psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways 
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  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Clinical, Journal:  Psilocybin-assisted group therapy for demoralized older long-term AIDS survivor men: An open-label safety and feasibility pilot study. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 6, 2020   
    Groups may be an effective and efficient means of delivering psychotherapy pre- and post-psilocybin to patients with complex medical and psychiatric needs. Carey Turnbull, Heffter Research Institute, NIMH R25 MH060482, NIH UL1 TR001872, River Styx Foundation, Saisei Foundation, Sarlo Foundation, Stupski Foundation, Usona Institute, US Department of Veterans Affairs (Advanced Neurosciences Fellowship and IK2CX001495).
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Clinical, Journal:  Microdosing psychedelics: Motivations, subjective effects and harm reduction. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 2, 2020   
    Recent findings from clinical trials with standard psychedelic doses for depression and anxiety suggest that a neurobiological effect beyond placebo is not unreasonable. Randomised controlled trials are needed, complemented by mixed methods social science research and the development of novel resources on microdosing harm reduction.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Stability of psilocybin and its four analogs in the biomass of the psychotropic mushroom Psilocybe cubensis. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 1, 2020   
    The stipes contained approximately half the amount of tryptamine alkaloids (0.52 wt.%) than the caps (1.03 wt.%); however, these results were not statistically significant, as the concentration of tryptamines in individual fruiting bodies is highly variable. The storage conditions showed that the highest degradation of tryptamines was seen in fresh mushrooms stored at -80°C and the lowest decay was seen in dried biomass stored in the dark at room temperature.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Psychedelic Psychiatry's Brave New World. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 21, 2020   
    After a legally mandated, decades-long global arrest of research on psychedelic drugs, investigation of psychedelics in the context of psychiatric disorders is yielding exciting results. Outcomes of neuroscience and clinical research into 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2A (5-HT2A) receptor agonists, such as psilocybin, show promise for addressing a range of serious disorders, including depression and addiction.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Psilocybin-assisted group therapy: A new hope for demoralization. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 19, 2020   
    Outcomes of neuroscience and clinical research into 5-Hydroxytryptamine 2A (5-HT2A) receptor agonists, such as psilocybin, show promise for addressing a range of serious disorders, including depression and addiction. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Clinical, Journal:  Increased use of illicit drugs in a Dutch cluster headache population. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 16, 2020   
    Conclusion In the Netherlands, people with cluster headache use illicit drugs more often than the general population. The question remains whether this is due to an actual alleviatory effect, placebo response, conviction, or common pathophysiological background between cluster headache and addictive behaviours such as drug use.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  What Psilocybin Taught Me About Dying. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 16, 2020   
    The question remains whether this is due to an actual alleviatory effect, placebo response, conviction, or common pathophysiological background between cluster headache and addictive behaviours such as drug use. No abstract available