losatuxizumab vedotin (ABBV-221) / AbbVie 
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 0 Diseases   1 Trial   1 Trial   5 News 
  • ||||||||||  depatuxizumab mafodotin (ABT-414) / AbbVie, losatuxizumab vedotin (ABBV-221) / AbbVie
    Efficacy and pharmacokinetics of EGFR-targeted antibody-drug conjugates following convection-enhanced delivery in mice with glioblastoma xenografts (Exhibition Hall) -  Sep 3, 2022 - Abstract #AACRNCIEORTC2022AACR_NCI_EORTC_391;    
    However, high concentrations of ABBV-221 are associated with increased neuronal cell loss and toxicity as compared to Depatux-M, suggesting a broader therapeutic window for the latter ADC. Median survival, daysTreatmentGBM6GBM39GBM108AB095 – CED 4920NRAB095-MMAF – CED >80 58 18.5 Depatux-M – IP 57 68 NR Depatux-M – CED >80 >100 NR AB095-MMAE – CED 57 19 NR ABBV-221 – IP 53 >100 NR ABBV-221 – CED >80 >100 NR No
  • ||||||||||  serclutamab talirine (ABBV-321) / AbbVie, depatuxizumab mafodotin (ABT-414) / AbbVie, losatuxizumab vedotin (ABBV-221) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Targeting Multiple EGFR Expressing Tumors with a Highly Potent Tumor-Selective Antibody Drug Conjugate. (Pubmed Central) -  Aug 8, 2021   
    Collectively, these data suggest that ABBV-321 may offer an extended breadth of efficacy relative to other EGFR ADCs while extending utility to multiple EGFR-expressing tumor indications. Despite its highly potent PBD dimer payload, the tumor selectivity of ABBV-321 - coupled with its pharmacology, toxicology and pharmacokinetic profiles - support continuation of ongoing Phase 1 clinical trials in patients with advanced EGFR-expressing malignancies.
  • ||||||||||  depatuxizumab (ABT-806) / AbbVie, Life Science Pharma
    Clinical, Journal:  Targeting and Efficacy of Novel mAb806-Antibody-Drug Conjugates in Malignant Mesothelioma. (Pubmed Central) -  Oct 8, 2020   
    We demonstrated the specific targeting of the mAb806 epitope expressing MM tumors using Zr-based PET imaging. Our data suggest that targeting EGFR in MM using specific ADCs is a valid therapeutic strategy and supports further investigation of the mAb806 epitope expression as a predictive biomarker.
  • ||||||||||  losatuxizumab vedotin (ABBV-221) / AbbVie
    Journal:  Characterization of ABBV-221, a Tumor-Selective EGFR Targeting Antibody Drug Conjugate. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 22, 2019   
    ABBV-221 has similar activity as depatux-m against an EGFR amplified GBM PDX model and is highly effective alone and in combination with standard of care (SOC) temozolomide in an EGFRvIII positive GBM xenograft model. Based on these results, ABBV-221 has advanced to a phase 1 clinical trial in patients with advanced solid tumors associated with elevated levels of EGFR.