psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways 
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  • ||||||||||  sertraline / Generic Mfg.
    Clinical, Journal:  Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder: A literature review and three case reports. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 17, 2019   
    The first case report describes a 23-year old patient with a previous history of cannabis consumption who reported HPDD type I after the use of psilocybin mushrooms with small amounts of alcohol and hash...Both patients sought medical help and received tofisopam, lamotrigine and sertraline...Scientific sources suggest that HPPD may affect more than 50% of hallucinogen users and this disorder is often underdiagnosed. Therefore, patients suffering from HPPD can present in various clinical settings, and clinicians should be aware of this condition.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  The ethics of psychedelic research in disorders of consciousness. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 17, 2019   
    We apply two internationally accepted approaches for analyzing the ethics of human research, the Value-Validity Framework and Component Analysis, to a research program recently proposed by Scott and Carhart-Harris. We focus on Scott and Carhart-Harris's proposal, but the ethical frameworks outlined are applicable to other novel research protocols in the science of consciousness.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Psilocybin-Assisted Treatment of Major Depressive disorder: Results From a Randomized Trial (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_1057;    
    These preliminary data extend previous studies in depressed cancer patients and patients with treatment-resistant depression by suggesting that psilocybin may be efficacious for treatment of MDD in the general population. Future analyses will include long-term follow-up assessment at 3, 6, and 12-months.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Harnessing Psilocybin: Synaptic Mechanisms Underlying the Antidepressant Response (Grand Ballroom 2) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_954;    
    Because ketanserin blocks psilocybin-induced hallucinations in humans, our finding that ketanserin does not block SSRI actions, offers hope that psilocybin can be combined with ketanserin to produce a hallucination-free, rapid antidepressant treatment for depression. Unique Data Our preclinical data on psilocybin have and ketanserin not been published.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Turned on by Psychedelics: Putting LSD, Psilocybin, and MDMA to Work to Treat Psychiatric Disease (Grand Ballroom 2) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_950;    
    Fred Barrett will reveal unpublished results showing improved cognition, increased cortical glutamate, and decreased amygdala response to negative emotional stimuli in a randomized waitlist control trial of psilocybin in patients with major depressive disorder. Scott Thompson will present unpublished data on psilocybin effects on reward behavior and synaptic strength in chronically stressed mice.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Should MDMA and Psilocybin be Used for the Treatment of PTSD? (Bonnet Creek XI) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_549;    
    They also will describe the data that resulted in their evolution from being extremely weary of these treatments to finding them the most promising therapies on the horizon for PTSD. Dr Doblin will discuss risk mitigation strategies for these drugs in the treatment of PTSD and depression.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    The Acute Effects of Inhaled Salvinorin a on Resting State Functional Connectivity in Humans (Floridian Ballroom) -  Oct 17, 2019 - Abstract #ACNP2019ACNP_403;    
    Additionally, some evidence suggests a rapid antidepressant effect of SA similar to that of ketamine and psilocybin, drugs with noteworthy effects on default mode network (DMN) connectivity. These findings suggest that some neural effects of SA resemble those of other hallucinogens, whereas other neural effects are unique to the altered state produced by SA.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Effects of psilocybin therapy on personality structure. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 13, 2019   
    Our observation of changes in personality measures after psilocybin therapy was mostly consistent with reports of personality change in relation to conventional antidepressant treatment, although the pronounced increases in Extraversion and Openness might constitute an effect more specific to psychedelic therapy. This needs further exploration in future controlled studies, as do the brain mechanisms of postpsychedelic personality change.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Self-Rated Effectiveness of Microdosing With Psychedelics for Mental and Physical Health Problems Among Microdosers. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 3, 2019   
    This study demonstrates that SRE of MDP to alleviate symptoms of a range of mental or physiological diagnoses is higher compared to conventionally offered treatment options, and lower than regular ('full') psychedelic doses. Future RCTs in patient populations should objectively assess the effectivity claims of psychedelics, and whether these are dose related, disorder specific, and superior to conventional treatments.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Iterative L-tryptophan methylation in Psilocybe evolved by sub-domain duplication. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 2, 2019   
    Psilocybe mushrooms are best known for their l-tryptophan-derived psychotropic alkaloid psilocybin...During mushroom evolution, this duplicated gene was widely lost, but re-evolved sporadically and independently in various genera. We propose a new secondary metabolism evolvability mechanism, in which weakly selected genes are retained through preservation in a widely distributed, conserved pathway.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Relief from intractable phantom pain by combining psilocybin and mirror visual-feedback (MVF). (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 28, 2019   
    (4) Touching the volunteer's leg where AL previously had external fixators, evoked sensation of nails boring through the leg. Using a "telescoping" nail, we created the illusion of a nail being removed with corresponding pain relief. (5) Artificial flames produced warmth in the phantom.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  The psychedelic renaissance: the next trip for psychiatry? (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 25, 2019   
    One of these centres is based in Ireland - CHO Area 7 and Tallaght University Hospital. The outcome of this trial will determine whether psilocybin with psychological support will successfully translate into the psychiatric clinic for the benefit of patients.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Ceremonial "plant medicine" use and its relationship to recreational drug use: an exploratory study. (Pubmed Central) -  Sep 21, 2019   
    The ceremonial use of psychoactive/hallucinogenic plant based drugs, such as ayahuasca, psilocybin and others, is a growing trend in the United States (US) and globally...Three main themes were identified relating to participants' differentiation between ceremonial plant medicine use and recreational drug use: 1) participants see a clear delineation between plant medicine use and recreational drug use; 2) plant medicine is seen as a potential treatment for addiction, but concerns exist regarding potential interference with recovery; and 3) plant medicine use may influence recreational use. More research is needed on who is using plant medicine, motivators for use, perceived and real risks and benefits of plant medicine use and harm reduction techniques regarding safe ingestion.
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    #psilocybin (Twitter) -  Aug 31, 2019   
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  Psychedelic medicine: The biology underlying the persisting psychedelic effects. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 30, 2019   
    It will be explained why this is hypothesized and studies to test this idea proposed. It is concluded that while these studies are needed to understand the biology underlying psychedelic medicine, it is also important to approach it in a holistic way, including all the above mentioned biological processes psychedelics are known to affect, and explore the role of other substance-related factors like route of administration and form, and factors like diet and lifestyle which are part of the psychedelic experience.
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin / Compass Pathways
    030 - Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy for Psychiatric Illness: Research Update (Location: 29) -  Aug 28, 2019 - Abstract #USPSYCH2019PSYCH_52;    
    This session will provide an overview of the field of psilocybin assisted psychotherapy for psychiatric illness, including discussions of published and unpublished data from modern clinical trials for depression, anxiety, and substance use disorders. We will also provide an update on our open-label trial of psilocybin-assisted group therapy for demoralization in long-term AIDS survivors.