ERY974 / Roche 
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 0 Diseases   1 Trial   1 Trial   21 News 
  • ||||||||||  ERY-974 / Roche
    Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Metastases:  A Phase I Study of ERY974 in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma ( -  Feb 15, 2024   
    P1,  N=179, Recruiting, 
    Trial completion date: Sep 2024 --> Dec 2025 | Trial primary completion date: Sep 2024 --> Dec 2025
  • ||||||||||  ERY-974 / Roche
    P1 data, Journal:  Determination of starting dose of the T cell-redirecting bispecific antibody ERY974 targeting glypican-3 in first-in-human clinical trial. (Pubmed Central) -  Jul 23, 2022   
    For the phase I clinical trial, we selected 3.0 ng/kg as a starting dose, which was lower than the first-in-human dose calculated from both the no observed adverse effect level and minimal anticipated biological effect level. Combining these two methods to determine the first-in-human dose of strong immune modulators such as T cell-redirecting antibodies would be a suitable approach from safety and efficacy perspectives.Clinical trial registration: JapicCTI-194805/NCT05022927.
  • ||||||||||  ERY-974 / Roche
    Trial completion, Trial completion date, Trial primary completion date, Metastases:  A Study of ERY974 in Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors ( -  Aug 22, 2019   
    P1,  N=29, Completed, 
    Furthermore, we describe some tips for de-risking the antibody when engineering a T cell redirecting antibody. Active, not recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Dec 2019 --> Aug 2019 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2019 --> Aug 2019
  • ||||||||||  ERY-974 / Roche
    Enrollment closed, Enrollment change, Metastases:  A Study of ERY974 in Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors ( -  Feb 6, 2019   
    P1,  N=29, Active, not recruiting, 
    Active, not recruiting --> Completed | Trial completion date: Dec 2019 --> Aug 2019 | Trial primary completion date: Dec 2019 --> Aug 2019 Suspended --> Active, not recruiting | N=125 --> 29
  • ||||||||||  ERY-974 / Roche
    Trial suspension, Metastases:  A Study of ERY974 in Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors ( -  Sep 5, 2018   
    P1,  N=125, Suspended, 
    Suspended --> Active, not recruiting | N=125 --> 29 Recruiting --> Suspended
  • ||||||||||  ERY-974 / Roche
    Enrollment open, Metastases:  A Study of ERY974 in Patient With Advanced Solid Tumors ( -  Sep 21, 2016   
    P1,  N=125, Recruiting, 
    Recruiting --> Suspended Not yet recruiting --> Recruiting