Rytelo (imetelstat) / Geron 
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 144 Diseases   5 Trials   5 Trials   837 News 

  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Novel therapies in low- and high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 15, 2020   
    Combinations of hypomethylating agents (HMA) with other compounds, and inhibitors of bcl2, such as venetoclax are being developed for higher-risk patients. Finally, hypomethylating agents in combination with donor lymphocytes may lead to long-term remission following molecular or hematological relapse after allogeneic SCT.
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron
    Imetelstat. (Twitter) -  Jun 5, 2020   
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron
    Imetelstat inhibits RNA-editing mediated myeloproliferative neoplasm stem cell self-renewal (Virtual Meeting II: E-Posters) -  May 16, 2020 - Abstract #AACRII2020AACR-II_2854;    
    Human MPN progenitor co-culture experiments revealed that combined treatment with dasatinib at 1 nM, and imetelstat at 1 or 5 uM significantly inhibited (p < 0.001, ANOVA) in vitro replating of BC CML compared with aged bone marrow progenitors. Niche responsive interactions between the telomerase complex and the Wnt/β-catenin self-renewal pathway sensitize β-catenin activated MPN progenitors to imetelstat treatment in both the in vitro co-culture and in vivo humanized MPN mouse models thereby providing a strong rationale for studies assessing eradication of malignant progenitors using imetelstat.
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron
    Rise imetelstat (Twitter) -  Apr 22, 2020   
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron
    Review, Journal:  The Role of Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres Mechanism in Cancer: Translational and Therapeutic Implications. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 16, 2020   
    In addition, several strategies have been developed to interfere with TA in cancer, including Imetelstat that has been the first telomerase inhibitor tested in clinical trials...Nonetheless, it is plausible hypothesizing that treatment with telomerase inhibitors may exert selective pressure for the emergence of cancer cells that become resistant to treatment by activating the ALT mechanism. This notion, together with the evidence that both telomere maintenance mechanisms may coexist within the same tumor and may distinctly impinge on patients' outcomes, suggests that ALT may exert an unexpected role in tumor biology that still needs to be fully elucidated.
  • ||||||||||  decitabine / Generic mfg.
    Review, Journal:  Evolving therapies for lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. (Pubmed Central) -  Apr 11, 2020   
    Herein, we review the current treatment of lower-risk MDS patients and discuss promising agents in advanced clinical testing for the treatment of symptomatic anemia in lower-risk MDS patients such as luspatercept and imetelstat. Lastly, we review the clinical development of new agents and the implications of the wider availability of mutational analysis for the management of individual MDS patients.
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron, Evrenzo (roxadustat) / Astellas, AstraZeneca, FibroGen, Reblozyl (luspatercept-aamt) / Acceleron, BMS
    Review, Journal:  Setting Fire to ESA and EMA Resistance: New Targeted Treatment Options in Lower Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes. (Pubmed Central) -  Jan 8, 2020   
    Other areas of translational research involve targeting the inflammasome by anti-inflammatory drugs in order to improve anemia. These efforts will hopefully pave the way for new targeted treatment options for anemic low-risk MDS patients.
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron
    #ASH19 #Imetelstat (Twitter) -  Dec 9, 2019   
  • ||||||||||  imetelstat (JNJ-63935937) / Geron, berzosertib (M6620) / Merck (MSD), dactolisib (RTB101) / Novartis, PureTech
    Journal:  In perspective: An update on telomere targeting in cancer. (Pubmed Central) -  Nov 14, 2019   
    For example, 6-thio-dG overcomes therapy-resistant cancers in a fast-acting mechanism potentially providing an alternative or additional route of treatment for patients with cancer. In this perspective, we provide a synopsis of the current landscape of telomeres and telomerase processing in cancer development and how this new knowledge may improve outcomes for patients with cancer.
  • ||||||||||  Jakafi oral (ruxolitinib) / Novartis, Incyte, danazol oral / Generic mfg.
    Overall Survival in Patients with Myelofibrosis Who Have Discontinued Ruxolitinib: A Literature Review (Hall B, Level 2 (Orange County Convention Center)) -  Nov 7, 2019 - Abstract #ASH2019ASH_4667;    
    Line of therapy definitions were rarely reported across studies, which may contribute to variations across study findings. In addition, survival estimates after prior ruxolitinib therapy varied depending on the treatment received and the reason for discontinuation of ruxolitinib.