icosapent ethyl / Generic mfg. 
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 26 Diseases   6 Trials   6 Trials   4342 News 

  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] LS.07 - VASCEPA® (icosapent ethyl): Elevating the Standard of Care (Live - Learning Studio) -  Oct 22, 2020 - Abstract #AHA2020AHA_5662;    
    In this program, we will review data from a practice changing trial that provides a groundbreaking therapeutic option to elevate the current standard of care. Sponsored by: Amarin Pharma, Inc.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Retrospective data, Journal:  Marine Omega-3 Supplementation and Cardiovascular Disease: An Updated Meta-Analysis of 13 Randomized Controlled Trials Involving 127 477 Participants. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 22, 2020   
    In the analysis excluding REDUCE-IT (Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl-Intervention Trial), marine omega-3 supplementation was associated with significantly lower risk of myocardial infarction (rate ratio [RR] [95% CI]: 0.92 [0.86, 0.99]; P=0.020), CHD death (RR [95% CI]: 0.92 [0.86, 0.98]; P=0.014), total CHD (RR [95% CI]: 0.95 [0.91, 0.99]; P=0.008), CVD death (RR [95% CI]: 0.93 [0.88, 0.99]; P=0.013), and total CVD (RR [95% CI]: 0.97 [0.94, 0.99]; P=0.015)...Conclusions Marine omega-3 supplementation lowers risk for myocardial infarction, CHD death, total CHD, CVD death, and total CVD, even after exclusion of REDUCE-IT. Risk reductions appeared to be linearly related to marine omega-3 dose.
  • ||||||||||  Praluent (alirocumab) / Sanofi, Regeneron, icosapent ethyl / Generic mfg., Repatha (evolocumab) / Amgen, Astellas
    Review, Journal:  Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Focus: Highlights from the 2019 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 22, 2020   
    Similar results were observed with alirocumab use in a post hoc analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial where a genome-wide polygenic risk score comprising 6.5 million DNA variants was used. These studies presented at 2019 AHA Scientific Sessions will help guide our approach to preventing CVD.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Journal:  Mechanistic insights into cardiovascular protection for omega-3 fatty acids and their bioactive lipid metabolites. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 20, 2020   
    REDUCE-IT demonstrated that high-dose EPA (4 g/day icosapent-ethyl) reduced a composite of clinical events by 25% in statin-treated patients with established CVD or diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors...Here, we review these multifactorial mechanisms of ω3-PUFAs in view of recent clinical findings. These findings indicate physico-chemical and biological diversity among ω3-PUFAs that influence tissue distributions as well as disparate effects on membrane organization, rates of lipid oxidation, as well as various receptor-mediated signal transduction pathways and effects on gene expression.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Clinical, Journal:  Efficacy and safety of icosapent ethyl in hypertriglyceridaemia: a recap. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 20, 2020   
    Over a median duration of 4.9 years, the relative risk for the primary endpoint (composite of cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI, non-fatal stroke, coronary revascularization, or unstable angina) was reduced by 25% (absolute risk 17.2% vs. 22.0%; P < 0.0001; number needed to treat 21). High-dose icosapent ethyl intervention therefore confers substantial cardiovascular benefit in high-risk patients with moderate hypertriglyceridaemia on statin therapy.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Clinical, Journal:  Mineral oil: safety and use as placebo in REDUCE-IT and other clinical studies. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 20, 2020   
    Interest in mineral oil was piqued by suggestions that a portion of the substantially positive results of the Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl-Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) might be attributable to the theoretical negative effects of mineral oil rather than being due to the clinical benefits of icosapent ethyl...These results were then considered alongside publicly available data from REDUCE-IT. Based on available evidence, mineral oil does not appear to impact medication absorption or efficacy, or related clinical outcomes, and, therefore, does not meaningfully affect study conclusions when used as a placebo at the quantities used in clinical trials.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Journal:  Beyond cardiovascular medicine: potential future uses of icosapent ethyl. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 20, 2020   
    These areas of investigation include cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, infections, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and depression. The next decade promises to deepen our understanding of the beneficial effects that EPA may offer beyond cardiovascular risk reduction.
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    Review, Journal:  Icosapent ethyl: Where will it fit into guideline-based medical therapy for high risk atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease? (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 16, 2020   
    Clinical trials supporting the addition of ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, or both to evidence-based statins provide the basis for the updated recommendations for the preventive care of these patients. The publication in late 2018 of a randomized controlled trial supporting the net ASCVD risk reduction benefit of adding icosapent ethyl to statins in selected hypertriglyceridemic patients with clinical ASCVD and/or type 2 diabetes with multiple additional risk markers provides the rationale for incorporation of icosapent ethyl therapy into future ASCVD preventive care regimens.
  • ||||||||||  ezetimibe / Generic mfg., inclisiran (ALN-PCSsc) / Alnylam, Novartis, Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] RESIDUAL CHOLESTEROL RISK - A MOVING TARGET (Inxpo Platform, Simulive + Live Q&A) -  Oct 4, 2020 - Abstract #CCCCanada2020CCC_Canada_197;    
    c. Inclisiran-Novel approach to ultra-low LDL?
  • ||||||||||  Vascepa (icosapent ethyl) / Amarin, HLS Therap
    [VIRTUAL] SIGNIFICANT CARDIOVASCULAR BENEFITS OF ICOSAPENT ETHYL FROM REDUCE-IT (Inxpo Platform, Simulive + Text Q&A) -  Oct 4, 2020 - Abstract #CCCCanada2020CCC_Canada_92;    
    On-treatment EPA strongly correlated with event reductions, providing mechanistic underpinnings for the sizable risk reductions. Serious adverse events that occurred at higher rates with IPE, were low overall, and patients experienced similar substantial cardiovascular benefit.