icosapent ethyl / Generic mfg. 
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 26 Diseases   6 Trials   6 Trials   4342 News 

  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] Clinical Update on Managing Hypertriglyceridaemia with Omega-3 Fatty Acid Icosapent Ethyl () -  Jul 30, 2020 - Abstract #ESC2020ESC_5509;    
    Sponsored by Amarin Pharma, Inc. Learning objectives At the conclusion of this activity, learners should be better able to: - Describe the spectrum of large-scale omega-3 fatty acids on ASCVD outcomes trials - Appreciate the difference between omega-3 fatty acids and their formulations to impact ASCVD events, including the negative role of dietary supplements - Use information on clinical utility of adjuncts to statin therapy to improve management of patients with or at high risk of ASCVD events
  • ||||||||||  simvastatin / Generic mfg.
    [VIRTUAL] REDUCE-IT: outcomes by baseline statin type () -  Jul 30, 2020 - Abstract #ESC2020ESC_1432;    
    A similar lack of treatment difference was observed in LDL-C changes from baseline to one year. Therefore, the LDL-C changes and CV risk reduction in REDUCE-IT appear independent of the type of concomitant statin therapy.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] Are the results of clinical trials relevant in the real world? The applicability of REDUCE-IT to the FAST-MI Registry. () -  Jul 30, 2020 - Abstract #ESC2020ESC_1161;    
    The cardiovascular residual risk related to elevated TG in the applicable patient population in the FAST-MI registry was similar to the risk in REDUCE-IT. If the results of REDUCE-IT are applied to patients hospitalized for a myocardial infarction in France, on top of statins, 12.5% of these patients could benefit from a strategy of high dose omega-3 icosapent ethyl on top of contemporary medical therapy to improve their future cardiovascular health.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] REDUCE-IT: accumulation of data across prespecified interim analyses to final results () -  Jul 30, 2020 - Abstract #ESC2020ESC_1031;    
    The mature dataset demonstrated highly statistically significant reductions in the primary (25%; p=0.00000001) and key secondary (26%; p=0.0000006) endpoints and allowed robust analyses to support overall efficacy and safety conclusions. Allowing the REDUCE-IT dataset to fully mature provided clinicians with robust, consistent, and reliable data upon which to base clinical decisions for IPE in CV risk reduction.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] REDUCE-IT: total ischemic events reduced across the full range of baseline LDL cholesterol and other key subgroups () -  Jul 30, 2020 - Abstract #ESC2020ESC_872;    
    REDUCE-IT demonstrated substantial reductions in first and total primary and key secondary endpoint ischemic events, with robust and generally consistent results across baseline TG and LDL-C levels, as well as other prespecified baseline biomarker, demographic, disease, and treatment subgroups. These analyses provide useful insights for clinicians considering the range of patients who may benefit from IPE therapy and suggest that mechanisms beyond the lipid/lipoprotein/inflammatory pathways tested, including mechanisms beyond the LDL receptor pathways, may contribute to the observed substantial reductions in total ischemic burden with IPE therapy.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Journal:  Emerging Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Protection for the Omega-3 Fatty Acid Eicosapentaenoic Acid. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 16, 2020   
    The REDUCE-IT (Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl-Intervention Trial) with an EPA-only formulation lowered a composite of cardiovascular events by 25% in patients with established cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus and other cardiovascular risk factors...Trials that have evaluated docosahexaenoic acid-containing high-dose omega-3 fatty acids have thus far not shown the benefits of EPA alone demonstrated in REDUCE-IT. This review will consider the mechanistic evidence that helps to understand the potential mechanisms of benefit of EPA.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Clinical, Journal:  Icosapent ethyl for dyslipidaemia in patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease: act now to reduce it. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 11, 2020   
    In a real-world study of patients with diabetes and acute coronary syndrome (ACS), 17.1% were found to be eligible for treatment with IPE based on the Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl-Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) criteria. Our findings are that a significant proportion of patients with diabetes and ACS merit receiving IPE therapy, with important implications for evolving clinical practice guidelines and best standard of care.