HAPC1573 / Bayer, Shanghai RAAS 
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  • ||||||||||  HAPC1573 / Bayer, Shanghai RAAS
    Journal:  Safety and efficacy of anti-human activated protein C antibody SR604 for prophylaxis of congenital factor deficiencies. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 9, 2023   
    We engineered a humanized chimeric antibody, SR604, based on a previously published murine antibody, HAPC1573, that selectively blocks the anticoagulant activity of human activated protein C (APC)...Pharmacokinetic study showed a high bioavailability (106%) of subcutaneous SR604 injection in cynomolgus monkeys. These results demonstrate that SR604 is expected to be a safe and effective therapeutic and/or prophylactic agent with a prolonged half-life for patients with congenital factor deficiencies including hemophilia A and B.
  • ||||||||||  HAPC1573 / Bayer, Shanghai RAAS
    Preclinical, Journal:  Blocking human protein C anticoagulant activity improves clotting defects of hemophilia mice expressing human protein C. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 11, 2022   
    We further documented that HAPC1573 inhibited the APC anticoagulant activity to improve the clotting time of human plasma deficient of FVIII, FIX, FXI, FVII, VWF, FV, or FX. These results demonstrate that selectively blocking the anticoagulant activity of human APC may be an effective therapeutic and/or prophylactic approach for bleeding disorders lacking FVIII, FIX, or other clotting factors.