escitalopram / Generic mfg. 
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 0 Diseases   144 Trials   144 Trials   2302 News 

  • ||||||||||  Rexulti (brexpiprazole) / Lundbeck, Otsuka
    Journal:  Brexpiprazole (Rexulti) for agitation in Alzheimer's dementia. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 24, 2023   
    However, because of the substantial interindividual variation, therapeutic drug monitoring can be considered to guide postoperative dose adjustments. No abstract available
  • ||||||||||  psilocybin (COMP360) / Compass Pathways
    Journal:  A Bayesian Reanalysis of a Trial of Psilocybin versus Escitalopram for Depression. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 20, 2023   
    The present results provide a more precise and nuanced interpretation to previously reported results from this trial, and support the need for further research into the relative efficacy of psilocybin therapy for depression with respect to current leading treatments. NCT03429075.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Journal, Machine learning:  Predictors of pharmacotherapy outcomes for body dysmorphic disorder: a machine learning approach. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 19, 2023   
    The current study is the first to demonstrate that machine learning algorithms can successfully predict treatment outcomes for pharmacotherapy for BDD. Consistent with precision medicine initiatives in psychiatry, the current study provides a foundation for personalized pharmacotherapy strategies for patients with BDD.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Attenuation of Anxiety-Potentiated Startle After Treatment with Escitalopram or Mindfulness Meditation in Anxiety Disorders. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 18, 2023   
    Both anxiety treatments (escitalopram and MBSR) reduced startle potentiation during unpredictable (APS) but not predictable (FPS) threat. These findings further validate APS as a biological correlate of pathological anxiety and provide physiological evidence for the impact of MBSR on anxiety disorders, suggesting that there may be comparable effects of the two treatments on anxiety neurocircuitry.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    The Effects of Psilocybin Formulation on Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) (Crystal Ballroom AB) -  Jun 15, 2023 - Abstract #ISBD2023ISBD_236;    
    Further research should explore the potential connection between IL-6, sIL-6R, and SNPs, and their implications in treating TRBDD patients. Its potential antidepressant efficacy was suggested by preliminary studies in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) in the context of life-threatening cancer.5-7 Amelioration of symptomatic depression in pilot studies of MDD, including a trial compared to escitalopram, and in treatment resistant depression (TRD) suggest therapeutic potential for this agent (1)...In recent studies, at the 3 week primary endpoint psilocybin administered in a single session as monotherapy at a 25 mg dose with psychological support showed a significantly greater improvement in depression rating total scores compared to a 1 mg dose in mostly psychedelic-na
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on post-stroke depression. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 12, 2023   
    HBO therapy can significantly improve depressive symptoms and neurological dysfunction in patients with PSD, and reduce the levels of hypersensitive C-reactive protein, TNF-? and fasting blood glucose.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Changes in Psychotropic Drug Blood Levels After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Two-Center Cohort Study. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 10, 2023   
    This study provides the first evidence of major changes in the plasma levels of escitalopram, fluoxetine, trazodone, and quetiapine after COVID-19 vaccination. When planning COVID-19 vaccination for patients treated with these medications, clinicians should monitor rapid changes in bioavailability and consider short-term dose adjustments to ensure safety.
  • ||||||||||  Fetzima (levomilnacipran ER) / Pierre Fabre, AbbVie
    Enrollment change:  Neural Mechanisms of Monoaminergic Engagement in Late-life Depression Treatment Response (NEMO) ( -  Jun 9, 2023   
    P4,  N=80, Recruiting, 
    When planning COVID-19 vaccination for patients treated with these medications, clinicians should monitor rapid changes in bioavailability and consider short-term dose adjustments to ensure safety. N=140 --> 80
  • ||||||||||  mirtazapine / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Enrollment change, Trial termination:  MIR-P: Mirtazapine in Cancer-related Poly-symptomatology ( -  Jun 8, 2023   
    P3,  N=1, Terminated, 
    N=140 --> 80 N=418 --> 1 | Recruiting --> Terminated; difficulties in recruiting
  • ||||||||||  Iclusig (ponatinib) / Takeda, Otsuka, Incyte, Mifeprex (mifepristone) / Danco Laboratories
    Journal:  FKBP5 blockade may provide a new horizon for the treatment of stress-associated disorders; an in-silico study. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 5, 2023   
    Targeting and managing factors leading to poor compliance could further improve the treatment outcome. While the current in-silico repurposing study could identify potential drugs (that are already approved and are widely available) for designing clinical trials in patients with stress-associated disorders (eg, FS), any future clinical trial should consider the pharmacological profile of the desired drug and also the characteristics and comorbidities of the patients in order to foster a success.
  • ||||||||||  venlafaxine / Generic mfg.
    Biomarker, Journal:  Heartbeat-Evoked Potential in Major Depressive Disorder: A Biomarker for Differential Treatment Prediction between Venlafaxine and rTMS? (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 5, 2023   
    While the current in-silico repurposing study could identify potential drugs (that are already approved and are widely available) for designing clinical trials in patients with stress-associated disorders (eg, FS), any future clinical trial should consider the pharmacological profile of the desired drug and also the characteristics and comorbidities of the patients in order to foster a success. These data suggest that the HEP could be used as a stratification biomarker between venlafaxine and rTMS; however, future out-of-sample replication is warranted.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Journal:  Personality change in a trial of psilocybin therapy v. escitalopram treatment for depression. (Pubmed Central) -  Jun 2, 2023   
    With the possible exception of trait absorption, there were no compelling between-condition differences warranting conclusions regarding a selective action of PT (v. escitalopram) on personality; however, post-escitalopram changes in personality were significantly moderated by pre-trial positive expectancy for escitalopram, whereas expectancy did not moderate response to PT.
  • ||||||||||  Journal, Adverse events:  Prescribed Drugs and Self-Directed Violence: A Descriptive Study in the Spanish Pharmacovigilance Database. (Pubmed Central) -  May 27, 2023   
    There were reports of montelukast, hydroxychloroquine, isotretinoin, methylphenidate, infliximab, natalizumab, ribavirin and efavirenz, which were less known to be involved in self-directed violence...It is important for healthcare professionals to consider this risk in their clinical praxis, implementing person-centred approaches. Further studies are needed, considering comorbidities and potential interactions.
  • ||||||||||  Journal:  Comparing the effects of four common drug classes on the progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia using electronic health records. (Pubmed Central) -  May 24, 2023   
    Using average treatment estimation and bootstrapping confirmation, we observed that drugs including rosuvastatin (ATE?=?-?0.0140 [-?0.0191, -?0.0088], p value?<?0.001), citalopram (ATE?=?-?0.1128 [-?0.125, -?0.1005], p value?<?0.001), escitalopram (ATE?=?-?0.0560 [-?0.0615, -?0.0506], p value?<?0.001), and omeprazole (ATE?=?-?0.0201 [-?0.0299, -?0.0103], p value?<?0.001) have a statistically significant association in slowing the progression from MCI to dementia. The findings from this study support the commonly prescribed drugs in altering the progression from MCI to dementia and warrant further investigation.
  • ||||||||||  paroxetine / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    SSRIs/SNRIs Effect on Weight Change in the Pediatric Population: A Meta-Analysis (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1456;    
    Overall, the use of SSRIs and SNRIs in the pediatric population did not cause a significant weight gain in comparison to placebo and can be used with minimal concern for negative impact on adolescent body image. Patients should be counseled about the possibility of weight loss, as well as weight gain for physiologic reasons and with clinical improvement of depression and advised not to discontinue medication for this reason.
  • ||||||||||  sertraline / Generic mfg., fluoxetine / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Clinical Considerations for Electroconvulsive Therapy in a Breastfeeding Mother for Postpartum Depression Without Psychosis (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1410;    
    This poster will highlight key points for analgesia and anesthesia use considerations for breastfeeding mothers in outpatient procedure settings and strategies to minimize interruptions in feedings for the baby when patients are to be fasting overnight. Finally, this poster will discuss the lack of streamlined data available for patients with postpartum depression and considerations of ECT outside of the hospital setting or those with psychotic features.
  • ||||||||||  Gnrh Agonist Therapy Induced Aggression in Children. a Case Report (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1358;    
    Even though the use of GnRHa has shown to be effective in the treatment of psychosis, hallucinations, and emotional lability, it might actually be a catalyst for a host of emotional and psychiatric disturbances as seen in our patient. This highlights the need for more research to be done in this area and a collaborative health professional approach to better understand and treat various impacts of GnRHa therapy.
  • ||||||||||  sertraline / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    SSRIs and Tinnitus: Side Effect or a Potential Treatment? (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1310;    
    We will address the importance of determining side effect etiology by assessing temporal association, ruling out other etiologies, and as feasible replicating the side effect with re-challenge with the offending medication. The etiology of antidepressant caused tinnitus (related to serotonin depletion and limbic dysfunction) and treatment of tinnitus being potentially associated with NMDA inhibition will be discussed.
  • ||||||||||  Trintellix (vortioxetine) / Lundbeck, Takeda, Viibryd (vilazodone) / AbbVie
    An Evidence-Based Approach to Psychopharmacology for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)-2022 Update, With Emphasis on Older Adults (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1167;    
    For a third medication trial, additional alternatives now include pregabalin/gabapentin, lavender oil, or agomelatine (not available in the United States)...One could consider venlafaxine, quetiapine, risperidone, or aripiprazole. We decided to recommend not using the following in this population: benzodiazepines, hydroxyzine, olanzapine, vortioxetine, or, vilazodone.
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Overlooked and Undertreated: Ocs in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_1087;    
    OCS can be easily overlooked in schizophrenia spectrum illness, if obsessive thoughts are misinterpreted as delusions or AH1, thereby potentially delaying identification and treatment of OCD. Furthermore, certain features of obsessions, such as lacking first-person quality, may alert the clinician to consider OCS in the setting of a primary psychotic disorder.3
  • ||||||||||  escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Charles Bonnet Syndrome in a Patient With Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_978;    
    Patient-reported she was on Lexapro 40 mg for anxiety but has not been compliant...Knowledge of Charles Bonnet Syndrome allows for proper diagnosis and appropriate management of patients. Recognizing the symptoms of Charles Bonnet Syndrome permits the healthcare professional to share appropriate information about the condition with patients and their families.
  • ||||||||||  lorazepam / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Speech Impairment Associated With Functional Neurological Disorder, Potential Treatment Targets: A Case Report (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_942;    
    Patient was started on Escitalopram 10 mg PO QAM and discharged with recommendations to continue with outpatient treatment and psychotherapy...The patient had no other symptoms of catatonia and no improvement with an Ativan challenge...Our case demonstrated that SSRIs can be useful in the treatment of FND, especially in patients experiencing mutism or speech difficulties. More research is needed to study SSRI as a treatment option for mutism associated with FND
  • ||||||||||  A Case of Late Onset OCD After an Upper Respiratory Infection (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_801;    
    With the relative rarity of adult-onset OCD, further studies are warranted to determine the treatment and mechanism of pathology. Further neuroimaging research and characterization of this patient and others may help to elicit the answers towards the mechanism of pathology and the optimal medication and treatment regimen for late-onset OCD.
  • ||||||||||  memantine / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Neurocognitive Deficits Associated With Low Level Exposure to Solvents. a Case Report: Nail Salon Dementia (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_771;    
    For his memory deficits, he was initially started on Memantine 5 mg and then titrated to 10 mg...It has been hypothesized that this unique and often vulnerable population may have significant exposures to chemicals such as dibutyl phthalate (Park et al, 2021). In this poster, we hope to add to the much-needed discussion on occupational exposures via a case report on this patient.
  • ||||||||||  Clinical Complexities in Treating Schizophrenia and Movement Disorders (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_742;    
    Despite titration of medications, he remained severely disorganized, hallucinating and suicidal with a plan and intent despite multiple treatment trials including ziprasidone 40mg twice daily...The day of starting escitalopram 5mg daily for persisting depression, he was noted by staff to be non-verbal, extremely tremulous, restless, visibly diaphoretic and was found with hyperreflexia, with minimally-reactive mydriasis, upward Babinski sign bilaterally, and cogwheel rigidity...Treatment options for patients suffering from psychotic disorders who have comorbid PD is limited. While medications such as clozapine and quetiapine are well-tolerated and effective antipsychotic medications in these patients, the only FDA-approved treatment for psychotic symptoms in those suffering with PD is the atypical antipsychotic pimavenserin, which itself is difficult to access.
  • ||||||||||  quetiapine / Generic mfg., dextromethorphan / Generic mfg.
    Persistent "Ego Death" and Derealization Following Dextromethorphan Intoxication Treated With Quetiapine (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_616;    
    While medications such as clozapine and quetiapine are well-tolerated and effective antipsychotic medications in these patients, the only FDA-approved treatment for psychotic symptoms in those suffering with PD is the atypical antipsychotic pimavenserin, which itself is difficult to access. Description Background: Dextromethorphan is an NMDA receptor antagonist that is mechanistically similar to Phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine...He had a history of using approximately 722 -1140 mg of dextromethorphan at times of intoxications resulting in multiple ED visits with agitation, impulsive self-injury, hallucinations, dissociation, derealization, nihilistic delusions, and reporting "ego death.
  • ||||||||||  (Dis)Trust Your Gut: Serotonin and the GI Tract (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_569;    
    Current regimen of 100 mg desvenlafaxine and 10 mg aripiprazole daily...This spurred multiple subsequent research studies regarding the GI tract of animals and thus, humans, and the interplay between serotonin, gut health, and ipso facto mental health. Here we outline several of these subsequent papers that outline the multiple gut microbe strains that have purported relationships with serotonin, and discuss their strengths and shortcomings in an ultimate forecast of research to come in a growing field of the relationships between gut health and mental health.
  • ||||||||||  olanzapine / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Are Stable Patients With History of Depression at Increased Risk of Developing Psychosis After Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson (Hall B Foyer, Exhibition Level Moscone South) -  May 17, 2023 - Abstract #APA2023APA_496;    
    Younger age at the time of implantation was the main risk factor for developing psychosis.5 In our case report, it is reasonable to inquire whether performing DBS in a patient with history of depression without psychotic features may represent a risk factor for developing psychotic features. Further studies, especially randomized controlled trials with longer follow-up periods are needed to better precise the incidence of psychosis after DBS and its risk factors.
  • ||||||||||  simvastatin / Generic mfg., escitalopram / Generic mfg.
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date:  SIMCODE: Simvastatin add-on Treatment to Standard Antidepressant Therapy in Patients With Comorbid Obesity and Major Depression ( -  May 17, 2023   
    P2,  N=160, Recruiting, 
    Further studies, especially randomized controlled trials with longer follow-up periods are needed to better precise the incidence of psychosis after DBS and its risk factors. Trial completion date: Jun 2023 --> Feb 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Jun 2023 --> Feb 2025
  • ||||||||||  Review, Journal:  Pharmacological Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder: Current Practice and Future Directions. (Pubmed Central) -  May 15, 2023   
    Although many novel anxiolytics have progressed to clinical trials, translation from animal models has been mostly unsuccessful. However, the potential of several compounds including certain psychedelics, ketamine, oxytocin, and agents modulating the orexin, endocannabinoid, and immune systems merits further study.