Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis 
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  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Proair digihaler (albuterol sulfate) / Teva
    Journal:  Dry powder inhalers: a concise summary of the electronic monitoring devices. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 30, 2021   
    IND/GLY/MF high-dose o.d. improved lung function, asthma control and health status versus SAL/FLU high dose + TIO, while IND/GLY/MF medium-dose had comparable efficacy but at a corresponding lower steroid dose. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Xolair (omalizumab) / Roche, Novartis, Onbrez (indacaterol) / Novartis
    Journal:  Drugs for asthma. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 26, 2021   
    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, (Identifier: NCT03063086), EudraCT start date: May 11, 2017; First patient first visit / study initiation date: May 31, 2017. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    FEV1 in the triple therapy group was also increased compared to the ICS/LABA therapy (FEV1 80mL, 95% CI 50 to 100, I2=48%. p-value <0.00001, high certainty).Conclusions These findings support LAMA add-on therapy in patients with uncontrolled, persistent asthma despite treatment with ICS/LABA.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    Additional management approaches for COPD may be needed to mitigate burden of disease. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The proportion of patients with exacerbations was found to increase with increasing SABA use.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis
    Trial initiation date:  XPERTT: Investigating the Effects of QVM149 on MRI Ventilation Defects (clinicaltrials.gov) -  Oct 5, 2020   
    P3,  N=48, Not yet recruiting, 
    CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The proportion of patients with exacerbations was found to increase with increasing SABA use. Initiation date: Sep 2020 --> Dec 2020
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Seebri Breezhaler (glycopyrronium bromide) / Novartis, Vectura, Sosei
    [VIRTUAL] Cost-Effectiveness of Once-Daily Single-Inhaler Indacaterol Acetate/Glycopyrronium Bromide/Mometasone Furoate in Patients with Uncontrolled Moderate-to-Severe Asthma () -  Oct 3, 2020 - Abstract #ISPOREU2020ISPOR-EU_204;    
    At a threshold of €20,000 per QALY, IND/GLY/MF has nearly 100% probability of being cost-effective.CONCLUSIONS : The results indicate that IND/GLY/MF is cost-effective among the considered comparisons in a representative cohort of adult asthma patients in Italy. At a willingness-to-pay threshold of $50,000/QALY, treatment with IND/GLY/MF is cost-effective in patients with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe asthma compared with SAL/FLU+Tio or SAL/FLU from a Canadian health care payer perspective.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis
    [VIRTUAL] Examination of clinical effects of ICS / LABA / LAMA preparations () -  Sep 11, 2020 - Abstract #WAC2020WAC_1172;    
    At a willingness-to-pay threshold of $50,000/QALY, treatment with IND/GLY/MF is cost-effective in patients with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe asthma compared with SAL/FLU+Tio or SAL/FLU from a Canadian health care payer perspective. The password to see abstracts was announced to registrants by email.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis
    Journal:  Trends over time in COPD treatment choices by respiratory physicians: An analysis from the COLIBRI-COPD French cohort. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 27, 2020   
    Triple ICS/LABA/LAMA FDC and dual LABA/LAMA or ICS/LABA FDCs are characterized by specific efficacy/safety profiles in agreement with the level of blood eosinophil count at baseline. Changes over time in therapeutic profiles suggest that new evidence from scientific publications and recommendations may have had a rapid impact on clinical practice.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    [VIRTUAL] Beclomethasone, formoterol and glycopyrronium: ceiling effect in small airways of COPD patients (Channel 2) -  Aug 21, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_5541;    
    On top salbutamol did not significantly (P>0.05) improve R5-19Hz neither at peak (-12.9±2.6% vs. pre-salbutamol) nor at trough (-31.6±6.0% vs. pre-salbutamol). Conclusion This study demonstrates that BDP/FF/GB 87/5/9 ug is capable of inducing ceiling bronchodilation at the level of small airways of severe asthmatic patients.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    Clinical, Clinical guideline, Journal:  Pharmacologic Management of COPD: An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 15, 2020   
    The task force made recommendations on the pharmacologic treatment of COPD based on currently available evidence. Additional research in populations that are under-represented in clinical trials is needed, including studies in COPD patients 80 years of age and older, those with multiple chronic health conditions, and those with a co-diagnosis of COPD and asthma.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis
    [VIRTUAL] Diagnosis and drug therapy based on the pathology of ACO (p.608) -  Aug 2, 2020 - Abstract #WAC2020WAC_220;    
    ACO may be useful in combination with LAMA in patients who are poorly controlled with medium-dose ICS / LABA In that sense, the triple preparation of ICS / LABA / LAMA can be said to be a useful therapeutic agent for ACO. In this lecture, In addition to diagnosis and treatment based on the condition, we report on the current problems and future prospects.
  • ||||||||||  doxycycline / Generic mfg., Pierre Fabre
    Journal:  Effect of doxycyline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - An exploratory study. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 2, 2020   
    These data suggest that the improvement in lung function and quality of life in COPD patients may probably be attributed to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-MMP activity of doxycycline. The potential therapeutic role of long-term doxycycline, in addition to its traditional antibiotic effect, definitely warrants further attention.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    Clinical, Journal:  A potential role of triple therapy for asthma patients. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 29, 2020   
    We believe that it is appropriate to treat with triple therapy asthmatic patients who have smoked and remain symptomatic or suffer from frequent exacerbations despite initial inhaler therapy with ICS/LABA. However, we must establish when to step up or mainly step down triple therapy especially in patients who are well controlled, and what will be the cost of these combinations in the management of asthma.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    Journal, HEOR:  Healthcare costs of the SATisfaction and adherence to COPD treatment (SAT) study follow-up. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 22, 2020   
    The results of the random effects log-linear panel data regression model may help clinicians estimate INHS costs when managing COPD patients. Clinicaltrials.gov ID# NCT02689492.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis
    [VIRTUAL] IND/GLY/MF: synergism in medium and small human hyperresponsive airways (Pre-congress content) -  Jul 15, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_2158;    
    Conclusion IND/GLY/MF synergistically relaxed hyperresponsive human isolated medium and small airways in ex vivo models of bronchial asthma. Funding This study was supported by Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland.
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Trelegy Ellipta (fluticasone furoate/umeclidinium bromide/vilanterol) / GSK, Innoviva
    [VIRTUAL] Feasibility and benefits of an innovative airway clearance device in COPD patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation (Pre-congress content) -  Jul 15, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_1319;    
    COPD with bronchiectasis benefited the most from device therapy (FEV1: +28±6%, CAT -38+9%). Conclusion These results confirmed the feasibility of this new technology to manage mucus problems in COPD and suggested that it may contribute to improve respiratory symptoms and quality of life in the most severe patients
  • ||||||||||  Enerzair Breezhaler (glycopyrrolate/indacaterol/mometasone) / Novartis, Atectura Breezhaler (indacaterol/mometasone furoate) / Novartis, Merck (MSD)
    [VIRTUAL] Reduction in asthma exacerbations with indacaterol/glycopyrronium/mometasone high-dose versus medium-dose: a post hoc analysis from the IRIDIUM study (Pre-congress content) -  Jul 15, 2020 - Abstract #ERS2020ERS_917;    
    Conclusion These results confirmed the feasibility of this new technology to manage mucus problems in COPD and suggested that it may contribute to improve respiratory symptoms and quality of life in the most severe patients IND/GLY/MF high-dose o.d. demonstrated clinically relevant reductions in asthma exacerbations compared with the medium-dose o.d., without any meaningful increase in ICS-related AEs after 52 wks of treatment.