., aspirin / Generic mfg.
[VIRTUAL] COUGH-INDUCED DIFFUSE BRONCHIAL HEMORRHAGE () - Oct 12, 2020 - Abstract #CHEST2020CHEST_2724; The patient received aerosolized topical anesthesia with nebulized lidocaine orally prior to bronchoscopy after which he developed a strong coughing fit. Diffuse bronchial hemorrhage or "hemorrhagic bronchial mucosa syndrome” is a rare complication that can occur during bronchoscopy due to severe coughing and measures to prevent coughing should be considered.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg., Qutenza (capsaicin) / Grunenthal
Journal: Neuropathic pain: Pharmacotherapy (Pubmed Central) - Sep 26, 2020 High-dose therapy with capsaicin patches (8 %) remains in the hands of pain specialists...However, the perineural application of local anaesthetics using nerve blocks in thoracic and breast surgery as well as in caesarean section showed potential to prevent chronic, postoperative pain (CPOP). In the case of systemic diseases causing neuropathies, such as diabetes mellitus, active herpes zoster, multiple sclerosis, malnutrition, the optimization of a causal drug therapy stays eminently important.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: Palatal needle-free anesthesia for upper molars extraction. A randomized clinical trial. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 20, 2020 The liposomal formulation was able to induce adequate anesthesia in palatal mucosa during dental extraction, avoiding the local anesthetic infiltration. For the first time, a topical formulation allowed upper molars surgical removal without injection of any local anesthetic agent into palatal mucosa in adults.
- |||||||||| meloxicam / Generic mfg., lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Journal: Effects of Oral Meloxicam and Topical Lidocaine on Pain associated Behaviors of Piglets Undergoing Surgical Castration. (Pubmed Central) - Sep 19, 2020 Behaviors were recorded by direct observation of individual piglets using five-minute scan samples over a five-hour period, for three days post-castration. Results of the experiment demonstrate the administration of oral meloxicam and topical lidocaine spray at the time of castration under the current methods did not mitigate pain associated with the procedure (P = 0.09; C: 2.1 ± 0.1, L: 2.4 ± 0.1, M: 2.1 ± 0.1 and X: 2.1 ± 0.1).
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Phase classification, Enrollment change, Trial withdrawal: J-Tip (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 19, 2020 P1, N=0, Withdrawn, Results of the experiment demonstrate the administration of oral meloxicam and topical lidocaine spray at the time of castration under the current methods did not mitigate pain associated with the procedure (P = 0.09; C: 2.1 ± 0.1, L: 2.4 ± 0.1, M: 2.1 ± 0.1 and X: 2.1 ± 0.1). Phase classification: P=N/A --> P1 | N=55 --> 0 | Terminated --> Withdrawn
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Clinical, Journal: BET 2: Does topical lidocaine improve oral intake in children with painful mouth ulcers? (Pubmed Central) - Sep 16, 2020 The author, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes, results and study weaknesses of these two papers are tabulated. It is concluded that in otherwise healthy paediatric patients with painful oral ulcers, treatment with viscous lidocaine does not improve oral intake, although it may provide some pain relief.
- |||||||||| lidocaine topical / Generic mfg.
Enrollment change: J-Tip (clinicaltrials.gov) - Sep 9, 2020 P=N/A, N=55, Terminated, The three treatments are comparable and beneficial for carpal tunnel syndrome. N=132 --> 55